55 fiction is more or less a short story. These stories have characters, struggles and answer. These stories often have a wonderful turn towards the end! It has only 55 words or less than that(u start counting the words in my story)
I always wanted to write a Mini-fiction. So here is my 55 fiction!!
Topic: Odd Morning
She opened her eyes to the warm rays of Sun.
She had barely slept after returning from the railway station last night
Her man must be going in train for his sister's marriage.
Lazily, She switched on the TV,
Headlines: Train Derailed; All passengers dead.
She never got out of her bed again!
Hope you liked it!
This is my first attempt in writing a 55 fiction!! Do tell me your comments
P.S: Shilpa only commented and suggested me to Give a title
Image courtesy: GOOGLE Images
Hi Shruti
Hit or miss?? Hit of course!!!!
Good first attempt!!!
@ Indian Pundit
thank you so much!!
Thanks and more thanks.
i am so very glad that u liked my posts.
i am following u now too......
Check out my posts:
"The God's Masterpiece".....
i dedicate it to you.
Cheers and stay tuned.
hey IP am glad too that yopu are following my blogs!
thanks for that dedication!
Hey superb attempt yaar. A story with 55 words! still could not imagine how you could think like this. Great going.Keep it up )
keep posting many things lik this..its really fantastic!!
Hi Shruti
i dedicated that post to you because i guess u really liked my posts as soon as u read them.
i loved your comments.
Most importantly, you are the ONLY PERSON who agreed with me wholeheartedly!!!!
thank you so much da!!
hey really i loved ur posts the moment i read and those thoughts reflected in your comments section!!
Thanks for the dedication. Am honoured
I don have words to say. Its really fantabulous. U proved ur creativity. I wish u'd become a great writer.. keep goin.. This fiction is great great and GREAT.. My best wishes..
shurthi .. No words.. re to comment on this 55th fiction .
Good opening scene..
she thought tat she will miss her man for few days..
But she didn't thought for ever..
They know they can Never Live missing each other...
So he Carried her with him forever
dedicated to Symbol of true Luvs .
its 55fiction not 55th fiction
A Good attempt.
A suggestion: You should have a title for the story too!! :)
grabbing the tag means just write the tag after a nice link from where u got it.....then pass it on to others whom u feel deserving
Cheers....and girl i am sure u know how to hyperlink...u are a techie after all......haha
Step by Step guide:
1) First declare from where u got the tag.....give a hyperlink to that blog.
2) Write your ten points........
3)Then pass the tag to other bloggers.
Thats how tags are normally written!
Forgot to say Cheers in my last comment.
So Cheers.
hey thank you so much re!!
That's a good title, and it explains and gives more meaning to your 55 Fiction!!
Happy Blogging! :)
hey quite nice, short and sweet...
I like this and yo...m following u now, check next friday am also gonna attempt something...:D
Thanks that someone got Idea from my blog!
Hei! this fiction is a huge creativity packed into a small pill. Good writing. Keep it up!
thank you so much for your appreciation!
Nice creative post. I tried my bit of 55-fiction in my recent post. you can check. seems your followers started increasing. Good. All the best.
@ Bharathi
Thanks, Its through your blog,many are coming and seein my blog!
wow..I still havent got a clue about what 55 fictions are ......
good attmept though..I am yet to make my attempt..
Thank you!!
will teach you abt 55fiction :D
LOL. so how much royalty you gonna pay me? Jus kiddin.
Yours is a nice blog and I am sure it will get more popular.
thanks for telling my blog as a nice one. I feel lik am rewarded by you!
Hope t becomes popular
hey i loved it Shruthi...it was awesome....da!PERFECT epitome f true love!keep it up...
thank you so much!!
HI dear,
Great work da... your first post itself was awesome.. only few talented story writters end their stories with an irony...
But you ve created it in ur very first post..it shld be appreciated!
Keep it up! :)
thank you so much poorni
Not that good Shruti... It was more like reading newspaper ma...
Since this was ur first attempt, just pass for u!!!!!! :-)
Aiyaa..bala sir passed me in this 55F!!
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