Monday, October 26, 2009


Hi everyone. Many of you would've read my last post 'Read on'. Many appreciated my work on that article. RSV, my blogger buddy and brother got inspired by that article and he wrote a GUEST POST for my blog based on that t. So go on, read this article and enjoy yourself.

“So what, I am a born fool and people don’t say it in front of me because they think that I will act foolish and tear them into a hundred pieces before they take out their swords and think about slicing me into two.”

…I am a cow. An animal which gives you more than she takes. But I tell you what, once upon a time I used be very selfish. But then, I entered the ‘real’ world. And one fine day, I conceived the most brilliant of epiphanies. I realized the ultimate truth of life. And so, today…. I am a self-less cow….
What do you think, when was I better?

Scientifically analyzing, there are exactly four categories you can belong to.
You are either selfish. A selfish cow or a selfish fox.
Or you are self-less. A self-less cow or a self-less fox.
To which category do you belong?....

…Very recently I read a brilliant article by my sweet and talented sis Shruti and decided that I won’t lead a pessimistic life anymore. I forthwith decided that I won’t feel bad when my calves start crying when they see a man under me…pumping out all the milk… which was originally meant for them... I decided, that I won’t cry when someone pricks in my body, a large needle and try forcing milk out, from my fragile body. But then, don’t you think that is exactly what I have been doing since I was born?...
What do you call it? Positivism?...

I personally feel that being selfish is always better than being self-less. At least we have an identity then. It is all about self-esteem. You are what you think you are. But then, what about the society? I mean :
Who do you think is more dangerous for others: A selfish fox or a self-less fox?...

…Even after all this, my master is a nice man. He takes care of me. He gives me and my calves fodder to eat and water to drink. I am not sad after all. My children have compromised with the amount of milk they get. But I am worried about my master. He is planning to sell me and my calves to some big Zamindaar. I know I will get everything I need there. But why is he doing this? I think he is in need of some money. Yes, his son is not coming here for a long time. Yes…he must be ill…
Now I think I shouldn’t have complained like that…
Should I be happy? Since someone I know is at a much worse stage than I will ever be…

I know there are not as sensitive people as we think we are.
But then, don’t you think ‘we’ encompasses all of us?....

1. Most of us in this world are self-less cows. Self-less because we don’t know what actually makes us happy. We seek others for a hint. We try to do what others do. We try to feel contented about what we are doing is right. Then we show our teeth to others, trying to feel that we are happy.

2. When we see someone in a relatively better position than us, we start doing whatever he is doing. We try to copy him. Thus we lose our individuality.

3. When we see someone in a relatively weaker position than us, we start feeling sorry for him/her. We try to weep when whenever we find ourselves in a similar situation.

4. It is true that happiness is relative. But then it is not relative with respect to circumstances. It is relative to the individual in question. It is not necessary that a doctor is happier than a driver.

5. But its practical people can’t be happy or even fake happiness when surrounded by miseries. But then I believe in the following self made truth: Everyone has his EQUAL share of good times, but it is his responsibility to find and experience them. This is what I call SUCCESS……

P.S : All your queries/comments will be duly replied by RSV, The man behind this article. If some comment is written for me, I will reply them honestly .


  1. Hey Rahul..made a good deal outta the guest post! ...nice work there..and yeah Happyness indeed is wonder i try to make that work for other ppl also... :) ... just to sum up , be content with wat yu hav...never compare yurself with yu decide yur own destiny...nice write both yu guyz!

  2. nice write up RSV...I am a kinda believer of Ian Rand principles...:)

  3. First I would like to thank my dear sis Shruti to give me a chance to write a post on her prestigious blog. Truly it is an honor for me...

  4. @Hary
    thank you buddy...
    yes indeed we need to learn to content ourselves with whatever we have..

  5. @Neha
    Ian Rand...interesting..
    then u must have read atlas shrugged then???

  6. Rahul,with this kind of guest post,may be soon I will request you write a guest post for me.Will you please?

  7. @RSV
    Bro, enuf praising me...Mine is a prestigious blog ???? :O
    Thanks a ton!

  8. @ Shruti, it's ur praising day today, what say? i am sure the MM girl will agree :P

    @ RSV, i have read fountainhead, atlas shrugged, we the living, anthem and capitalism by Ian Rand..

  9. @Chowla sir
    he he..
    thank you sir..
    but the fact is your posts are unique in their own way...
    no one can justice to them as a guest writer..

  10. @Neha(JI)
    bade log.....

  11. @Neha
    Girl, started your buttering here too???Actually its RSV's praising here. He wrote this post :)

  12. Everyone has his EQUAL share of good times, but it is his responsibility to find and experience them. This is what I call SUCCESS…

    I totally disagree...Success can not be good times, in this regard nobody actually succeeds because good times do not stay long.

    I believe success is a self adjusted parameter that one sets for oneself. It can be as small as earning 1 rupee or as large as getting the throne of Indra(thats my parameter). So it need not be good times only.

  13. @sid
    have u noticed u just repeated what I said...
    I just meant to say that success is not absolute. A person is successful if he gets his share of happiness in this world. For some it is equivalent to earning a one rupee and for others it is getting the throne of Indra..

    good times does not necessarily mean that I am lying on a beach and enjoying the beauty around, there are sad souls there in the beach also.
    good times in a way are relative, relative to a man's state of mind, the way he thinks, in other terms his attitude..

    I think I have made myself clear.
    I am happy that u pointed it out..

    even then if u have any doubts, share..

  14. Nice post about the realities of Life :)
    Was very likable too ,gr8 work RSV...

    keep blogging

  15. Sorry buddy i didnt find this post of yours nowhere near your best, I am not impressed. I didn't understand the cow and fox thing one bit. I think conclusion says it all. I only found that one good.

  16. @ RSV

    Personally , I differ with certain points you have mentioned. . oh wait ! I will make a post and dwelve on that matter :)

    - Lakshmi Rajan

  17. @Sathish
    well, thank you Sathish. I am happy that u understood it..

  18. @Venky
    OK Venky.
    tell me whether u agree or not.
    a person is either good at heart(a cow) or he is not (a fox).
    now he may either have a high self esteem (selfish) or low(self-less)
    now consider these combinations:
    1. a selfish cow : enjoys in(not with) himself. does not wait for others approval. such people are usually(i say usually) very high on principles.
    2. a self-less cow : they seek others for approval. like some people want to clear CAT just because they think people call it good. I think they lose their identity this way. but, it is not that bad being a self-less cow.

  19. 3. a selfish fox: people who are cunning. we call them bad because they use conceit to accomplice there means. they are most dangerous of all. because they usually fake their identity and pretend like they are cows. corrupted people fall into this category.

    4. a self-less fox: terrorists and other such people. they have completely lost their identity. inside they know they are doing wrong but even then they fake themselves that they are doing it for greater good.

    i think i have made myself clear now

  20. @Lakshmi Ranjan
    I would like to read that post of yours..

  21. @ RSV & Shruti
    ||I know I’m in my own little cute world, but it’s ok. They know me here.."I'm not weird, I'm gifted."||

    O dear! U definitely are Gifted Selfish...Not everyone can be!

    Beautiful post! Congrats Shruti and RSV

  22. @Rachana
    Hey dear, RSV wrote everything.. So the praising is only for RSV

  23. Nice story with a nice moral.. Agree to all the points except this one:
    "When we see someone in a relatively weaker position than us, we start feeling sorry for him/her. We try to weep when whenever we find ourselves in a similar situation. " -> we not only weep when we are in their position, we sometimes feel they did not deserve it and weep.. it may not have anything to do with us at all.. e.g: my friend failed in an exam, I will feel bad even though I never flunked in my entire life.

  24. @Rachana
    thank you :)
    its all about being honestly selfish, yes...

  25. @ashwini
    "we not only weep when we are in their position, we sometimes feel they did not deserve it and weep"
    this is an extension to what I have tried to relay...
    it is great that u never flunked, but had u, what would your reaction been? would you cry or would u just keep cool?

  26. @ashwini
    now take this example:
    Mr. X is not a very studious student whereas Mr. Y is exactly opposite of him. right? when X fails, he never cries or weeps. he behaves normal.
    Y somehow gets attracted(take that he is a self-less cow) and one day he gets failed. what does he do? well, he tries to be cool. he tries to look better outside even if he is burning inside...
    what i mean to say that just as happiness, so is unhappiness relative...

  27. Everyone has his EQUAL share of good times, but it is his responsibility to find and experience them. This is what I call SUCCESS……

    I don't think so. Equality is something happens only in Utopian world only.

    More over i don't find your definition of success, successful.

  28. Beautiful post... :)
    Nothing more to say as this is something which completely synchronizes with my thoughts... :)
    I loved the conclusion part...
    As usual wonderfully written... :)

  29. @ RSV
    Now i got what you meant

    First thing you can say a person is good or bad
    because they are always grey never black or white.
    Other thing terrorist exactly do what they think is right. How can a selfish person be good at heart. Thats y i say humans are always grey.

  30. RSV, I will be honest I didn't understand what you tried saying here. :P

  31. @everybody above

    how the hell do you people think so much without getting bored!!

  32. @Makk
    definitely the definition was not successful..
    how could ot be?
    its highly subjective..

  33. @Amit
    Thank you Amit
    I knew u would understand what I wanted to say..

  34. @Venky
    I am happy that u got it..
    i never said people are either white or grey..
    that';s why there are two coordinates cow and selfish(or their counterparts)
    to describe their nature..
    nothing in this world is extreme..

  35. @Guria
    why did u delete ur comment?
    I would answer only this:
    not all people are like u..
    and who said u are not selfish?
    u did everything which could help u..
    and don't u think there can't be smart cows...

    but yes, I now think that I should have made myself more clear...

  36. @ RSV, is looking out for self selfish... i thought being centered around self is selfish, where one doesn't think about others. :)
    And I didn't say there aren't smart cows, you chose to write in so many words that there aren't smart cows... :P :)
    Tell me sometime, actually what you tried to say by this post...
    I am person wh prefers (and tries to) things simplified... :P :) :)

  37. So do you want to say ..its successful for you ...or the subject you raised here??

    (though i would like to understand subject it self little more, if you can enlighten me)

  38. Hey thanks a lot pals for dropping by this post and sharing your views
    Special Thanks to RSV for patiently answering all questions shot at him!


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