Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do Svidaniya

This post was selected by blogadda as one of the Tangy Tuesday Pick. Thanks to all the readers who read this and to those who are going to read this. Many thanks to all!

Hi Mom,

How are you? Do you know who am I? Am your little kid. The one inside your womb. Am just 3 weeks old. Don't get surprised mom. Relax yourself. Know what? My hands and legs will develop soon mom. When I come out, I will be looking so good and not a Face only a mother could love. Why are you always crying mom? I can hear people near you are shouting and screaming at you. Why mom? My heart weeps every time you cry. I feel very secured when am inside you. I love you so much mom. I want to come out, go to school and become big. I always want to be near you. I want to see the happiness in your face when you see me. I can hear all the words you speak to me, but whenever I try to console you, you are not able to hear me.

I can hear someone telling you to kill me and rubbing salt into your wounds. No mom, please don't kill me. Dig in your heels, refuse their plans and their views as well. I will be a good kid to you and not a prankster. I can understand that nobody wants you to carry me inside you. Don't listen to them. Tell them that, I will take care of you when I become big. You will adore me when you see me. But am worried about you. You please take care. Ahh.. See mom, someone is coming near you. Mom what's happening here? You are weeping continuously. Ahh.. someone is coming near me as quiet as a mouse holding a big rod like thing in his hands. This monster seems to be dab hand with rods. Am terrified at the sight of this rod. The rod is coming so close to me mom. It has sharp ends. It may hurt you too mom. Mom, please save me mom. Someone is trying to kill me. Mom, save me from that monster. I don't have hands or legs to protect myself. God,you may have other fish to fry, but tell mom that I love her and ask her to save me from this monster. Mom, can't you hear me screaming? Am seeking your help. The dice are loaded against me. Help me please. Mom, that rod is scrapping me and my cells off you. Am bleeding now. It pains a lot mom. I will never get those hands and legs I told you. I won't become big. Above all, I can't see your lovely face. I won't see a new dawn. Ahh.. my bleeding is increasing now. Is it hurting you too? M...o....mmmmmm, Mommmm...Am going to die now. Please don't cry mom. I love you so much mom. Take care of your health. I am signing off before the last breath escapes from me.

Love you mom.

Yours Lovingly,

The Little Foetus scrapped off your womb.

Stop Abortion! I don't know how many liked this. My heart weighed a ton kilos while writing this post. This is just an insight of the fetus's mentality (Ofcourse which I imagined). The rod the child mentioned is termed as CURETTE, a surgical instrument.


P.S : The topic of this post-Do Svidaniya is a Russian phrase meaning GOODBYE. The fetus/kid is bidding adieu to this world.

With Love,


Image Courtesy : Google Images


  1. amazing...brilliant..too good...
    hatts off..

    shruti at her best...
    check out my WALL OF FAME...

  2. Blatant and shocking!
    Wonderfully written, another winner Shruti! :)

  3. First!

    Feel bitter reading this post. I don't know what to say. Abortion is murder indeed. Pity pity pity!!!! Shame on us all.

  4. very well written and narrated .... touching and contemporary...

    Abortion is one of the indicators of human devolution to cease himself out off earth.

    Though I have some questions of emotional, psychological, biological, relevance(am an anthropologist) with respect to this topic, I dont want to magnify them(too much technical) as your intention is to raise the awareness on abortion and I support your point completely.
    Great work....Keep budding up the social issues. :) :)

  5. Yay yAy yaY...
    m the 1st to comment :P i guess.. :D

    hmm..good letter to her mom..but the kid s helpless...i think most abortions r done if they know the baby is a girl... rite?? Hmm..

    even i was thinkin abt wat the rod was... hmmmm...

  6. @RSV
    Thank you
    thank you!
    Checked wall of fame and found two of my posts there!
    Whoa! Am honored!

  7. @Mahesh
    Hey thanks a ton buddy!
    ""Abortion is one of the indicators of human devolution to cease himself out off earth""
    Wow! How true!

  8. @Lostworld..
    Oh my, RSV is the first!
    Yes, still the society is facing all these!
    Thanks girl!

  9. @Anoop
    Hey,,RSV is first!
    Here, it can be either a girl or boy! Within 3 weeks it can't be decided!


  10. Hey congrats for another blogadda pick, you're on a roll...

    This was a nice post,i hope this post of yours will open the eyes of people..keep on doing the good work and may god bless you.:)

    PS: Even i wrote a similar post a month ago named 'to dear dad' raising the issue of female foeticide and it has been most satisfactory post for me as a blogger, do check it out.

  11. @Shilpa
    Thanks a ton girlie!Thanks for ur wishes!

    Will see your post yaar!!

  12. Shruti...

    Really speechless after reading this post..

    U know one thing??? Wat's the quality of a good writer... Just making the reader to have the same feeling as felt by the writer... Now I felt the same as u... Even my heart weighed a ton kilos reading this post...

    You have really carried out this post in an amazing way... and the theme inside it is noblest... U framed the sentences so poignant that I could hear the cry of that little foetus...

    Gob bless you Shruti!!!

  13. @Bala
    Bala, am completely moved after reading your comment! Am really happy that You could visualise things which i have written!

    Thanks for all those kind words and blessings bala!

  14. THis is a really good post.. shruthi...

    to be honest... apart from ur 55's.. this is the best lengthier post of urs..good one...

  15. @Shruti...
    Me too completely moved by ur post Shruti!!!

  16. @Shankz
    Hey da,thanks a ton!!
    Really gud to see this comment from you! I know you write honest comments!

  17. amazing...I think any comment or any praise would be an understatement...

  18. @Neha
    This is a superb comment! It reflected what your post felt!

  19. Gr8 post Shruti..
    When I am Saying it "Gr8" I really mean it..
    A moving post ...touched the core of my heart.. :)


  20. @Amit
    Hey I know you mean it! Thanks for this acknowledgment!

  21. A brilliant masterpiece and genuine writing. This post undoubtedly has to be the best from your kitty and deserved to picked not just for blog contests but for front pages of newspapers for all those literate murderers to read what happens actually.

    Brilliant !

  22. @Adi
    I am speechless after reading your comment! I don't know whether this is my best! But I loved this one personally!

    Thank you

  23. Too good a post girl.. one of your all time best posts :) really liked it.. wish more and more people would read this!

  24. I read this with tears running down my face,
    What a brilliant yet upsetting post? I have never looked at abortion quite in that light before, but this letter has changed all that. well done on putting this important issue on Blogland.


  25. @ Shruti

    O! Dear!! You wont believe that...while reading this the end I found myself in tears! Beautifully expressed the issue.

    Hats off! Gurl!!

  26. eeu eeu eeuu.... u know y...and nice post...:D

  27. Your phrasing has improved really nice concept. You see there is a problem when you say stop abortion. It is better if we stop unwanted pregnancy. In this world nothing can be white or black everything is gray. The child if born becomes a bastard. There is a chance it might be thrown and get into wrong peoples hands and end being someone to regret. It is better in a case if it is stopped at the beginning. People eat eggs what do u call that. It doesn't work that way my dear friend. This is comes only if it is from our kind. We better cut the root to all this which is unwanted pregnancy.

  28. @Avada
    Hey, I don't know whether this my best. But personally its close to my heart!

  29. @Yvonne
    Briliant yet upsetting? May be the law of nature acting outwardly?

    This is the underlying truth and I wrote this as a child's version!

  30. @Rachna
    This is such a sensitive issue! Thanks for those good words!

  31. @Venky
    Here, this can be a baby even with regular relationship. But, some just abort the babies listening to their MIL's!
    That's a separate issue. My point is, don't kill them! That's it!

  32. Wonderful write up Shruti and this may be one of your best :)

  33. Excellently drafted post on a sensitive issue!
    I must say your powerful writing did full justice in delivering the pain from an unborn child's front.

    Keep up the fantastic work Shruti :)


  34. Frankly,I have no words to express myself on this so touching post.

  35. DO you specialize in portraying pain??

    Keep it up.

  36. I completely agree with Bala. You wrote it so well, not only this but each n every post. I could actually feel the pain of that little baby. You can't even call 'it' a 'baby'!Abortion is really a murder. There's no bigger a sin one can commit than killing, murdering their own child when he/she's not even born :X

  37. awesome!!!

    nice to read ur posts..
    excellent writing da..u seemed to be a good eye opener for many ppl..

  38. Can only compliment by saying this is ur best post out of all yur posts so far!! Apart from the great Almighty no one has the right to take a life...and yeah abortion should be banned for good! Taking a life is not the means for one's blunt mistakes! good eye opener post Shruti ma...try sending to Ananda Vikaten! kalakals as usual!

  39. @Chatterbox
    Hey welcome to my space and thanks a ton for those nice words!

  40. @Chowla Ji
    Thank you so much! I understood ur reactions by these words in ur comment!

  41. @Makk
    Should i take it as a honor or the other way?

  42. @Ekam
    Girl you once again made me speechless!!This sensitive issue brought out many's attention!
    Wish it can reach the corners of the world!

  43. @Hary
    U guys are appreciating so much! But I dunno whether I am worth for all those!!
    Ananda vikatan ku tamil la irukanume! Yenakku Tamil yezhuda theriyathu! Padikka mattum than theriyum!! So konjam kashtam!! :)
    But Thanks a lot!

  44. my views on abortion are "depends on the circumstances"

    ur view ... pain of the foetus .... nicely presented me emotional!

  45. @Naveen
    Thanks a ton. Like Venky told unavoidable crcumstances can be prevented. Thus abortion can b prevented!


  46. A very sensitive portrayal and a very important petition which needs attention of all!!
    Damn good!! :)

  47. @Shilpa
    Hi :)
    Welcome after a long long time!
    "Damn gud!!"
    This means a lot to me!

  48. lemme tel yu onething..i at least never appreciate for granted!..i really meant was indeed moving...naan ketathu ena achi :)

  49. @Hary
    Thanks re!! Unmaya sonenu therinja apparam I really feel elated!
    Ne ketadhu nyabagam irukku pa!! Will tel u when some Idea pops up!

  50. HI Shruti,

    This is a master piece frm uu ... lovely message to all those who never care of their little hearts inside..

    Well written..and congratulations on getting this thought,,L)

  51. @Prams
    Thanks a ton girlie!! I feel happy that i could write something in an acceptable way!

  52. really nice
    good way of approach to pen down this topic..
    hey the article s like visual speedster...
    good good

    u rock shruts


  53. That peaked to a crecendo and whoa,sad but true.Great writing!You really roll!

  54. @Miss Nobody
    hey am not rolling, am sitting before system!


  55. With utmost satisfaction, i would like to inform you that this post of yours has been selected as a suiting piece to honor my newly installed wall of fame.
    So, I would like you to take out some of your precious time and gimme a small writeup introducing this post in about 40-50 words to mail
    I would also appreciate it if you could nominate some more posts(including yours) which can be pinned up on my wall.

    yours truly

  56. @RSV
    Thanks for the recognition and will write the review soon!

  57. Congrats for the Blogadda pick :)

  58. albeit my views are different,I like the way you wrote it.


  59. @Gyanban
    Welcome to mu blog! Your views are different!?
    Thanks :)

  60. Great writing and powerful concept, Shruti. Surely, a sign of your maturity as a writer.

    But your moving post does not convince me completely about the issue.

    You see, I have the undeserved privilege of being a man in this country. I do not have any concept of what it is to be always disfavoured, to be looked down, taken for granted, expected to conform, not in charge of my own fate and so many other things that are the burden of women in our "Mera Bharat Mahan" society.

    I'd first have to listen to the case of a mother to be on whom a child was forced and luckily had the option of terminating the pregnancy (oh so inhuman a term). What would she say?

    Humbly, I thank God I'll never have to choose life or death for a child in my womb.

    And, in the ultimate analysis, pray that a woman always be empowered to decide her fate and the Almighty guide her to a decision she can live with.

    A very dramatic and powerful post. Thank you for the very new viewpoint.

  61. @Butterfly Diaries
    Welcome back after a long time :)
    Opinion differs. And the position of the girl must be considered. But they don't have the right to kill that fetus!

  62. @Prats
    Welcome to my blog!
    Thank u so much :)

  63. ??!!@@#$$%% waat the heck was that!!! well..this was exactly the reaction i had after reading this...i cudnt help shuddering for a minute!! may be u shd have ratings issued for posts like this..Under parental reading antha mathiri!! :) semma hard hitting

  64. @Gils
    Rating this post!?!? Good idea though!! But this post is made for hard hitting!!

  65. Literally shaken after reading this one


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