Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Notification

Hiya friends.
Its a rare thing that write some guest posts. Am just an amateur writer of a 3 month Old blog. During these days, I have seen some amazing writers, penning down some awesome stuffs. One of them is My dear Misfit girl(That's how I call her). Many of my readers, read hers too. For others, Let me tell about this amazing, enchanting writer, who sprinkles her sarcasm and mix them with her widespread Knowledge in every posts. Yes, She is Guria, who owns a beautiful blog - Maverick Misfit. She asked me to write a guest post and the poor me accepted and wrote a short story. I bespeak all you guys to Visit her Blog and read the story I wrote for her and let me know your views on that. The link is : A Loser

With Love,


  1. Poor you?? :D
    Okay, don't make me sound like a she-thinks-she-knows-everything geek... though I confess I love behaving like that ;) :D
    And thank you
    Love ya' :)
    By the way, do I sprinkle or completely upend sarcasm?? ;)

  2. Awesome story !!! No more words for this one ...

  3. !!!! WOWWWWW....u R gud at this tales with twists!! loved it

  4. 3 months??? Its just been 3 months :O
    My God!

  5. A good post,I thought you have been writing longer. Keep it up.


  6. 3 months is a long time.
    Yes I have been visiting Guria's blog and it is very interesting.

  7. hey just read ' A Loser' you ll never admit her words

    ' Am just an amateur writer of a 3 month Old blog '...

    she is well organized and insightful writer !

  8. Shruti!
    Motherly love is everything for a child to succeed in life; interestingly, you proved that lack of it too make a man a hero of the nation; Salutes to Aaryan and the creater of Aaryan, Shruti..:)

  9. For a moment I thought, this is a short post and I can quickly go through it only to understand later that this is an introduction to another :-(. Will comment there after reading it.

  10. Shruti dear, no need to thank me re...u like a sis to me as well :)

    ur narration was indeed amazing..and narration is all that matters in a chill..don't bother about comments ok :))

  11. wonderful one Shruti.... :) :) I liked the story :)

  12. >>Guria
    Great people never accepts what they are... You are one such example... And yeah, its POOR ME :P
    Sprinkling sarcasm in comments and upend in posts :P

  13. >>Ekam
    4 months completed and 4th month running :P

  14. >>Chowla Ji
    3 Months is surely a longggg time!! Thank u! Glad u liked that story!

  15. >>Yvonne
    Thnk u! Not 4 long...but 3 months is a pretty long time!

  16. >>Priyan
    That's really too much of praising for me!

  17. >>Mohammed
    Determination helps everyone to reach heights! That's my concept for this story!

  18. >>Bharathi
    Seems u are on the hunt for a shorter posts :P
    Saw your comment there!! Thanks!

  19. >>Neha
    Know what I got two elder(I gues) sissies..You and Guria..
    Glad that some people like my narration :)

  20. i will be 27 this decide whether i m younger o elder :P

  21. >>Neha
    U are 7 years elder to me :)

  22. ok, so u r my younger sis then :D

  23. But I am only 12, err 13, otherwise I won't be able to use Blogger or FB... :P
    But I am soooo modest, you know, I'he been blogging for a really short time, three times yours! But yeah, 3 months is such a looong time! ;)
    And I am great??? Wow Lamb-y, you are really crazy! :D
    And about sarcasm, good one, girl, good one! :)

  24. Congratulations on your 24th. as always it was very good. here's to the next 24.


  25. >>Yvonne
    U commented on a wrong post! anyways thank u!

  26. >>Guria
    Sprinkled ur sarcasm again.. Btw, when planning to grant the wish i've asked u!

  27. Girlie., had read that post of yours long back, but cudnt comment. That was toooooo awesome :) Just loved it. I wanted to write a story on the same topic looong back. I had seen such a thing happen in real. Maybe will write some other time about it :)

  28. >>Avada
    Sweety thank u! Really happy to see your comment!! Waiting for your come back post! Miss u a lot!


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