It has been a long time since I wrote a 55Fiction. So I thought of writing one now. Understand what is 55Fiction!? 55 Fiction is a form of micro fiction that refers to the works of fiction limited to a maximum of fifty-five words.Most 55 Fiction works are dramatized so as to get the effect in limited time. Come, lets get into the action!

It wasn't a good day. The kid had fever,maid didn't come, MIL is coming home. Her bones ached. It was treacherous. She wondered why she had agreed to do this job and felt rage flaring up inside. She quickly hid it with a faint half smile.
"Perfect, Madame Lisa hold that smile" said DaVinci.
P.S : Mona Lisa (also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde) is a 16th century portrait Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo. It is perhaps the most famous and iconic painting in the world. painted in oil on a poplar panel by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. The work is owned by the Government of France and is on the wall in the Louvre in Paris, France with the title
With Love,
Image Courtesy : Google Images
I just smiled up...
I dont know its ...faint half or ..some thing else....:)
Keep it up!
Oh wow!! Is it true??
No, I guess, this is your creativity!! Damn cool!! :)
Haha.. Surprise ending !!!! :-) So we now know how Da Vinci got her to pose.. LOL.
Woww..good one this was....!! :)
oi... That was too cool;) Unnala mattum than mudiyam da...
yippeeee i saw the dead beauty with my own eyes ...! truly onum perusa difference ila...ana seeing the masterpiece it self gave me goosebumps!
Just impressed at your imagination :)
mona lisa was Leonardo da vinci's master piece and i hope this 23rd story 'One fine day' is your master piece !! cheers continue your great work !
lol! :)
the mona lisa smile aye?
creative.. :) :) wonderful shruti :)
Innovative thinking!
PS: Some say, it was Da Vinci himself... in drag.
That was nice :)
hats off to ur imagination :)
that was new .. as usual :)
What an imagination girl :) hehe.. that was something totallyyyy different. Liked it as usual :)
nice twist in the end :) really interesting
lol.. lambi taking lambi strides :p
A fine piece of writing. I love your 55 words,
Ha! First couple of times I read it and didn't understand it!!! Third time I actually got it.. and it's great!!! What an imagination! :)
Pretty different from some of ur 55 fiction. I liked it very much. keep trying this way
You were there?? :O
Great!! :)
Jokes apart, Lamb-y, sorry Your Highness, I love your 55-ers, no wonder you are the reigning queen! ;) :)
Ingenious!You are so good at this!
Thank u :)
Hey, thanks
Now those people are nt here, or else we will b behind the bars :P
My masterpiece eh?!
Thank u!!
This is no original...My scribblings :P
Thank u!
Such is the power of their paintings! They may give the best feeling when we witness them really!
Ehhh!! Thanks da :)
Yours must be full...Lisa gave her faint smile :P
Really?!??! I never knew that scoop
Naah!! Try somemore :)
Thank u!
Welcome back!!
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
Ahem ahem
U understood it the third time only!?!? Poor me!
Thank u!
Thank u!
Thanks lady :)
Sure :-)
Reigning queen eh?! Hehehe :D Thankyou sweety!
Thanks re :)
monalisa is arguably the ugliest figure who's become so famous.. yeww.. europeans are tasteless.. americans too..
Innovative, original and fresh....
simply fantabulous.....
Keep exploring the wells of creativity on the other side of the horizons...
Check out all the boundaries, limits, parameters and standards of writing....
Create new genres.....
just the best 55 fiction by you.........hw can u be so creative, dats really a great imagination.....just awesum......
I always wait for your comment which clearly distinguishes all others :P
Sure :-)
Thanks for the 'ever encouraging' nice words!
Hehehe :D
Thank u!
Oh that's the reason she was withering that half-smile...Hei! I remember reading somewhere that Mona Lisa is the portrait of Da Vinci himself...Who cares for that anyway...good and innovative post Shruti :)
Even I read it somewhere anna!
Thank you!
wowowoow wat a masterpiece way of thinking abt a masterpiece work.
Thank u!
Congrats for making the AG finals!
Fingers Crossed
wow!! it was reallllyyyyyyy nice and awesome!! though i don't know who MIL is... :'(
That is a wonderful 55 fiction Shruti! I have such days so many times but there is no Da Vinchi to paint my portrate!! :-)
You have been nominated for The best 55 er...Congrats!!! and best of luck!!
Ha never thought of this! But makes a lot of sense :)
Absolutely brilliant!!!
LOL .. this one is awesome! My vote is for u :D
Good... but not so good... Not up to ur mark DUDETTE!!!
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