Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Love

I saw him today morning. It happened when I was waiting for my friends in a coffee shop. The place was quiet except for some mobile sounds. But the amount of people that trickled into the coffee shop later ensured the silence was broken. My taste buds wanted to taste coffee and eventually I was tempted. While waiting for my friends, I tried drawing whatever I could se on the clear skies

As I continued staring at the clouds on the sky, I saw a pattern. A pattern that has happened before. A pattern that will happen again. I smiled to myself, look around and see the faces around me. Some were immersed behind their long talks and their mobile phone. Some glaring straight back at me and a couple of faces even staring at me and my paper (where I was drawing). I tried capturing the entire pattern of the clouds in paper. A little kid walked to me and asked for the pen. I looked at his innocent face and smiled at him. His eyes were lovely. They were wide open. It was round, with a slight shade of green. I could see myself in those eyes. I could get lost looking at them. I bent down and went on my knees and asked his name. He muttered "Akshay", with a few fingers in his mouth and drawing patterns on the concrete floor with his tiny toes. I lifted Akshay up and asked him, "would you like to sit with me for a while?". He smiled back. A smile so radiant, and I was in love with him that second. It was a beautiful feeling. I heard someone call his name. I turned around with Akshay in my arms and saw four people smiling at him while sipping on their coffee. I smiled back. One person got up from the table and came near us.

I didn't want him to come and take my love away from me. Not so soon atleast. The man walked upto me. He said, "Hi.. Is he being a brat?". 'Brat? Oh come on!', I thought. I said, "No way. He is a cute kid". I smiled. "You can have him. But would you by any chance have a pen?". I was thinking, 'I would give you my pen, would you give him to me?'. I wanted to give everything I had and just walk away carrying Akshay in my arms. I was thinking where I would take him. I was thinking about the conversations we would be having. I was thinking about the rhymes that I could share with him that I learnt back in school. I was thinking about... "Can I have your pen?", the voice said and burst my bubble. I offered the pen and continued to look at the innocent smile of my love. The man walked away leaving him with me. I literally thanked my stars.

Akshay kept looking at me and smiling. I kept looking at him and I was smiling too. He took my phone that was lying on the table and asked me what it was. I told him it was a mobile and you could talk to people with it. With his sweet voice, he said "I thought you speak with your mouth". I loved him even more more now. Handsome, Sweet, Radiant, Intelligent and a sense of humor. It was all too beautiful. 'A perfect match for me and my character. Wish he was born before 25 years! If it was the case, he would have been my dream guy'. A metallic voice brought me back to reality, "My papa has one too", he said. I asked him what his papa had. He pointed at my phone. I didn't know what to say, so I smiled again. He found that funny. Guess he had never seen someone who was smiling so much. He didn't know the spell he had cast on me. "Do you have a scooter", he asked me. I was confused. But he pointed at the helmet lying on the chair. "Yes, Akshay I have one!". He said, "My papa also has a big motobike". I love it. But he won't allow me to touch it". I replied, "Akshay, you are a kid now, when you grow up, you can have one too". He smiled and looked at my helmet.

His papa came again. He placed the pen on my table and came close to Akshay and lifted him away from me. He smiled again and walked away. I was helpless when I saw my love being taken away from me. I could see his head bobbing up and down while his papa walked away. As he neared the gate, he turned back, smiled at me and blew a kiss. I sat there waiting for my friends with the thoughts of MY LOVE - Akshay..

With Love,


Image Courtesy : Google Images.


  1. awww that is lovely :)
    hehehe a smile of a cute child can really take one's heart away :D

  2. >>Rajlakshmi
    Yeah it is! He took away my heart!! :P

  3. Ha, that was far better. Not gloomy. :-)

    Cutesy post, I'd say (and as your image for the post says). Momentary and fleeting feelings of love uninhibited.

  4. How sweet is that!Did you actually meet up with such a kid?

  5. Now this is not just a post.

    Keep Njoying!

  6. hey chaancela..had a similar exp in bus today..oru kutti paapa was all smiles at me :D en kannadia paathu etho differentaaana itema irukay solitu she was trying to pull it out :d when she wore my glasses..athoda kutti moonjila it looked like googles :D :D

  7. so cute...Kids are always so sweet. Their innocent talks makes us smile every time. well i found you cute too...dream boy hmmmm :P

  8. >>Rammm
    U wanted me to write something like this na? Also that guy was damn cute! He tempted me to write this!

  9. Who can resist the smile of a child.
    Loved the post as always.


  10. >>Sammy
    Yeah!! I met this kid! U thought it was a fiction? O_O

  11. >>Makk
    Yeah, this is not jus a post!

  12. >>Gils
    nesama than solreya? How cute kids are! Aana unnayum un kanadiyayum pathodane, that child would have thought - "Ipdi kuda vichitrama manushanga irukangala" nu :P

  13. >>Riya
    Hey you are correct! Yeah, he would have been my dream guy.. But still I love him :)

  14. >>Yvonne
    Nobody can resist the smile of the child! Correct :)

  15. Lol that's what I thought.The whole scenario seemed kinda perfect.So I thought maybe it was from your imagination. XD

    P.S:Check my last post again! :)

  16. >>Sammy
    LOL :P
    This is a REAL INCIDENT!

    I checked ur comment :D

  17. awww
    dis is so so so cute one.......
    i jst loved dis post......

  18. Real nice. vey ordinary sweet thing so seen through by this mundane world. Glad some ppl remind others to stop and marvel such beautiful things.

  19. that naivety exist only when the people are kids :-)

  20. >>The Unsure Ascetic
    Welcome to H&M! Hope you enjoy your stay here :)
    These are something we miss out in our daily-mechanical life! See the smile of a child and forget your worries - is a quote I remember!

  21. Really a lovely note for a lovely boy from a lovely girl!!

    Sometimes those cute smiles make us lost in this busy world.

    I just love this one!!


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