Sunday, May 9, 2010

Meri maa

This is my entry for Blogadda's Contest

Hi Mom,
It has been a long time since I wrote any posts on this blog, which once bubbled with so many posts compelling a serious task for the readers/my best pals in blogger-world. Corporate world is demanding too much from me mom. I don't want to play the sad tunes once again and earn your or my readers pity.
Here's the poem I wrote for you.

You thought-She's born from a dream
from the womb of ebullience
tearing through the skin of expectation
a bundle of abundance
bringer of life and light.

I think-You possess every element of nature;
knew the songs of the birds,

you understood the messages of the rain
When you look into the eyes of the sun
you are the one for whom the flowers bloom.

Every step of yours is consequenceclip_image001
there's magic in your hands
I realized this when you caress my hair,
when I cry out of pressure.

Whatever I do,
wherever I go,
You were there to console me,
Now, I dream that you are near me,
But the fact is you became a dream!

You are my world,
And you will be my world!
Love you mom!

Maa, I need you near me, to wipe out my tears, to tell me you are always with me! Where can I find you mom? I miss you so much!

Happy Mothers day to you my lovely mom!

With Tear filled eyes & all Love ,

Your Daughter,



  1. Very Nice Poem and Soo Touching! Happy Mothers Day!!

  2. So, very true. Happy Mother's Day to your mom :)

  3. Wonderful poem shruthi.Happy mothers day :)

  4. nice poem..bigger words..deeper meaning

  5. hey that was a touching poem Shruti and true too.

    I am pretty sure wherever she is right now, she will be reading this or your feelings would have reached her by now.

    Take care.

  6. She will always be proud of u Shruti :)
    Lotz of best wishes ur way .. beautifully written :)

  7. Good to see you back with a wonderful post.
    Corporate world can be very demanding indeed. but the idea is to strike a balance.You have a talent for writing dont give it up.

  8. A very touching, moving poem I'm sure many can relate to including myself. Remember the happy memories.

    Have a peaceful Sunday.


  9. >>Mahi
    Thank you so much yaar :)

  10. >>KK
    Wish your Mom a happy Mother's day :)

  11. >>Gils
    Yes! You understud it!

  12. >>Sid Bhai
    Glad to see you all back in my blog!
    I wish see is near me always :)

  13. >>Swaram
    Hi maadi :)
    Thanks for your wishes :)

  14. >>Gyanban
    Yes! Striking balance is an important thing..At present am struggling to do that! Hope I ll attain that soon and be regular on my blog :)

  15. >>Yvonne
    Hi yvonne!!
    Good to see you back..yes! Anybody can relate to it anytime!

  16. Lovely poem Shruti.. But some times its not the words that ring a bell in your heart but the feelings and circumstances.. Happy Mother's Day my friend.. She was, she is and will alwez remain a part of your world.. God bless :)

  17. sniff sniff... Very touching. Liked it.

    DAMN THE CORP WORLD... Salla stealing ppl from their moms

  18. Lovely !!! :) Your mom must be proud of you. I hope you got her to read it.

  19. Absolutely delightful poem Shruti.Straight from the heart...
    But I noticed a few typos while reading through-
    Please correct the wrong tenses..
    knows the songs of the birds,
    you understands the messages of the rain

    Btw good to see you blogging again.And I made a similar post on Mother's day! :)

  20. >>Vipul
    You Got it right!! I hope she is/will read this and be happy..

  21. >>Saurabh
    Glad that you liked it..
    Its not the Coporate world that separated me from mom..Its God.. Can I mutter DAMN GOD??! :(

  22. >>Rohitha
    Thank you so much yaar!
    I wish she read this from where she is!
    P.S: She is no more in this world to read this!

  23. >>Sammy
    Hey corrected those typos! Thank you so much! Indeed it was straight from the heart.

  24. I wrote almost the same comment below in another blog. Girls seem to share a much stronger bond with their Moms, and I am a tad envious. Not to say that boys don't bond, but never so expressive.

    Have a good time.

  25. Now, I dream that you are near me,
    But the fact is you became a dream!

    You are my world,
    And you will be my world!
    Love you mom!

    Romba kastama irundhudu wen I read this,, grt piece of poetry.. gud work!

  26. very touching.... good to have you back with a lovely post...

  27. Nothing new for me to say, but I must thank u for introducing me to this blog.

    I hav read umpteen posts of different styles and contexts, but your's is unique. U got the knack of touching with melancholy which not many poets posses :)

  28. that is such a beautiful dedication to your mom... lovely write...

  29. very nice indeed. loved this one. Best wishes and Happiness always

  30. Nicely written..Thanks for sharing..

  31. Hi Shruti...

    thats soooo touching one..loved the lines and the meaning..i can actually feel ur feelings..

    At the end i was in tears too.. one thing i wana say, be happu shruti.. u r a good gal..:)

  32. >>Rammmm
    You are correct! Wherever I see Girls are more attached with mom and they obviously share a special bonding!

  33. >>Benny
    Facts of life are always difficult to accept

  34. >>Dhiman
    Thanks yar!
    Gud to see u back too!

  35. >>Kitty
    Hi yaar!
    Welcome to my blog and thanks for such a lovely,cute comment! Keep in touch!

  36. >>Tikulicious
    Hey!! Welcome to H&M!
    Thanks for ur wishes!

  37. >>BullsEye
    Hey!! Thank you so much and Welcome to H&M!

  38. >>Prams
    Hey prams thanks yaar! And u are my best buddy too :)

  39. very nice lines Shruthi. Am sure the emotions are reaching ur mom, wherever she is and am sure she is more than proud of her daughter. and yes, no matter where they may be, whichever part of this universe, mothers always have thier blessings with thier children.

    P.S. Read this on my phonme the day u sent me the link... but wasnt able to comment...

  40. No words to say Shruti... Just got moved by your words...

    I wud say that these are some lyrical words just make ur post poetic... but the exact depiction of love that you have for ur mom...

    Wish u a Happy Mother's Day and hope you believe that ur mom enjoy ur love always...



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