Friday, February 26, 2010

Century and Not Out

Confused with the title? This is not Sachin Tendulkar who writes about his 200* in the recent ODI series Vs hapless SA. Its me, yours truly writing her 100th post. The fact is, I never dreamed of writing my 100th post when I started blogging. But it happened today. With 105 followers, 99 posts already in my kitty, 6100+ comments, what else would I ask for? It was a dream run for me. I got so many best buddies through this blogging world. Its just evident from the new avatar you are witnessing in my blog. Yes the template! The Header of this blog is created my the Kiddie boy (Sid) and the template was re-designed completely according to my wish by my best buddy KK of Technoalley. Am exuberant, elated, excited and really feel honored. Thank you so much for extending your support and encouragement in this blogging world.

My 50th post was fully filled with awards. So, I thought I could repeat the same here too. But I wanted to do something different. Really different. So planned 3 things. One - A beautiful poem from an excellent poet, Two - What my blogger buddies felt about Hits and Misses in their journey, a review and Third - Awards. So lets start unveiling things before it could get so late.

Am really proud to announce the guest blogger for this grand occasion, Leo- The Poet churns beautiful realistic poems in a jiffy. When I asked him a poem for my 100th post, He told he will give me soon. But when I checked my Inbox an hour later, I was literally shocked to see this wonderful poem which he wrote on my perspective. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and read it.


Words From the Poet : A hundred hits young this blog is today. I’ve not traveled much with Anamika (that’s what I call her) on her journey, yet we’ve become good friends already in our short yet interesting trip so far. Hits and Misses is where I come when I want to read a wonderful 55 fiction. It’s her forte I feel. I was just chatting with her earlier when she told me her 100th post was nearing. I thought it’d be a fantastic 55 fiction maybe, but she asked me to guest post instead. So here I am, The Amateur Poet, in this very professional and beautiful blog, adding my voice to its many hits. (I don’t think there have been any misses.) A small poem, from Anamika’s point of view…

A journey began long back
Thoughts confined became free
Colophons many appeared
New world I now began to see
Started slow then began to fly
A dream I had to soar so high
Words have flown, experiences
I’ve shared, treasures found
Many hearts have welcomed
My space warmly into theirs

Long I’ve traveled these paths
Stayed in these hallowed halls
Yet my travels don’t end here
A place where I see desire
Where I seek continuation
Still my quest has not reached
Its zenith; a milestone on this
Path to endless celebrations
Shows a hundred spilt drops
Of shining ink, each a torrent

Before I take your leave, I just want to thank her for having me over here. It was a pleasure making this post on such a wonderful occasion.



This award is for all my buddies who have been my followers, friends, critics, who helped me to give better article every time. This is just a gesture from my side, accept it and honor me. And this award goes to...


Chowla Ji, Kaka, RSV, Neha, Naveen, Kanagu, Shankar, Bharathi, Indian Pundit, Sid, Amit, Pawan, Sumeet, Rane, Shashank, Pra, KG, Yvonne, Soin, Mohammed, Venky, Vishnu, Hary, Sathish, Babli, Arnav, Anu, Guria, Aditya, Kay, The Aspirant, Ekam, Saad, Urvashi, Shas, Lostworld, Swaram, Avada Kedavra, Shrivatsan, Amrit, Benny, Bala Nagesh, Chetan, Pramoda, Mustaf, Simba Tago, Mahesh, Sourav, Vrijilesh, Priyan, Raj, Rajalakshmi, Anoop, Yellow tulip, Makk, Happy Birdie, Riya, Rohini Prashant, Paritosh, Sapphire, Vishal Jindal, Samadrita, Rimz, Multimenon, Miss Nobody, Shruti, Rachana, Shilpa Sharma, Shilpa Garg, Dhiman, Vipul Grover, Chatterbox, Suga, Tavish, Gyanban, Raksha Raman, Leo, The West Wind, J, Vivek, Meera, Kavya, Lani Kee, Black box, Vish, Neeraj, Karthikeyan, Anu K, Sandeep Balan, Vanessa, Pulkit, Harini, Roshmi Sinha, Sojo, Vinay, RajLakshmi, Tharangni, Madhu Rao, Gils, Saurabh, Lakshmi Rajan, TSW, Anwesa, Rammmm, Abhishek.


In my opinion, they are the best in what ever they do!


Dhiman, Bharathi, Madhu Rao, Gyanban, Neha, Pawan, Guria, Lost World, Swaram, Kanagu, Shruti@MM, Avada Kedavra, Leo, Shilpa Sharma, Shilpa Garg, Vipul Grover, The West Wind, Saurabh, Harini, Anwesa.


This Award goes to bloggers who enjoy what they are doing.. From Stories to Social Issues or funny things, they love writing it.

passionate blogger

Mahesh Kalal, Vipul Grover, Sid, Neha, Kanagu, Avada Kedavra, Gils, Tavish, Sojo, Roshmi Sinha, Tharangni, Chatterbox, Pramoda, Rachana.


As the name Indicates, They are amazing in their own way. Be it philosophy or story or something, I just love reading them all!

xxtraordinary blogger award

Hary, Venky, Yvonne, Swaram, Lost World, Lakshmi Rajan, Gils, Shilpa Garg, Sid, Vipul Grover, Karthikeyan, Shilpa Sharma, Pra, The West Wind, Raksha Raman, Madhu Rao, Avada Kedavra, Kasabian Girl, The Aspirant, Guria, TSW, Ekam

I collected all these awards for the past one week. Though the number of awards is less, they really speaks a volume. Now coming to the third part, the opinions I got from all my fellow bloggers. They are all so sweet. Everybody replied me promptly and gave a briefing about this blog. If you want to read What they Felt,


P.S : Am dedicating my Century to the Master Blaster who dedicated his' to the entire Country.


With Love,

Image Courtesy : Google Images


  1. hey Anami, congratulations for reaching a 100 posts. it was a pleasure doing a small poem for your big occasion! :)

    thanks for the awards, will treasure it too! :)may u reach 200 in megaquick time with more 55 fictions too! :)

    waitin for 200th and ur 100th 55fs! :)

  2. Congrats on your milestone Madam. Continue to treat us with nice 55ers and tidbits worth sharing.

    And thanks for the buddy award.

  3. Congratz Gal! Go strong, passionate and keep scoring post like our GOD Tendulkar :P

    - Laksmi Rajan

  4. congratulations sweetheart for completing 100 posts..may you complete many more :)

    the poem is very well written..

    thank you for three are very generous and nice..

    now I am off to read about your blog :)

    congrats once again :))))

  5. Congrats and God Bless You dear!!


  6. Hey Shruti... congrats on hitting a century once again and THANK YOU so much for the blogger buddy and passionate blogger awards... I am honored!... keep rocking like this buddy...

    Latest Blog Post: The GOD of all things!

  7. Hi!^_^ Thank you for the awards!!^_^ And hey~~ I really love ur new template and ur header!! They're real awesome!! Your friend Sid and KK are really cool editiors(Picture and Template!)!! :)

  8. Congratulations on your 100th post, Shruti. And congrats for all your awards and thanks for sharing them with me!! I am honored and thrilled. :)
    Wishing you the very best and many more such milestone achievements! :)
    Cheers :)

  9. 100 not out! Way to go girl! I don't want to sound repetitive by saying things that have already been said by fellow bloggers!

    All I wish for, is to see you continue do the fabulous work you are doing! Rain or sunshine, darkness or light, lots of free time or no time at all,don't forget this platform! No matter how busy you get, keep the writer in you ALIVE!

    The number of followers you have is a testimony to the fact that you are an honest,no nonsense writer! Perhaps one of the very few good writers who are being followed for 'what you write' rather than being followed for the sake of it(a gesture in return to 'you following others'of sorts)!

    So here I'm wishing you many such milestones ahead in both the real and the virtual world! God Bless! :)Good Luck!

  10. Congrats.. I Privately told u that Ur 100th Post will be Best, But now i don't have any words to Tell.. Really Awesome With poem and Blog Awards!..

    Keep Writing.. Make Sid And My Work More Beautiful with Your Words..

    Special Thanks To Sid!

    >> ☆Tharangni☆

    Really Happy To See Ur Comment :)
    Thanks a Lot..


  11. Congrats on the 100th post!!! And congrats on all the awards you deserve them :). Btw is the harini me??

  12. congratulations again and thanks a lot for your generous award.

  13. I've been waiting for this post. Congratulations. What a way to announce it. Full shtyle:-))

    Thanks for the awards.I'm honoured & was overjoyed to see so many for me!!! I love your award ceremonies. Or maybe its just awards. All so special!

    Wish you Good Luck & hope we see 200 soon(Sachin style)!!!

  14. Congratulations on your 100. here's to next 100.
    Also thanks for the award, I accept it with pleasure.


  15. Well, ms.damodar i hav already said wat i wantd to in my review..
    congratulations once again on this feat and yeah, thnx 4 showering all those sweet awards.. tht was vry kind of u :)

  16. great going Shruti..
    you are a great blogger!!
    may God bless you..

  17. Congratulationsssss :D and celebrations D:
    thats a cool way to celebrate :D
    and thanks for the award :D yayayaya

  18. Hello Shruti

    Congratulations on this remarkable achievement. You deserved it.

    Thanks for this beautiful "Blogger Buddy Award" too.Feels great to be awarded after a long time.

    i also like your new template too.

    Take care.


  19. here's to 100 more! what a great interactive celebration, kudos

  20. Thanks a lot for the award Shruti.And keep going.May you complete a 1000 posts someday.

  21. Hey Congratulation :)
    Thanks for the award :)

  22. @ Shruti

    You made it so soon..and yet so sweetly the strokes ~100*!

    We got two reasons to for 200* and other for your 100*


    And thankyou so much for the lovely awards...those mean a lot to me :) Thanks again!!

    Wish u all more love..happiness..creativity and inspiring thoughts!

    Luv Yeah!
    Keep the spark ALive..

  23. Congrats on the century Shruti :) :)

    you are really good story writer... and I always loved you 55 fictioners... really amazing...

    keep writing... :) :) I wish you will publish a book soon with your writings :) :)

    and thank you very much for the awards... :) :) I am honoured...

  24. Girlieeee.. sorry sorry sorry for the late comment. Was stuck in some meetings today !!! Congooooo girl!!! you made it! with a bang! :) 100 posts is indeed an achievement (considering I took 4 yrs to complete that :P ) And soooo many sweeet awards for me girl!!!!thank you thank you thank you sooo much. *hugs* love ya! love the blog!! Was reading the other comments on your blog. You have great fan following. Dont stop blogging. I want to see more great posts from your side!!!!!

  25. Forgot to tell. Love the new template and the header by Ravan eh? He can do a better job than that. Ask him to redesign the header. I dint quite like it. Make it little bit bigger. It's too small :)

  26. Hi Akka! Congrats for your hundredth post!
    Keep Writing! :)

    Thank for the award too :)

    Nice new template you got here...but the earlier one was brighter though :P

  27. Firstly ,congrats on reaching ur 100th post :)
    Secondly thanks for giving me this award :)

    But sorry pa i cannot accept this award ,the reason being you hardly following my blog ...

    anyways thanks yet again for the award..
    cheers !!!

  28. hey thanx shruti for dose 2 awrads....m glad dat u think i deserve dem. But i vl b glad if u r a lil more regular reader of me......;)

  29. well, i too wanna say sumthing abt ur blog......
    dun't knw hw i got directed towards ur blog, but wen i read first tym it makes my mind work....i mean ur posts leaves a deep impression and makes a person think deeply about it.
    Specially, u r a champ of "55 fiction". Alwaz dey r such best dat i can't tell......nd d sting in tail of ur stories, makes me read evry of ur post.......
    So hits nd misses, not only bring out social causes (ur dowry post,still is close to my heart)but also things arnd, emotions nd feelings.
    So wish u best of luck, nd soon get to double hundred lyk sachin :)


  30. Hey shruthi congrats on completing ur century :) Keeping going strong

  31. Congrats de... keep writing.. I can see the fun you are having doing it.:P Thanks for the award

  32. Congratulations on ur 100th post!! :) I'm honored. Really. 2 awards.. thanks a lot! :) wish u the very best for ur future.. u'll surely go a long long way.

  33. hey congratulations! and thanks for the mention... :)

  34. Congrats for this impeccable tryst with your blog..... Am cheering for from the stands
    You have achieved rare milestone what few could do in years with quality and impact.....
    Thanks for the rational recognition (I am accepting it whole heartedly). Thanks for placing my blog in the correct category.

    BTW, am having a question....
    "Is your blog a means to reach an End or an end in itself?"

    Keep evolving :)

    Mahesh kalaal

  35. Hey...Congrats and thanks for the award!!

  36. hey shruthi, congrats on the 100th post, and thanks for the award..
    I am waiting for my award on your 200th post.

  37. Congratulations Shruti :)
    100th post is a wonderful milestone. Wishing you loads more achievements and milestones in the days to come.

    Loved the beautiful words of your poetry.

    Keep up the brilliant work and thank you for the wonderful awards :)


  38. Firstly,hearty congratulations.speaks of true passion for writing.
    I enjoy your 55's quite a lot.You put in a lot of effort into your blog..and it shows.someday you should publish this as a book,it has all the makings of a bestseller.

    Thank you for the award.You are most generous. !

  39. Congratulations on a 100.. :) and many thanks for awarding me .. :D

    I am indeed honoured..Hoping to see more posts from this space..

    God Bless..


  40. hey i just started to read ur blog and follow ur blog:) gr8 to see that my first post that I read on ur blog was ur 100th post:)

    keep going! having wonderful blogger frens is a blessing! rock on babe:)

  41. Congrats on your 100th post !

    The poem was good-typical Leo style.

    Thanks for the awards ! (I got 2...Yayyyy!!!)

  42. congrats on the century..and nanri hai for so many awards :)

  43. Hey shruti, thanks yaar for the blogger buddy award :)
    god bless ya! wish u a million posts and million happinesses

  44. Congrats !!! Awesome achievement Shruthi..I still remember the first time I saw u r blog and read some story and I was just wondering what this gal is trying to say in that!It was so raw and amateurish..But it s all history now! The 100 posts speak abt the dedication n enthu u hav shown to improve u r writing skills n shine in this blog world!u r simply awesome nw! I havnt njoyed readin anyone's blog as much as urs,honestly!It alwz had something which related to me! ur 55fictions hav alwz been so beautiful..I have admired n I'm still admiring U for that unique ability! I wish n pray u carry on writing in this pace N be the Sachin in blogworld! waiting for ur 200 posts now :) cheers n keep going!

  45. Good Sunday:

    How blessed U R, what a joy to have a celebration for 100th post, packed with festive awards...
    Happy Blogger,
    Happy Awards!

    Best Post!

  46. Keep those beautiful and smart posts coming,
    u r gifted in writing and
    I wish u a beautiful Sunday ahead!

    triple cheers, ;)
    Nice to meet.

  47. Congratulations :) U are the one who unknowingly introduced me to the genre of 55 fiction.. and I fell in love with it!! U totally rock.. and thank u so much for the award.. I am so so grateful.

  48. Congrats dear:)...continue the work:)..always loved by me. take care:)

    thank u:)

  49. Shruti, thank you so very much for the Award.
    I feel honoured.

  50. Sending it back to u

    I've put up both on my awards page.

  51. Congratulations girlie!!!!!and thanks for the award!

  52. Wish you and your family a very Happy Holi.

  53. Hi there, Congratulations on publishing your 100th post! You must be feeling quite a sense of accomplishment right now.
    Keep blogging and good luck.

  54. Congratulations Shruti for your century...
    Happy holi

  55. Nice way to bring it up Shruti and an awesome dedication the the master blaster :)
    U r a blaster too .. 100 posts in a small time :) May u hv an equally wonderful journey ahead :)
    N thanks a lot for the awards ... u made my day :)

  56. The 'What they felt' page is a hit which no one should miss :)

  57. # Shruti

    Am I late? okay ...fine....I am.*grinning*

    Tussi 100 poora kar litta...inni jaldi ...

    wah wah ji...wadde log...:)

    But seriously you are nice on some thing i have already told you...portraying pain.

    Stories..your forte(I really suck there..)

    check my blog.

    Keep blogging girl...!

    and of course Keep smiling.

  58. Great going girl!

    Hope you continue to entertain your readers with your 55 fictions and have a good time blogging :)


  59. Hey first of all Sorry for being late..

    Now Heartly Congratulations to you for completing 100th post and more for remembering me..hee hee keep Publishing awesome posts dear :)

  60. Hi! Shruti!
    Congo! for ur 100th post n ur amazing fan following. Ur growing younger with every post... :p
    Ye blogging botox ka jadoo hai ya... :D
    Thanks a ton for the award.

  61. Congrats Shruti. Wish you the best for a few 100 more ! :-)

  62. Hey! Thanks a bunch :)

    Congratulations and celebrations!!!

  63. Congratulations on the 100th! :) It feels good, yes. I like what you've done with this blog - very creative!

  64. Hey u have been awarded. Check the blog.

  65. Congrats Shruti!!

    Enjoyed the Shruti styled 100th post… Love to see more such posts from you…

    And Thanks for your award buddy!!

  66. Hey congrats Shruti for hitting a century!!! :) Sooo happy for you dear.. may you complete many more centuries and you know what I am most happy about.. I am glad that you dint quit blogging (like I had feared).. glad to have you back and thanks for sooo many awards :D yayy!!! you really made my day!!! Luv ya loads..
    P.S.. why was Leo calling you anamika? everyone knows your name right? :)

  67. nice.... one..Ill be waiting for your 200th blog post and I would like u to write that one just by urself .... and also dont award bloggers that day..just write wat u felt after writing 200th and how ur journey was... this is my request else u r better blogger..


What you feel after reading my posts? Write them and you will getta prompt reply from me!