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Saturday, February 6, 2010

What If...

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 7; the seventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

It was the last day of their college life. Shraddha was sitting in the lawn waiting for her friends. A sudden gush of wind made her dhupatta fall from its destined location. She cautiously took it from the grass and adjusted it again. It was then she saw Krishna waiting in the corner of the lawn. She was damn sure that he was looking at her. All these years, She had noticed him as the serenest guy in the entire class. But he never spoke with Shraddha. Shraddha decided to tell him a Hi on their last day.

When he saw Shraddha coming near him, he stood up and turned the other side for adjusting his shirt and face. The light perspiration on his forehead was the indication of his tension. He heard Shraddha's voice calling him. He turned and saw her face closely within a few steps. This was the most breathtaking scene he had ever witnessed. She said, "Hi Krishna. Its the first time we are speaking though we are classmates. Strange and weird na?". He acknowledged her by just nodding his head. The moment she was about to continue, Krishna continued, "Wait Shraddha, let me open up! I wanted to tell this for many days. But I didn't have the guts! But know what? I love you. I love you so much. Am loving you from the first day I saw you. I even know that you love Ajay. But he is not a good guy". Shraddha was burning with rage and she continued, "Stop it Krishna! You don't have the rights to speak about Ajay! He is my Ajay forever. Now get the hell out of here and go away! Wait, don't try to woo me!"

After 4 years, Krishna saw Shraddha on the 3rd floor of the mall in the same white salwar he saw on the last day. He entered the lift and told "3rd floor". When the lift's door opened, he saw Shraddha waiting for the same. He went near her and called out her name. She turned around and almost tripped on hearing her name uttered by some guy. Before Krishna could speak up Shraddha's sight was blocked by her own tears. They both went to a coffee shop on the same floor. It was Krishna who spoke first. "So Shraddha! How is life? By the way, where is Ajay?". She looked at him questioningly and said, "I don't know anything about that bloody @#$%^&! You were right that day! I shouldn't have listened to him.. But you know? I loved him so much and it was the love that shrouded me and prevented me from hearing out to you, even to the love you expressed on the last day."

She narrated the entire incident that happened after the last day. "We both loved each other so much! Like crazy people do, we went out for long drives, Continuous chatting and movies.. It was till Ajay's dad introduced him to Maya, the only daughter of an Industrialist. From that day, the time he spent with me is less than what he spent with Maya. Many of my friends told about these things. But I believed him completely till the day I saw him with Maya. That too...that too when they both were k....". Shraddha wiped her tears with the tissue Krishna offered. By then, she regained her composure and continued, "I went near Ajay and slapped him right there before Maya's eyes and came back! Later, that evening Ajay came to my house. At first I thought he came to pacify me. But he came there to invite me for his engagement with Maya. He also told the love he had on me was a time pass."

what if

Krishna consoled her and asked about her life. She replied about the job she is doing. When he asked about her marriage or any proposals, Shraddha didn't answer. But She didn't fail to notice the spark in his eyes! She herself gave an explanation to the spark, 'May be the love he has on me or the inquisitiveness to know about the other guy?'. She plainly said, "There is no space for any other guy in my life again!". Krishna understood her stress and assured her that he will be his best friend forever! Shraddha thought, "What if I had met Krishna before Ajay" and wiped her tears. They left the coffee shop, each having different thoughts and so many What If's clouding their mind.


"What if the producer didn't accept this script? What if I didn't get SRK and Kat's dates?", Sighed the new director who reviewed his script for the umpteenth time.

P.S : This is completely my take on the topic. Comments having abusive language will NOT be accepted.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

With Love,


Image Courtesy : Google Images


Karthikeyan S said...

As u Wished.. MOKKA DOG.. :P

Shruti said...

Thank u Your highness :P

Karthikeyan S said...

Hey Loosu.. Other two Characters?? May Be What i suggested? :))

RamNarayanS said...

What If's - Crossroads everywhere and the roads not taken. It is a dive sometimes into nothingness. :|

// Abusive comments will NOT be moderated.

will NOT be tolerated, I presume. Otherwise, anybody could post foul language and hope it will be here. :)

Rocksa said...

Nice attempt Shruti..Absurdity of relationships nicely portrayed!

Why don't you give your dates to the director instead of Kat? ;) Make some moolah out of script and acting simultaneously? Hehe ;)

Best of luck with BATOM dear!

Siddhesh Kabe said...

he he he....
i was sad on reading the story...but the twist of director was nice...:P

Sureindran said...

lol, i m sure the producer will accept this script!

Chetan Maheshwari said...

what an ending!!

shraddha was wearing the same suit after 4 yrs!!don't mind..just a

Meenakshi said...

hehehe.. bollywood script..

in real life, when they would have met after all these years, that girl would have been holding someone else's hand..ajay and his cheating would have been long ago forgotten and Krishna would have come to pick up his fiancee from the mall..

What if Krishna listens to Shraddha's story and laughs at her face saying -dumb gals who don't pay attention to what well wishers say have no real right to cry over spilt milk.. :)

Pushpz said...

Nice story, the flow is good and the end is surprising! thumbs up!!!

HaRy!! said...

Epo writing for cinema then?

Samadrita said...

Hehe the ending sentence completely alters the mood of the story.Nice one :)

Vinay Sharma said...

loved ur What If ..

.. read a couple of others' too .. so what's this .. some competition?

Bharathi said...

now a days, stories dont interest me. especially love stories. may be because I am getting old. However I read your full story. nice narration. at the end I thought Krishna would have been married and the chance of marriage would have shut for saradha.

But you girls always want boys behind them :-)

Neha said...

a twist in the tale...hmmm..nice one..good luck for BAT 7 :)

Anonymous said...

SRK & Kat pairing doesn't go well...moreover Sallu will never allow that ;) Akki or Ranbir would fit the bill very nice.... BTW who would be Maya? nice take on "What If"

Shilpa Garg said...

Kahani filmi hai, mere dost!! :D
Good luck for BAT-7!

Makk said...

what if you win this time?


Karthik Kotresh said...

Aha! Bollywood! Too good, Shruti.
The characters have been portrayed really well. And the last para! Damn, that was awesome.
All the best for batom! :)

Just Another Life said...

haha! so innocent...

Megha said...

I like it, it had all, love, drama & deceit. What I didnt like is that when Krishna talks to her the first time, he directly proposes to her, lttl difficult to swallow. It can't be that fast.
But what I like is the end. Like Bharati said -But you girls always want boys behind them :-)


MADHU RAO | (INDImag.COM) said...

Wow Shruti, the last para was unexpected. I did not even see it till I saw Raksha commenting on Kat and went back to read again. Nice twist -- anti climax of sorts. Good one :-)

IIM ka Sarkari Babu said...

:) Neat!

harsha said...

Hi Shruthi
Sorry for the late visit. I like the idea behind the story, I feel you could have made it a little longer, but all said it was a nice read. Do keep writing :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha..Liked the story very much. But the unexpected ending cracked me up..
Good one Sruthi..Good luck to u!

swayambhu said...

I know of 2 friends who never spoke to each other even though they were batchmates in school...because they both liked each other! ;-)

The West Wind said...

Haha.. good one.. the twist totally gave me a smile. Best of luck.. Enjoyed it to the core.

kanagu said...

An expected ending Shruti... but loved the narration :) :)

Anonymous said...

Awww! Really sweet romantic story!
I loved it! :)
Though i wish Shraddha and Krishna had ended up together... :(

Vipul Grover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vipul Grover said...

Dont wrry u hav my dates.. hav always dreamt of wrking in a flop movie :p

Shruti said...

Definitely if u wrk, it ll b flop! Grrr...

Vipul Grover said...

Movies r hit due to actors and flop due to weak scipts :p

Shruti said...

That cant happen here. Cos, u r the one who break rules :P

Vipul Grover said...

Being the MARSHAL, I MAKE rules, not break them :p

Shruti said...

One who makes the rules are the one who breaks it!! U r no exception :)

Vipul Grover said...

Thts ur narrow viewpoint.. U cant c evryone thru the same prism.. Tht's a basic tenet of Empathic Libertarianism :p

Shruti said...

Now u are boasting yourself?! R u empathizing? I don feel so!

Vipul Grover said...

Naah, I can only sympathise here and not empathise :p

Anonymous said...

Hey girlieeee..I am back to the blogosphere. Missed your posts so much :) This was great. Just loved the twist at the end !!! haha :) All the best for BAT7 :)

gils said...

srk n kat!!! konjam too much of a combo

Anonymous said...

The movie may not be a hit ..
:~)But the story was gooood!

Mahesh Aadhya Kalal said...

I read your post.... couldnt comment due to mozilla error...
anyways nice post...thoda hatke.
Liked the twist in the end . :)
well scripted.. :)

Balcony ... 50 ka 200 .... 50 ka 200 :)

Shruti said...

Yes!! Thats what am telling too!! If u had empathized the producer, you would not have offered ur dates!! Now u can just sympathize! Pity the producer :P

Vipul Grover said...

wn the stupid producer has chosen sch a scriptwriter, i think he doesnt deserve to b sympathised too :p

Shruti said...

Even for the stupid scriptwriter and stupid producer u have offered dates!! Wat can I say for this?? U r more stupid than us!!

Vipul Grover said...

Its the big heart of this marshal tht i agreed.. see how mean u cn get :|

Shruti said...

If I call u stupid, U r calling me mean!! This is the heart of this big marshal!

Shruti said...

Other two characters will be informed during the Film's release :P

Shruti said...

Correct. Many times we reach that nothingness..
But I can tolerate Abusive language. But I don't want them to be in my blog/comment section.

Shruti said...

:P :P
Even I thought of acting. But didn't want 2 make the producer run for his money!!

All the best to u too :)

Shruti said...

Siddhu, u have a weak heart :P

Shruti said...

Welcome to H&M!
Then the script-writer would have been damn happy!

Shruti said...

Yeah the same chudi! That's how a bollywood Romantic flick will portray!

Shruti said...

Hi meenakshi. Welcome to H&M!
Reel life and real life won't sync!

Shruti said...

Thank you poetess :)

Shruti said...

Ne eppo producer aare nu sollu, udane, I will start weaving!

Shruti said...

Thank you babes :D

Vinay Leo R. said...

what if.. indeed a thought provoking question..
if she had met krishna first.. maybe she might have fallen in love with the right person.. or maybe not. her heart might still have seen the fake love of ajay..

lovely write dear shruti. feels nice to be back here after a while! :)

Shruti said...

Yeah Its a blogger marathon! If you like to participate see ths

Shruti said...

you girls always want boys behind them
:P Atleast in the story let them come behind :P

Shruti said...

Ty nehatrix :)

Shruti said...

Yes!! Ranbir n Kat is cute onscreen.. After seein Ajab prem ki Ghazab kahani, i came to this decision!! Never mind abt sallu.. Let us giv him a special appearance :P
Maya's character ll b Piggy Chops :P

Shruti said...

:P :D
Ty Shilpa :)

Shruti said...

LOL ;)

Shruti said...

Hey these words coming from such a brilliant author is a great thing!! Thank u so much!

Shruti said...

Thank u :)

Shruti said...

Its a bollywood script and anything can happen..such is krishna's proposal :P
U like what bharathi said? Even I liked it :P Girls like it :P

Shruti said...

Raksha was the eye opener for many I gues :P :P
Thanks Madhu Ji :)

Shruti said...

IIM ka Sarkari Babu
Welcome to H&M :)
Thank u!

Shruti said...

Hey, Yes it could have been longer. But I wanted it to be short and crisp :)
Thank you!

Shruti said...

>>Dil On the Rocks
Thank you thank you!

Shruti said...

Practically this is what is happening!

Shruti said...

Thank u girlie :)

Shruti said...

Which ending u r mentioning here?! O_O

Shruti said...

Hi, welcome to H&M!
Thank u! But The story would be a predictable one if they were together @the end :P

Shruti said...

Thanks a ton girlie :)

Shruti said...

Yenna seiyarthu! Yenoda dates ketanga.. nan muduyathu nu soliten... so Kat romba kenjinathala we roped in her :P

Shruti said...

Thanks for such a honest comment!

Shruti said...

Lol Lol :P :P
Rotfl... Balcony ticket just 50?? Come to chennai! Starting price @ 120 :P

Unknown said...

Climax twist.. I think only u can give this kinda twist Shruti!!

Same chudi after 4 years… so filmy… but it’s a script of a director right… so u passed…

Gud post u have written jus with a couple of words… really gr8…

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