Friday, October 1, 2010

Neglected Station - The Life Changer

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 15; the fifteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Rain. Isn’t it a awe-inspiring occurrence? I love the drizzle and all aspects of it. I love getting drenched in the rain, traveling in the rain even though everybody I know seems to complain about it. It was one such rainy day. The company said they will provide me car back home but I decided to take the train. After all it was only a three hour journey to the lovely deserted station. Though it was a last minute request from me they managed to get me the tickets. As I sat in the Santro that was me driving to the station I wondered why I decided to take the train, one of those impulsive decisions based on some insane gut feeling. I looked out the closed windows only to see nothing as water drops covered the glass .I grabbed my phone and the voice brought me a smile.

By the time I reached the door to my compartment I was drenched, the downpour was heavy. It was like the water that had filled the skies to the brim wanted to just burst to its liberty today, dance in the open air, cleanse the cities and bring a smile to me. I entered the train and was making my way through the rows to my seat when my eyes saw him. The emotion that filled me is unexplainable. He saw me too. He seemed confident of what to do as he came forward towards me with a smile. That smile. I had almost forgotten it but yet it seemed so much a part of me. Though the air was nippy and I was cold from the wetness in my skin, his smile brought me warmth, the warmth which he had given me all those years suddenly glowed in my heart. Though after a few seconds, I smiled back and made my way to him. We shook hands, almost hugged. Then, silence for a few moments.

“Here, let me take that!” he said. He took my medium-sized traveling bag from my hand and placed it on the luggage rack. As I found my seat I found out that he was sitting right opposite me. The insane gut feeling. After I settled on to my seat, he sat opposite me and we smiled. “It’s been so long! How are you?”. He replied,”Good. I recently met Shailu and she filled me in on most of you.” I said,”Oh, Shailu does have contacts with most from our class.”
As we talked on about what we were doing ,what everybody else we knew was doing I realized how comfortable this was, how easy this felt. I had imagined meeting him again and I had played out this scene a 1000 times in my head but never did I imagine it will be so easy, so simple, despite of our history, of the fact that it has been five years since we broke up.

We met in the beautiful campus of St.Peter’s. He was a year senior to me. But our similar passions brought us together in many a clubs and associations. Always on the same squad but always skirmishing about how to implement ideas we both agreed on. Most of the times we will work together and come up with the most wonderful concepts, only to end up fighting on some trivial matter about the execution. Similar thoughts but different styles was the point. Through all of this, somewhere along the way, we had fallen in love. And we didn’t even have to say it to each other it was just something that we both realized. We became part of each other.

The conversation carried on as the rain lashed out on the closed windows. Suddenly, the smile on his face brightened and he got up. He moved as she came and took the seat right opposite to mine. He sat next to her. She was beautiful and they looked very good together. Though I figured she was, when he introduced her as his wife my heart paced up. She had a warm genuine smile, the kind that will make you feel good no matter what.
I said I hadn’t known he was married and congratulated them. I sounded truly excited and happy.

The three of us talked. She told me about their meeting and marriage and I told her about him in college. He listened, correcting facts, denying my stories. It was a pleasant conversation that was picking up just as the train was picking up speed. As I watched them I suddenly thought I would have maybe I should have, been in her place. If things hadn’t changed the way they did I would have been his wife. But looking at them made me realize how perfect this is. They were lovely together; they looked like they were in love and they were.

We were lovely together. Everyone knew about us. Everyone thought we will be the couple to make it to the forever category. We looked like we were in love everyday for the four years we were together, one year of which he was in a city far away. We made that work, a long distance relationship between a final year student and a busy new trainee. On the day of my farewell party he came down and surprised me. He took me to the lonely station near our college and proposed to me. He promised me in words the forever I knew he promised with his heart all these years. And I said NO!

As the rain continued despite the train moving through new towns with isolated stations so did our words and my thoughts. He had introduced me to his wife as a college mate, but I think she knew. There was a smile on my face that was sincere. I was happy for him. But there was also a pain in my heart. As silly as it was to me, suddenly, all I wanted to do was scream and cry out loud. The tears came close to bursting out the confines of their glands but some force stopped them. I played with my ring, looked out of the window, looked at the small kid trying to eat his sandwich but my eyes wandered back to them and my mind was swept back to the twin thoughts.

As I said it was only a three hour journey. In no time my stop was there .As the train pulled into abandoned station he helped me with my bag to the door. Before, I had told my bye-bye’s to her and asked them to keep in touch, hoping in my heart that they did not. The train stopped and I got down .He got down with me and handed me my bag. As we stood, face to face , my eyes finally gave way to those tears .He hugged me. A second later the guards whistle started screeching and he got back on the train. With that warm smile of his, he waved and I waved back hoping that this moment does not repeat once again. An insane gut feeling telling me it will not.

He was stunned. He looked blank as I tried to figure out what I had just said. After I said NO, I had given him an explanation of sorts as to why I made this choice and I know it made no sense to him because it didn’t make sense to me. It had been raining that night and after hearing me out he had looked at me and smiled. That was what I didn’t need then and the tears flowed out as suddenly as the rain stopped. He got up, hugged me. As the horn of some car screamed, breaking the silence that surrounded us, he left me. Held my hand for a second smiled that smile of his and walked out. Leaving me alone with this decision I had made based on some insane gut feeling in the same lonely station where we once walked with our hands bundled together.

I stood in that pouring rain. The water seeping through my clothes and was clinging to myself. My hand held that wooden bench in the corner of the desolate railway station, which was getting sopping in the water. If you were to hold your palm out and

catch the water that dripped off my face. If you were to pour a drop of it down your throat, the saltiness in it would be evident. The tears were pouring with a fury greater than the rain. The train made its way out of the station. The tears stopped flowing. It was like my senses had taken a break The rain had also softened to a drizzle. As I stood there watching the now distant train I felt a hand on my shoulders. And there he was with this smile of his. I hugged him and whispered ‘I missed you, I need you and above all I Love You’. A soft voice whispered back, ”I love you too”.

I came back to reality and saw the girl next to him, his wife. He understood my quizzical look and giggled. He muttered, “Shivani (that's me), meet Kaajal, my colleague and part of the drama enacted to get my love back”. I smiled and punched his arms. We walked out of the station, hand in hand. And I felt warm . I felt the glow inside my heart that has been there for the last one year I have been married to him. An insane gut feeling also lead to this decision .The rain drizzled on, making someone complain, and bringing a smile to me. My life was changed once again, in the same Deserted/Neglected Station.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective postscan be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

With Love,


  1. Lovely story Shruthi !! Another masterpiece of your writing.

  2. A wonderful read. written with excellence, I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.


  3. A beautiful story this time....from the Gold Batom winner of last least no spooky tale from you, unlike all others I've read!

    I like the twist in the end heart was beating faster of the impending total separation, but when he touched her shoulders, "'s a fairytale romance" happy ending! Thanks to the drama...coz they lived happily ever after... :)

    Thumbs up Shruti...again, I wish you all the best for BAT!



  4. Good style of writing...
    One of the few non-creepy ones i read today.
    All the best.

  5. Beautiful words.. I totally loved the tale..

    St.Peters? Hmmm...

    I am impressed.. Totally.. With lots of luv I wish you good luck for BAT..

    --Someone Is Special--

  6. >>Dil Se
    Hey thanks re :-) thanks for such a early comment :)

  7. >>Yvonne
    You always support me and my writing! Thanks for that Lady!

  8. >>Amity
    Tryly, am lost for words after reading your story! I never wanted to write a spooky story because had a hunch that many will be opting that Genre!

    And a Fairy tale romance :-), yes, cos many like it! Thanks :)

  9. >>Lost In Thoughts
    Heya! Welcome to H&M and many thanks for your comment :)

  10. >>SIS
    Hey thanks! Yes its St.Peter's! Why? Have an experience there eh? ;)

    Thanks a bunch for your wishes!

  11. looks like you will be a top contender for BATOM 15 as well :)

    verrry well written :)

  12. Very well written
    Looks like you will be a top contender this time too.
    very well written :D

  13. I know it made no sense to him because it didn’t make sense to me.
    loved ths.

  14. >>Md. Muddassir Shah
    Hey TOP CONTENDER?? Wow sounds pretty good ;)

    Thanks anyways :-)

  15. Back here after a long time. There were sumall logic problems.But a good story, for change it was a happy ending and brought a smile to my face.

  16. Lovely Shruti.. Your stories have a feel good factor about them. All the best! :)

  17. that was sooooo nice!
    i've been kinda sd about my story, but this one just made me smile out again. loved your narrative style. keep writing!

  18. Wow what an amazing story this is! Wonderfully written and love the flow it =P~~ Good luck for BAT15^^~

  19. A sweet and soft tale with apt conversations. The end is unique and fulfilling. A good read. All the best.

  20. A sweet and soft tale with apt conversations. A unique, ironical conclusion adds to the fresh atmosphere. A good read. All the best.

  21. Sweet love story with an interesting twist in the end. You seem to be an expert on love stories.

    By the way, I had read your post yesterday itself and I remember posting my comment. But can't see it. Maybe my memory is failing. So posting it again.

  22. Aaha! you are the undisputed leader when it comes to love stories :-) Totally loved it :-) The ending was a feel-good movie type but nevertheless a good respite from spooky posts ;-) [even mine is a spooky, thriller kinda post ;-P]

  23. >>Venky
    Logical prob? Name it na! Btw, thanks :)

  24. >>Reetam
    Hey Reetam, Welcome to H&M!
    Sad about ur story? Neva be sad! Its our creation..

    Thanks :)

  25. >>Rika
    Hey thanks for liking it and Gud luck to you too!

  26. >>Cherry Blossom!
    Thank u so much! :)

  27. >>Fool
    Hey! I don've the habit of deleting any comments! So don worry, this is ur first comment and thanks :)

  28. >>Maddie
    Hey thanks for the wishes

  29. >>Debo
    Hehehehe :D
    Undisputed leader eh! *Taking the compliment with a bow* :)

    Off to read urs :)

  30. Loved the story. Nice ending. :) Best of luck.

  31. Beautiful !!
    No doubt about it-just hauntingly beautiful !
    Beyond the manner in which you have interspersed the past and the present, i really liked the ending-a little "filmi" but when it leaves a smile on ur face,who cares !!

  32. Brilliant writing! The words were flowing effortlessly :)
    I loved the ending!! All the best!!

  33. Fool says u r expert on love stories..! 55F Queen to Lovestory Queen now huh? From this story, it certainly looks that way :) lovely narration, fine flow too.. and a brilliant ending..

    PS: retaining ur title mostly I think.. so thats two times the treat, seriya? ;)

  34. nearly forgot..
    sorry for the long delay for commenting..! i read ur story first itself, and the first comment on a BAT15 post is for u too..

  35. Realism was brimming up until the moment I figured the incident was staged and then something beyond real took over. I've often had random incidents where I thought I've heard a familiar voice and gotten startled; hoping I've bumped into him somehow.
    This is just a heightened version of the daily experiences which make us yearn for our lovers.
    I definitely enjoyed reading it, keep up the good work!

  36. so sweet.. so well narrated.. if it was a story then u r a great writer; and if its real then HE is a great lover!

  37. I love the way you weave stories...really damn gud. :)

    Liked the narrative, the brought out the whole scene out there in front of my eyes...

    And I love mushy I love it even more. :)

    Gud story, great writing. :)

  38. Impressive.The way you make someone traverse through you story from present to past and vice versa is highly commendable.
    All in all an excellent, sweet and touching love story.
    All the best .

  39. >>Brijender Singh
    Hi, Welcomd to H&M!
    Filmi ishtyle suits for mushy tale much! Yeah u r rite, if smile is ther, who cares what??

  40. >>Vaish
    Hey Welcome to H&M!
    Thanks for the compliment!

  41. >>Leo
    Hey thanks for commenting irrespective of ur pooor health! retaining title?? :S
    Lets see :)

    Hoping for the best!

  42. >>Sidra Sayeed
    Welcome to H&M!
    And whatever u told is riighT! Daily experiences makes a gud story!

  43. >>Ravichandra C
    Welcome to H&M!
    I wish I could getta MAN like my character! :)
    Thanks for such a sweet comment!

  44. >>UmaS
    Hey know what!?? I love mushy endings too :P
    Same pinch ;)

  45. >>MAVERICK
    Hi MAVERICK! Welcome to H&M!
    Thanks for sucha sweet comment! :)

  46. Very beautiful story it is.. Utmost fulfillment upon reading this story...

    and as usual, ur narrations are very lively to bring the emotions so real while reading...

    Keep it up... All the best Shruti!!!

  47. Hey Shruti first of all wonderful narration .. really Great..

    With such writing its no wonder that you were Gold Batom winner of last month's BAT...

    Expect something like that this time around too..

    ATB for BAT-15

    Vikas Khair - Station of My Dreams and Love


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