Saturday, April 3, 2010


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 9; the ninth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Hey Fool, Can you look into a mirror now?
Can you feel my anger?
Can you live your life in peace after you have taken mine?
Can you feed your children with those hands?
Can you still feel my blood pouring down?the_fool
Can you forget how I screamed when you stabbed me with your knife?
Can you wipe that image off your head?
Can you make believe it never happened?
Can you peacefully go to bed?
Can you get away with the perfect crime?
Can you disregard your conscience?
Can you make it all right?
Can you make it all good?
Can you tell your friends about me?
Can you keep your dirty little secret?
Can you live with the guilt of losing a friend?
Now tell me, you Fool Can you?

P.S:I guess this will be the serious post on such a topic. Blame my mind for that! If its nice enjoy, else wait for the next blog-a-ton ;)

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

With Love,



  1. seriously i didnt get why you wrote and what is the concept behind this

  2. I hope the stabber feels the guilt, the blood, the fear, the pain... and lives every moment of his life with it. :(

  3. >>Indian Home Maker
    Hey hi :)
    Welcome to my blog.. I saw ur comment on my other post n felt so gud :)

    Ty :)

  4. Such a fool really! Blinded by spur of the moment resulting in a deep scar on the conscience forever! Nice attempt dearie :)Like it! :)

  5. If the man could think about those questions, he would not act foolishly. Don't know, whether they rally think about it even afterwards..

  6. well i too din't get d post correctly......may b dis is sum ques. dat a person keeps on askin frm himself or wad??

  7. That's outrage and hurt! Very eloquent!!

  8. I understood it now after reading a second time. Its about betrayal by a frnd. But i am still skeptical you chose this

  9. If the culprit reads this poem, i guess he would definitely respond with a wicked and cunning smile as he is still basking in the glory of his self proclaimed achievement ..
    Nice one :)

  10. well written....time to don the thinking cap ;-)

  11. A serious post followed by a funny P.S. hehehe
    That was an interesting take on the topic... all the best for BAT!


  12. this might be even seen as a conflict inside the man after the act has been unthinkingly performed......

    nice post, leaves a lot for the reader to think about

    Here is my BAT post::Murali - FOOL

  13. First time here... All the best :-)

  14. I dont know why but I am not finding shruti as musical as earlier.

  15. April fool time la ena oru fooling thanam!... hows yur job!

  16. interesting Shruti... but this is really serious in content...

  17. Wonderful take on the topic Shruti :)
    Best wishes for the contest.


  18. Hey Shruti...

    Really couldn't understand what you are trying to say... :(

  19. i like your blog! check mine out:


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