Here come another Tag. This time i grabbed the tag from the same groovy Indian Pundit.. The same one who made the God to hail Him.. This is called a Quiz. I have never faced such a funny quiz. But some questions (17, 19, 20) made me to think alot. Thinking which i never did after my college days!!
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4.

Brose nodded. 'Then what you want me to do sir?, Besides keeping a lid on it'
Its from Robert Ludlum's THE ALTMAN CODE.
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can & catch air?
Just my hair clip
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
4. Without looking, guess what time it is?
2.30 PM
5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
2.29 PM.. Oh My God. I almost made it! Hurray!!!
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
My own voice.. Humming a Ilayaraja's tune.. and My mind telling me "Your voice is cracking girl.You need to practice well!"
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Today morning. Went to my violin class in the morning and met a couple of old friends!
8.Before you started this Q&As, what did you look at?
The text message I received on my mobile!
9.What are you wearing?
Salwar khameez!!
10. When did you last laugh?
Laughed at myself, when I kept the milk cooker in stove and expecting it to let out the whistle. But when it didn't come, I found I didn't switch on the stove.
11. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
My mom's Photo (Happy moments can be cherished forever.. I want to remember only the wondrous instants)
12.Seen anything weird lately?
A dark figure moving moving inside my room last night when there was a power cut. It happened to me sister.
13.What do you think of this quiz?
Its letting out all my secrets
14.What is the last film you saw?
Angels and Demons (Expected alot after reading the novel.. But it turned out to be a disastrous one!)
15.If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?
I don't like spending money, instead I will give half the amount to people suffering from cancer and the rest to my dad!
16.Tell me something about you that I don't know!
Am talkative and also a voracious reader (novels only..will not go near my text books though)
17. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Want to stop the bribery! A thing that happened very recently. Shifting LPG connection from my old house to a new locality has to be done on request. But I had to pay Rs.2,500/- for getting that!! Huh!!
18. Do you like to Dance?
Not my kind of activity
19. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Girl child...err..hmmm... I want to call her Maya (Those who know my secrets will understand this one)
20. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call her?
Haan...I want to call him Aakash or Rohit!!
21. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Have to think about it!!
22.What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Oh finally you came!! Heaven lost the sweetness and beauty when you left to earth. Now the sweetness came back.
I am tagging this to everyone who is seeing this post and whomever wishes to write this tag.
Hope you all liked this one too like my other posts!
With Love,
Image Courtesy : GOOGLE Images
Nice and interesting one :) Especially liked "When did you last laugh? " and was moved by this question "If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?". All the best for that :)
Very different tag. I know the reason behind MAYA ;) but got scared about the weird thing :|
Unzipped almost al of ur secrets i think.. As a whole this is too nice.
thanks ram
lost almost all my secrets :P
Hey Shruti,
Great read.
Loved it.10, 12 was hilarious!!!!!
""""19. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Girl child...err..hmmm... I want to call her Maya """"
""""22.What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Oh finally you came!! Heaven lost the sweetness and beauty when you left to earth. Now the sweetness came back.""""
What will happen to this earth?????
Thanks for your kind words in the beginning.
wow..nice answers... Dont worry u will reach hell..no heaven for u...
maaya.... kaakha kaakha jyothika name..i know u like joe..but not this much...
better dont dance..i know what will happen... if u dance..
angels and demons was not so bad.. however once again like HP and Da vinci it was not a faithful reproduction of book...
""better dont dance..i know what will happen... if u dance..""
Shruti respond to that!!!!
@ IP
naah!! its not mayawati.. read shankar's reply for that :P
yeah,earth will miss it sweetness..what to do...God is der without the sweetness!
kind words?!
pleasure is mine :)
am i speaking about anything in public? I myself told you dancing won't suit me!!
though u damaged my image completely i won't tell IP or any other blogging mates that you r maintaining size zero and soon will vanish into the air..
i am telling you for sure that i won tell that matter to anyone :P
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Today morning. Went to my violin class in the morning and met a couple of old friends!
Oh wow...thats something I did not know...:D
i neva continued my time machine's!!
so wen i continu...u ll see those things!
Good answers.
A typical feminine reply for question 15; girls would express their mood to full extent, either it is love or sorrow. Now I could guess why your heart goes out for cancer patients, especially :) God will bestow thee enough wealth to accomplish your wishes.
13.What do you think of this quiz?
Its letting out all my secrets
I came to knw a lot more things about u , other than what i knew.
Unique way of introducing oneself.
Doesn't it sound like slum Dog Millionare, Each question revolving around a particular character.
Anways, this one was also good as usual.
Q&A:12=>i felt some thrill wen i read tat .pavam ur sister GAya...
Q&A:15=>u proved u have nice attitude to others who n suffer and need
Q&A:17=>says that u are gng to become ANNIYAN
Q&A:18=>understood yourself very well.;)
Q&A:19=>My fav Character in cinema.JOE .
Q&A:20=>why Aakash and Rohit in specfic? any reason?
very natural and honest answers. I liked it.
thanks..i told whatever i felt..
thanks for your wishes
yes alomost everyone knows my secret!!
even i thot the same...revolving about particular thing!!
no special reasons!!
just i like those names!
am glad that you liked it!
thank you!!
nice and great read :)
your answer of the Q. 11 was hear touching....
thanks for your comment!!!
great tag...i loved the questions and ur answers are hilarious :)
welcome to my blog!
thanks for your comment!
keep visiting!!
fabulous da..!err..maya!!:P:P...revealed al ur secrets!
thanks!! i know u ll get shocked by the name maya!! U are loving it too na?!
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