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Thursday, October 15, 2009

55 Fiction - #18

Hi :)
Understand what is 55Fiction!? 55 Fiction is a form of micro fiction that refers to the works of fiction limited to a maximum of fifty-five words.Most 55 Fiction works are dramatized so as to get the effect in limited time.



The cops arrive on the scene.Homicide2-2
"Looks like murder. He's been shot in the chest.", they say.
His wife seems to be in shock. Their little daughter is sobbing.
"Do you suspect anyone, ma'am?" they ask the wife.
She looks at them sadly. "The gun's in the cupboard. He was trying to molest my daughter"

How is this? Liked it? Drop a comment, let me know what you feel After reading this!

With Love,


Image Courtesy : Google Images


Guria said...

I did not like it...
I LOVED it. Truly Exceptional! :)

Shruti said...

Thanks a ton sreya!

Anonymous said...

Too good.. another awesome 55 fiction..same here.. did not like it.. but LOVED it :)

Chatterbox said...

Excellent work Shruti!!


A very sobering thought to this story......all to apparent in the world today. To achieve the message in 55 words is remarkable well done.

Vishnu said...

it was great.. awaiting a post on this topic..

Vipul Grover said...

Hey, Shrutuuuuu.. I'll b very blunt here(as um alwez ;).. wn evry one starts taking up the same issue one aftr the othr, it kinda bcums dragging.. nd thts wat happend wn i read this aftr having read Shilpa, Sid, Rahul and couple of othrs in last few days. Mayb bcoz i cud see no new dimension being added to this issue. (In Blog-a-Ton, we do the same thing but mayb format is sch tht it adds fun to it)..
However, the story is well written as alwez.. Keep thm cuming :)

Mahesh Aadhya Kalal said...

Very well written, .... It is practical, responsive, responsible, relevant, revolutionary ,radical, instinctual, straight and it do sends a warning

I wrote my opinions on the same topic in my blog with anger and anguish. I read few posts on the same topic on my friend's blogs too. But your words had reflected my anger in 55 words.

I do really appreciate your approach and stand towards the social issues and concerns..... Keep exploring the social arena in all aspects.
Great effort buddy.

Pramoda Meduri said...

hey shruti,

well done..:)

Neha said...

amazing...again very different...from whr do u get so many different ideas gal?

Unknown said...

a good 55 shruthi... nice one...

Madman said...

you are becoming really society conscious these days giving a lot of messages to the public good one.

Shruti said...

hey thanks a lot girlie! Nice to know that you LOVED this!

Shruti said...

Thank you!

Shruti said...

To be frank i tried really hard to phrase this one!

Shruti said...

Hey, idhula post ah! :O :O
Will try yaar!!

Anonymous said...

That was very well written Shruti :)

Shruti said...

Hey, thought about it but i felt like writing this! Thanks a ton vipsy!

Shruti said...

Hey thanks a lot buddy! I tried to force the meaning and anger in 55words and I think I've done justice to whatever i wrote!Thanks mahesh!

Shruti said...

Thank you sweety!

Shruti said...

Hey when i see a daily I read something related to these social issues! I try writing them as 55F or a story or some blunt things!
That's it!

Shruti said...

Thanks ;)

Shruti said...

Hey, giving messages in a way where it can reach people is gud na? That too, these issues are tuff 4 me to write!

Shruti said...


Naina said...

It could be someone's reality who knows...

strong write there girl.. way to go!


Raji U said...

Some things we dare to write and you give them just in 55 words.. A good, clean and touching one..

Nikhil Menon said...

what can I say??Omg...ur brilliant shruti.. :D lemme close down the gap before a few flies cave in.. :P

Wonderful.. :)


Amit Kumar Singh said...

Great one.. :)
Very Nicely written..
Keep writing such Societal post...
Our little contribution would create a big difference.. :)


Shruti said...

hey welcome back after a long time!!
Thanks yaar!

Shruti said...

The advantage is you need nt explain things in details..Just words with rite emotions bring the stuff!!

Shruti said...

Long time no see?! Thanks yaar!
Fill in the gaps soon!

Shruti said...

Hey,Even i felt the can reach places and someone at sometime will realise!

Prads said...

nice another thrilling cop story
i think u rock n all ur 55 fiction


Shruti said...

Thanks buddy!

Nανєєη said...

more awareness the merrier ..... gud

Bharathi said...

thats a nice one.

HaRy!! said...

oye..conveyed yur message plain and straight!! gud one as usual again!...kalakify yu!

Anoop said...

u could hav kept that as a suspense.. but this one is nice too.. :D

Anoop said...

we ll make a deal... wheneva u wanna write a 55 fiction, find two themes... one for u n one for me..

khe khe khe...

cuz i dono how u find topics for 55F???? ;)
do we hav a deal??? ;)

Kay said...

ugh! if a reaction is what you were aiming for, I don't think you could have done any better...can visualize the 'debate' the trial on this one. ugh! gives me the creeps

BK Chowla, said...

You have said every thing in the post.
You seem to be becoming an expert in 55

Miss_Nobody said...

Wow.I guess that sums it up.I LOVED it!So much power in those words.

Shruti said...

Thanks yaar!

Shruti said...

These days your comment doesn't exceed 10 words or sometimes u don't even comment! :O
Thanks and ur comment mean a lot to me and You are the first person to review my blog!!

Shruti said...


Shruti said...

How should i maintain the suspense?!

Shruti said...

No Idea! But u think of concept and lemme writ! :P

Rauf said...

good one.. and happy diwali..

Shruti said...

Hey, these incidents will surely send shivers down the spine!

Shruti said...

@Chowla Ji
Am still an amateur!
Thanks for your wishes!

Shruti said...

@Miss Nobody
Thanks cutie!!

Shruti said...

Thanks re!
Thanks for ur wishes!

RAM said...

Hey that s one of the beautiful 55 fiction. You introduced me to this kind of fictions and you have already become an expert in this :) Keep going

Shruti said...

Hey, yellam unga aasirvaadham dan! Thanks!

Aditya Kasavaraju said...

Good one. Such men need to kicked out of this planet!

Shruti said...

Thanks re :)
Come join hands and we all shall kick them out!

Siddhesh Kabe said...

man... u wrote a fiction 55 on the topic... nice.

Chetan Maheshwari said...

it's one of the best 55f in your blog


Ekam said...

Good one:)

Unknown said...

Hey Shruti,

A 55 fiction well written by you as always... This time I guessed nothing about the suspense part....

I just adore your writing because even when you write some crisp writing, you always try to impart a kind of social issue in it... That's really great DUDETTE....

I jus luv ur writing Shruti!!!

Samadrita said...

Guessed the ending but your story is superb.Liked it a lot.Write more Shruti:)

Anonymous said...

a good one shruti ..
I liked your 55 punch on the currently popular issue...
it emanates positivism and a determined action..

Shruti said...

Thanks buddy!

Shruti said...

One of the best eh?? Thanks a ton re :)

Shruti said...

Thanks a ton re!

Shruti said...

U dint guess he ending! Whoa!! Now, Its really good :P
Hey, just my contribution to the society! Avlo dan!!

U love my writing? Thanks bala :)

Shruti said...

U guessed the ending!??
Oh migh God!! But will write something which u cant guess...Will write more sammy!!

Shruti said...

Thanks rahul!!

Quintessence Of Illusion said...

Simply awsun Shruti..........................And the ending is awsum...............newaz im followin ya blog

Shruti said...

Hi girlie!
Welcome to my space and thanks a lot!

Karthik Kotresh said...

Bingo! Didn't see that coming. Lovely! :-)

Shruti said...

hey thanks buddy!

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