Tuesday, September 14, 2010

55 Fiction - #36

Everyone knows about 55Fiction I guess! 55 Fiction is a form of micro fiction that refers to the works of fiction limited to a maximum of fifty-five words. Most 55 Fiction works are dramatized so as to get the effect in limited time.


Shailu thought of writing a review later. The man sitting beside, sighed "Goooood Filmmmm".

She must be prepared for the next show. The SMS read, "Mike gave this no. Rs.4550"

She replied, "Fine. Wait outside"

Wiping her mouth, retouching the gloss, she came out. In the blinding daylight her father's face sent her reeling.

So how was it? Liked my fiction? Drop a comment :-)

With Love,


  1. Woohoo! Nice one...ending was great. :)

    Keep writing! :)

  2. woaaa what an ending!!!
    loved the fiction

  3. Should have been shocking seeing her dad !!!

    But nicely written. :)

    Came here, after seeing u commenting in FB !!! :)

  4. a very interesting blog, please visit my blog too ... thank you

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