Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Life - 1

This is a story I wrote many days back. I have divided the story into two parts. The first part is published here and after 2 days the concluding part will be published. This CAN'T be considered as a complete fictional work. I have mixed up series of events that happened in many lives I have seen and wrote this story. This may not be your story. But this is certainly the story that can happen to the girl next door. Ahh, I gave in lots of information about the story I guess. So friends, off to the story..

The sun filtered in through the cream curtains. She had been awake for sometime but had stayed in LovelyCouplebed looking at the balcony through the little opening between the curtains. She finally got out of the bed. The clock read 8. Breakfast had been made but Krish was nowhere to be seen. She picked up the newspaper and poured herself a cup of coffee. Krish came inside the room after a bath. He hugged her and gave a small peck on her cheek and said, "I have made breakfast and now I am going to get ready for office.” She smiled and told, "Am really lucky Krish. Chal, get ready and I will get your boxes ready".

Minutes later she was at the door seeing him off. “Hey my dear Husband, come back early. We have an appointment today. Don’t forget”. He got his keys and shouted, “Haan Haan dear I will come early though I wonder if you will be ready.” The lift he was waiting for reached their floor and the doors opened. She waved at her hubby. The lift door closed and she went back in.

Mrs. Tara Krish read the small sign on her door. She worked as an interior designer for a private firm. She went in to see that they were already 7 messages from her boss. She put down her jute hand-bag and went to meet him. She came back in some minutes from his room, muttering under her breath and gritting her teeth. Quite a usual ritual. Riya, Tara's best buddy came in and Tara started her monologue. “What does he think of himself Riya? Work late. Come early. Blah Blah!!”. Riya smiled.

Lunch meant meals with Riya and gossip about nothing and everything. And of course, a cup of piping hot coffee. That afternoon she told Riya that she had the doctor’s appointment. Riya said, "Thank God, finally you are going. I have been saying this for a long time and it dawned now for you. Anyways its ok Tara". That day after lunch she had a meeting and so her session with Riya was cut short. She just had two minutes for her everyday routine afternoon-lunch call from Krish.

It was Five in the evening. Krish was at their apartment ready and waiting. Tina’s meeting had extended slightly and the traffic also seemed to have decided to keep them from their doctor’s appointment. The phone rang and Krish picked it. It was Tara. She said, "I am coming directly to the clinic. You start from home. Don't forget to lock the doors properly. Come soon, OK! I am feeling a little worried.” He said he’d be there.

As she sat in the waiting room her hand flipped through a magazine. Her eyes kept traveling back and forth between the watch in her hand and the clock on the wall. Her watch was ten minutes fast. She looked at the baby pictures that adorned the walls and smiled. Hopefully. Krish and she had been married for three and a half years. They had planned to start a family after one year or something. But things never seemed right until now. And now she was at THE gynecologist’s clinic in the city. It was supposed to be her first meeting with the doctor. A check-up.

That night, after the check up, they had dinner outside at their favourite restaurant. Then they had ice-cream before they went home. The check up issue was forgotten.

Two days later, at about six in the evening Tara's cell rang. She was attending her second yoga class of that week. It was the clinic. The voice said her results had come in. She asked when she could come and collect it. The voice said that the doctor wanted to talk to her about the results and that she could arrange for an appointment at 1pm the next day. Tara's heart skipped a beat. Her mind screamed, 'Don’t tell me I can’t have a baby'. But her voice spoke," Is something wrong?” The lady on the other end said that it should be nothing and asked weather tomorrow was convenient for her. She said, "Yes."

The next day after a few minutes of convincing her boss, Tara went and met Riya. She asked Riya to come along with her to the doctor’s. Tara was very worried which was evident by the nervous look she gave Riya. As the taxi rushed past another traffic signal, she said, "Ree, I haven’t told Krish about this". Riya said, "Tara, you are worrying over nothing. The doctor just wants to meet you. Maybe she wants you to take supplements or something. It can even be a plan that she wants to devise for your pregnancy.". At this solace Tara smiled slightly but her brain and its overactive imagination cells were working very hard indeed. They were calculating all the permutations and combinations about the doc's visit.

They had to wait for about five minutes. And then they had to wait another five minutes inside the doctor’s office as she answered some personal call in the next room. The doctor, a woman of late fifties came in apologizing to both Tara and Riya. They smiled. As the doctor looked at Riya questioningly, Tara said, " Doctor, She’s my friend and I asked her to accompany me". The doctor asked, "And your husband?". She lied that he was busy with a client meeting. The doctor said " I would have liked it if Krish is here with you". Tara smiled and replied in a definite tone, "This arrangement is perfect"


With Love,


Image Courtesy : Google Images


  1. So far So good. Interesting.

    Hey btw, visiting your blog after quiet sometime, you style of writing has blossomed a lot now :)

    - Lakshmi Rajan

  2. oye...suspense la mudichitiya... sikaram continue panu the rest of the story!!

  3. Very good to read, can't wait for the next instalment.


  4. hmmm i think i have read this before

  5. >>Lakshmi Rajan
    Hey buddy, welcome to H&M after a long long time :)
    Thank u! And u say my writing style has blossomed? Wow, so I have improved a bit na?!

  6. >>Hary
    Annatha, waitees! Two days ku apparama climax varum!

  7. >>Yvonne
    Wait for two days lady and I will end the suspense!

  8. >>Venks
    This is the story I have shown you that day asking for a good title :P
    I myself chose a title!

  9. Awaiting the continuation eagerly! :) :)
    btw...Happy New Year! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. >>Anu
    Hey sissie, wish u a very happy new year :)
    Do read the continuation :)

  12. >>Smitha
    Hi smitha, welcome to my blog!
    If you have read comments of my previous posts, you would have noticed people do advice/criticize me. And I never have the habit of rejecting any comments! My language is novice!? Is it?! Thank u for being frank and Surely I will try my level best to improve it! The same is applicable to the narration :)

    Thank u so much for ur honest comment!

  13. >>Satz
    Oh sure.. Wait for 2 days :)

  14. athenna 2 day gapu?? sattuptunu kathaiya podalamla...apalika enna achu/?

  15. >>Gils
    Suspense build up pananum! Kadaisila patunu pottu udaikanum! Yeppudi?! Terror ah irukula?! :P

  16. Good one Shruti.

    Things getting interesting.

    Waiting for the next part.


  17. grr... i dont like being left with my brain and its overactive imagination cells working hard!

    so let me make a guess, thr is a problem with the guy. d gurls fyn. so dey cant have a baby.


  18. Shruthi ma.. please konjam seikuram please.. I feel like seeing my sister on the story.. something that is happening to her.. I'll tell you what see decided after you complete your story..

  19. Full suspense :) Waiting for the next part!!!! Hope there is no problem with Tara!

  20. Can't wait to read the concluding part. Hope to get to read it soon :)

    Hope you have a fantastic year ahead.

    Keep up the good work Shruti.


  21. Nice Work Shruthi..

    can't wait for 2 days..

  22. Shruti..I had posted a comment for your new year post. Looks like it never got published. May be you didnt like me being honest with the content.. any thoughts...

  23. I guess First time .in any of ur story ..i am not sure...that what am i thinking would be in your mind.


    lets see

  24. Due to xams, hv missed a lot of ur posts.........
    But dis one is really gud......
    waiting eagerly fr d next part...

    cheers :)

  25. Waiting for the next part :) Bayangara suspense and build-up :P

    'Whether' got misspelt as 'weather' in the 8th para, last line. Had to read it again to find where it was :)

  26. Hey nice narration yaar. Waiting for your next part.Do post it soon :)

  27. until now, I liked the story and the way you kept up the susupense...

    as usual the flow is very that I couldn't guess even the next sentence..

    waiting the second part... :)

  28. >>IP
    Just wait one more day! Will publish it tomorrow! :)

  29. >>Raj
    U started guessing the ends eh?! Awesome re :) Just wait till tomorrow and I will publish the second part!

  30. >>Raji
    I really pray that it should not be your sisters story! U will understand the moment u read t!

  31. >>AK
    Lets hope she will well :)
    Publishing the ending part tomorrow!

  32. >>CB
    Hey sweetheart, am publishing the second part tomorrow!

  33. >>Karthik
    Hey am publishing tomorrow :)

  34. >>Sunshine
    Gosh, I never have the habit of rejecting any comments except for some nuisance call! I really have no clue how it vanished!

  35. >>Makk
    Actually whats in your mind?! Tell me na :) So that i can guess how much ur thinking goes :P

  36. >>TA
    Hope u done with your exams pretty well!!
    Now don't forget 2 read my next post :)

  37. >>Anu
    Oops i guess its a typo :P
    Am sorry...but thanks for correcting me :)

    Do read the next part!

  38. >>Ram
    Yeah will post tomorrow da

  39. >>Kanagu
    hey thanks and will publish the next part soon!

  40. eagerly waiting for the next part....

  41. >>Anwesa
    Hey welcome to H&M..
    Do read my second part :)

  42. Good story Shruti ..am hopping over to the next episode and will comment then.

  43. >>Gyanban
    Will reply the comment in the next part too :)

  44. Great to see that you started here a post with a part 2…

    this first part has created many assumptions to ur story… But don’t know how… I guessed right that they are going to meet the doctor that evening… may be it’s wat Bala’s instinct… 


What you feel after reading my posts? Write them and you will getta prompt reply from me!