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Sunday, November 8, 2009


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 4; the fourth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

The whole day I was thinking and re-thinking about the topic. Yes, believe me, I never thought of writing a post for blog-a-ton. But Blog-a-ton Marshall Vipul, Shankz, Avada Kedavra wanted me to give a try. I said yes! But what to write? Almost by 6.30pm I got a vague idea and started writing at 8pm. Now let me go on to the topic. It is a story. Tell me at the end whether it is realistic. Now off to the story (that's what I think)..

I heard voices around me when I tried opening my eyes. But the luminescence was more and that prevented me aaaa from opening my eyes. Someone touched my hands, my face, my toes. I guess it should be my mom. I want to see my mom. I tried my level best to open my eyes so that I can see my mom. The moment I opened my eyes there was cheers all around me and I saw the prettiest woman, my mom. We were discharged from hospital and we came to our place. People were speaking around me in different languages. I didn't understand that. I started crying demanding some privacy. Suddenly a wailing sound at a distance ceased my tearses. It was another baby girl just like me. Wow, am blessed to have a friend in such a short duration. We both saw each other, giggled and waved. It has been 3 long days since I was born and now I feel like sleeping. (Note : The other baby girl, like me, was the little daughter of our maid)

After 2 weeks : Name giving ceremony

It was a joyous occasion. All our relatives came, lifted and kissed me. My mom was the happiest person in that hall. Priests have come and I was wearing a silk dress. My parents lifted me from the cradle and muttered the name "Akshara" in my ears 3 times. Oh... So my name is Akshara. Suddenly I remembered my friend and saw her sleeping in her mothers lap, silently. I was wondering about her beauty, that was when I heard faint weeping sound. I turned around to see who was that and spotted our maid weeping and telling her daughter "I wish you were not born"

After 4 months:

Now I can recognize faces very well and heard people telling that I am a princess to my parents. I was lying in a cushion, dressed in a soft material that my aunt presented me. Wow, I loved the Mickey and Goofy in my dress. I saw our maid coming near me and remembered my friend. Her parents christened her as Jecentha. Lovable name for the lovable girl. I saw her lying alone in the floor in a torn saree bit, dressed in rags. My mom was feeding me mashed apples and Cerelac. Jecentha was screaming at the top of her lungs indicating her mom that she is hungry.

After one year:

My pamy-baby-girlrents threw a big party to all our friends and relatives for celebrating my birthday. I got so many gifts, dresses and soft toys. My tummy was full after having mashed potatoes, apples and Cerelac. Jecentha was happily eating the liquidated porridge, in the corner of the house. She was visibly happy after seeing the new dress she was wearing. She never knew that it was my old dress.

After two years:

I was engaging myself on the play-room (which had lots and lots of toys). From the window of my play-room I could see the kitchen where Jecentha would be sleeping/playing, at this hour. She was not allowed to enter my play-room. She beamed when her mom gave her two broken biscuits. She was contended playing with tumblers and spoons.

After 3 years:

I got admission in a premier school. My dad got me new books, pencils, snack-box, water bottle, bag, uniform, shoes and socks. A day before my reopening, my maid came crying, I went near her and asked "Aunty, what happened?". She was sobbing uncontrollably. My mom came and asked her the reason. Our maid replied that she fought with her husband. When my mom pestered her further for reasons, she told, she couldn't educate their younger daughter. Yes, Jecentha was their 4th daughter. Rest three were dropped outs. I never understood what she said. I asked her to bend down and I wiped her tears. She hugged me and left.

After 15 years:lige-child

I am having my board exams tomorrow. I was hovering on the fundamentals of Magnetism. Jecentha came with a glass of milk inside my room. She smiled warmly and gave me the milk. "What are you studying Akshara? Have this milk and read". I got it from her hand and said, "my exams are beginning tomorrow. Pray for me Jesse! You are my lucky charm". She smiled back and wished me good luck. Jecentha's mom refused to continue her studies when my dad offered sponsorship. Her mom told said, if Jesse studies, she can't find a suitable groom for her.

NOW (After 22 years):

Atlast we came to the present scenario. Yes people, am Akshara 22 years old. All these time you were reading about my life instances. There were some MISSES and many HITS in my life. Am working as a research scientist and planning to do my PhD in IISC or IIT. You may wonder about Jecentha. She is married and mom of 2! Her life was contrary to mine. She had some HITS and many, really too many MISSES.

You all may wonder where am heading to. What relation does this post have with the Blog-a-ton topic. Wait...

If I were a baby again, I would have shared all the pleasures I got in my life with Jecentha. I would have shared my food, my cushioned bed, Good-decent dresses, quality education to support herself and many more.. Wish I were a baby again.....

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

P.S : Thank You so much Vipul for permitting me even after 12 AM. Because of power-cut I couldn't submit my post on time. Kindly excuse and Thanks Shankar :)

With Love,


Image Courtesy : Google Images


Unknown said...

oh..that was really a nice story shruthi..very interesting... really good one..all the best..for blog a ton.. remember you vowed me to give the book if you win this blog-a-ton.... he..he..

Shruti said...

Really?!?!!? Heheeh :P
Thanks da :)
I will surely give u IF I WIN... But I doubt getting a single vote!

Mahesh Aadhya Kalal said...

Hey Shruti

Wow....quite touching, impressive and contemporary.....
I did like the comparisons which are quite pragmatic and moving....
You did question the unwritten gaps between haves and have nots.
Kids will born without clothes, but some will born with the clothes of poverty and others with clothes of riches.
Well written with flavors of creativity and originality....
I do appreciate it for fabricating the social issue in an apt manner... I liked the essence of evolutionary narration.
Great effort :)
and I want more such issues from you which can impact others thinking and approaches...

I will consider this for voting :)

cheers :)

Shruti said...

Again u made me speechless with your comment! I don't know whether This was creative. But I wrote somethings which happens! Great to hear that u understood the reality in this :)
Thanks Mahi!

""I will consider this for voting""
Really?!?!?!? WOW!!! Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

did somebody say that he/she is out of ideas??

Chatterbox said...

Excellent post!!
You've been very impressive in describing what all happens in the life of a baby from his perspective.

I guess we all must have felt exactly the way you've described when we were too young to blog or even read or write for that matter.

Good luck with the contest.


Haddock said...

Well written.
I would have shared all the pleasures I got in my life with Jecentha........thats the jist of the whole thing. If only all decides to do that, this world would have been a wonderful place to live.

Yellow Tulip said...

there is somethin for u:) collect it dear

gils said...

scene post!! unga peru aksharava sruthia? ila akshara sruthia?? i loved the comparisin with jessy...very warm post..ithuku rendu kalla vote naalu kulla vote..elaam poda ready...ballot box engannu konjam solunga

gils said...

very moving post...its so moving..desktop vitu velila podichu unga postuna pathukungalaen!!!

Neha said...

innovative ideas come naturally to u...what a story girl...really nice...flawless...good u wrote it..I am thankful to those who made u write it...good luck dear :)

Nανєєη said...

reading your post .. even i wish u were a baby again !!

Miss_Nobody said...

That was just awesome-has to be the best I have read so far-I really loved it,so touching!Thats a very noble wish you have.Good writing!

Prashansa said...

This is the nice post Shruti! You have written the vast difference in situation so nicely! I did not participated this time as I did not get any Idea what to write!! I am visiting you first of all blog a ton entries and you gave me such a pleasure... All the best for a Blog-a-ton!

Guria said...

Really Shruti, what made you think you won't write for Blog-a-Ton... Very well written,! I especially like how you put things in perspective with time frames! All the best, girlie! :~))

Pushpz said...

lovely post....and very sensitive too..wish we all could be baby again to change the world....alas!..

liked it!!

MADHU RAO | (INDImag.COM) said...

Glad I stopped by, I thought you did not write this time :-) .

A very nice story. Loved the juxtaposition of the lives of the two girls. Wish Jesse's was allowed to study.., but such is our society..

All the best !

Bharathi said...

Different presentation. Good work at last minute. By the way, are you sure if the name is Akshara. I thought it would be Lambi :D

Sai Manohar said...

WOw.. Thats was really touching..

Raji U said...

Hey shruthi, nice and touching.. Good one. I like the way sexpressions were given.. keep it up
all the best

Harsha Chittar said...

really nice post, loved reading it. very well written, glad you decided to take part :)

Amit Kumar Singh said...

So vivid, real and touching narration shruti..
Loved it so much...:)
The last lines of the post were mesmerizing... :)
Best of luck Shruti...:)

Sathish Chandrasekaran (சதீà®·் சந்திரசேகரன்) said...

So you still like the idea of changing ur past ,hmmm....
Liked the way u brought up this topic pa :)
Nice work :)

keep blogging


Alovely story a very good read.


Unknown said...

gr8 attempt da!keep going!!

pRiYaN...! said...

classic writing ....with all the expressions ,thoughts and words you prove to be a excellent blogger !!
cheers !!

Shruti said...

Thank u so much for ur wishes :)
Being child is fun for those who enjoyed it! Not with everyone!

Shruti said...

Welcome to my blog :)
Yes, if everyone becomes like that earth would've been a heaven :)

Keep Visiting!

Shruti said...

@Yellow tulip
Am a fictionist eh?? Thanks a bunch for all the awards!!!

Shruti said...

Dheivame!! Dhankz...
my name :O
y this doubt? Am shruti...Akshara is the imaginary character!!
Neenga blog-a-ton member ah irundha dan vote pana mudiyum!
Am really happy that u liked this :)

Shruti said...

Aiyayo...ponga, poi pidichu monitor kulla veinga...ipdi move pana vitutengale! :P :D

Shruti said...

Thanks a lot girl!
All those good words really made me happy :)

Shruti said...

Hey, the best comment i've got so far!

Shruti said...

@Miss nobody
Your comment meant so much to me! Thanks sweety!

Shruti said...

Seriously i was wondering why u didn't write! Missed u in blog-a-ton pra!
U started with mine? U can find lots of wonderful posts here :)
Thank u!

Shruti said...

The reason- I told you!
Thanks for ur wishes :)

Shruti said...

Welcome to my blog :)
The issue is sensitive, I accept!
Thanks :)

Shruti said...

Seriously I was out of Ideas. I never thought of writing! But everyone wanted me to give a try! And i wrote this!

Shruti said...

I was the last one to submit! Even I am glad that u stopped by!!

Yes, our society is still the same in many of such happenings! The relief for all these?? will the society change? Lets wait and watch!!

Shruti said...

Thanks a lot bharathi :)
Lambi or akshara!! good question...Akshara is lambi's creation! :P :D

Anonymous said...


Shruti said...

Thanks a lot re :)

Shruti said...

Thanks a lot girl!!
Sexpressions??? :P :D

Shruti said...

Thanks a lot harsha and i posted this in the last minute!! :P

Shruti said...

Wow, great comment!!
Thanks pal :)
All the best to u too :)

Shruti said...

Wish I could change the past :)
Its always too good if things happen so! But....
Thanks pal!

Shruti said...

THanks lady!

Shruti said...

Welcome back di :)

Shruti said...

OOOH!! Thanks :)
Am happy :)

Shruti said...

I thought nobody would notice! :P

Vipul Grover said...

Hey lambi, really luvd the beginning where u hav describd how the child feels just upon taking birth..
A nice narration throughout the story nd indeed a nice one.. C our constant pushing brought out this post finally :)

Shruti said...

Hey vipsy, thanks for commenting again :)
But Somehow u made me write..Marshall, I didn't copy :P

Aneet said...

"Wish I could have taken up this controversial part! I like it... Nature loves symmetry, so good and bad are equally present!
So when we like being a baby for all the pranks, innocence, unbound love, You hate it for some reasons!
Asinine?? U?!?! No way Aneet!
All the best :)"

OK.... Now I am bad???? Yin and Yang, black and white, starsky and hutch.... :P

Shruti said...

Welcome to my blog :)
I never said u were bad! :O
Hey always u take up things in the opposite way eh?!

When everyone wrote positives, you wrote the other way.. And now, I was about to say U AREN'T INANE.. U WERE BRILLIANT!

Aneet said...

Yeah yeah yeah! Thats ok! I happen to have the habit of either going off on complete tangents or put on an "in your face" attitude.

No offense!!!!

It's just how I display my disaffection. It's like what Dylan Moran said:

"I don't know you are there and even if I did, I would ignore you"


"I have people flown in from other galaxies just to scratch my back"

See... Tangent! Absolute hyperbolic overkill!

Anonymous said...

I was really touched after reading your post...Really, very beautifully written :-)

Anonymous said...

Gr8 thought Shruti!!

Really wondering how you get such thoughts to pen here in the blog. I believe that it's cming very naturally to you, as you are born writer...

All through the post, you were comparing the two girls... I guessed the end of that poor girl.. But not the thought of Akshara why she thinks that she has to go back to the times of baby again...

Sharing... noblest thing in this world... If this happens everywhere, no poor people will be sighted anywhere... but we ppl always want something more and more, not sparing a second thought to share some of the things we have with ones who are not priveleged to get a bit of it...

Very gud post... Wish you will win this competition...

Narendra said...

firstly i have this thing for cute babies.and the post is full of i instantly like it..what is written along with those images is also cute and nice...

all the best..

Anonymous said...

Wow girl!! I am astounded! seriously (sorry for the late reply. I read it on the day you had submitted but commenting late). It was TOOO good. I can say this is one of your best. Send it to blogadda. Btw is it a real story or fiction? I really liked the way you have narrated it. I am sure you will get the book ;)

lostworld said...

That is such a superduper post. One of your best me thinks. Good luck for blog-a-ton. Hope you 'Hit' that one ;-)

Oh pls read my new post!!!

Karthik Kotresh said...

Wonderful story and beautifully narrated. I was hooked after reading the first line. There was such a nice flow of words.
All the best!

Anonymous said...

This was very worthy last minute entry I must say :D... You have narrated excellently lives of two girls born on same day but different circumstances.... One of my teachers had told me a similar story and said that sometimes you crib about not getting good grades but the fact you are attending this school is a privilege many cannot afford so value it.... Your story reminded me of that lesson...

gils said...

//Neenga blog-a-ton member ah irundha dan vote pana mudiyum!//

oh..appo ninaithaalay inikum padathula varaa mathiri potia kadathidalam..entha roomnu solunga :)

gils said...

ungaluku embutu aadience!!! i the total J :D

Chetan Maheshwari said...

nice one shruti with a perfect message for today's people

as this happens around everybody

gils said...

neenga workinga? ila waiting for placementsa? epo publish panveenag generala commentslaam?? day timea nighta?

Rajlakshmi said...

very lovely and touching post... a child's mind is always without any boundaries... they would share anything with their friends ... loved how you have handled the different scenes :)

Shruti said...

""I happen to have the habit of either going off on complete tangents""
Why being a tangent?!
Be a Secant, touch both sides of the curve, that means, understand others views!
What say!?

Gomathy S said...

Nice way of comparing two lives Shruthi.. Good job !

Shruti said...

Hi, welcome to my blog :)
Thanks a lot for your encouraging words!

Shruti said...

Hey Bala, thanks a lot! Yes, I think, the thoughts of Akshara is unpredictable :)

Thanks a ton for your wishes bala :)

Shruti said...

AM really glad that you like it!!
Thanks, wishes for you too :)

Shruti said...

I never knew you read this post! Seriously, am happy that you like this post!
This is just a fiction, somewhere it can be someone's real too!!

Shruti said...

@Lost world
Super-duper eh?! Thanks sweety!!
Thanks a lot..Even I hope of getting s single vote :)

Shruti said...

Hey welcome back :)
Hooked?! That's sooo good to hear! Thanks Pal!

Shruti said...

You think it to be a decent last entry?! Thanks :D :P
Yeah, its a true bliss that we have all these pleasures!
I took out the best and worst circumstances and compared them..

Thanks Dhiman

Shruti said...

Ada paavingala...yepdilam plan podranungaya!

Shruti said...

Seriously glad that so many like my writing/scribbling!

Shruti said...

Thanks Buddy!
All the best :)

Shruti said...

Nan DOJ ku wait panitu irukken sir... Place aayachu :)
Usual ah comment vandha udane publish was held up with some works...Both in kitchen and outside..Thatsy publishing late..
Sorry for the inconvenience(If anything caused to you!)

Shruti said...

Thanks girl, seriously am happy that you understood the basic concept of this post
""a child's mind is always without any boundaries... they would share anything with their friends ""
This is the idea behind this post!

Shruti said...

Thanks girl!

gils said...

inconvieniencea!!! unga hit counter parunga..iniki egirukum :D avlo thadava came to chk :)...nanum ithey topicla postiruken..checkitu tellunga :)

Shruti said...

Am sorrynga...vela irundhadhala system kitta varala pa!! check panren unga post ah!!

gils said...

nanri hai :)

Shruti said...

Welcome Hun :P

Anonymous said...

That was a really good story! Well done! It's interesting how different experiences and more importantly opportunities can make us totally different people. Good luck!

Neeraj Shinde said...

Hey Akshara, I am adding you to the list of most elligible candidates for voting. There are a couple of them more I have thought of! Wonderful post. Although, only the last line brings the flow back on track!

Shruti said...

Thank you so much!

Shruti said...

Hi Welcome to my blog!!
Btw, Am SHRUTI and not AKSHARA!
Akshara is the character in that fiction!
Thanks alot for considering my post :)

Shruti said...

Thanks :)
Really? I was the last one to post it! So no wonder :P

Musings of a lonely traveler said...

Shruti! a total novel approach...if only our clocks are re-adjusted, we would have corrected many errs and would have rearrayed all the messes in our lives. Needless to explain, half-way through the article, I found a little Shruti inside Akshara...You're amazing with your thoughts...:)

Shruti said...

You found a lil shruti inside that fictitious character eh!? that was my intention too! But, chances are very feeble!!
Thanks a lot anna and welcome back :)

Shilpa Garg said...

Hey! My comment is not published, but you have responded to it!! :D

Shruti said...

The reason is, my blogger dashboard is acting weirdly! If i select a single comment and click publish, its rejected!

Thanks for the comment Shilpa!

Neeraj Shinde said...

Oops, Shruti. .. I am sorry! I was just drowned into your post! I forgot that the author is Shruti and not Akshara! :D

Shruti said...

U drowned into my post?! Glad that u are safe on the Shore (Chuck it, a PJ)
Now cleared? Author is Shruti!

HaRy!! said...

he he...luvd the bit of 4 months later...! realy mudichicha? outta bloggerville for a long time!

Shruti said...

Nope voting not over yet!! Nov 12th results :)
No probs! Seriously thanks for coming back and reading my post!

chandrasegar said...

2 sides of a coin of human form. well said

Shruti said...

Welcome to my blog!
Thanks sir :)

Prashant Mehta said...

Wow! that's a different story. Sometimes we are so busy in our lives that we don't bother about other lesser privileged children. Nice thought!

[ However, you can still help such children. I won't advertise anything here - but if you want to help under privileged, drop me a line. Sorry to go off the topic]

Shruti said...

Welcome to my blog and thanks a lot!

aativas said...

Yes, helping Jecentha would be really a great motivation to become a baby again.. I liked it.

Shruti said...

Thanks a ton :)

Shruti said...

Thanks a lot for ur support!

The Aspirant said...

It's really touchy nd overwhelming.......u r really a good presentor of ur views, of ur views vich if adopted by our society can make it a much better place to live in........

Shruti said...

Is it so?
Thank u!

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