Saturday, September 5, 2009

Teachers : Now, Then

This post has been published by me on the occasion of the Teachers' Day as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 2; the second edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Teacher's Day is a great opportunity to express our respect to our teachers and extend our gratitude for making us what we are today. It is the time to pay tribute to them, who have shaped up our career and imparted knowledge to us, not just to excel academically, but also to develop our personality. In this day, we fellow bloggers write upon the topic, "Teachers : Now, Then", for Blog-a-ton, Online marathon of bloggers.

Today, September 5th, the Birthday of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of India, is celebrated as Teacher's Day. A great philosopher, a true statesman, and a renowned scholar Dr. Radhakrishnan epitomized all the qualities of head and heart which a teacher should have. Teacher’s day is an occasion for all of us to pay tribute to our teachers and commit ourselves to the values espoused by them.

Dr. Radhakrishnan once said,

"We have learnt to fly in the skies, we have learnt to race in the waters, but alas we have not yet learnt to walk on the earth."

We are here to discuss the topic - Teachers : Now, Then. Its just the comparisons between yesteryear teachers and present day teachers. Before getting into the argument, I must write about the role played by our teachers from our childhood days to our present day! At kindergarten, teacher becomes a substitute for mother. The teacher takes care of the students and treats them as her own children. When they grow older, teacher assumes the role of an instructor, who guides his/her students to become a good person and instills moral in them. When the students are capable to stand on their own feet, the mentor assists them to reach all the milestones and accomplish all the goals set for life. During the formative years of life, teacher showers immense love and affection upon his/her students, in return of which he/she expects nothing but appreciation. Teacher's Day is a wonderful occasion to reciprocate the love and affection shown to us, by our teacher.

Who is a considered as a Real Teacher?

"Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions"

Teachers are considered the mentors, who not only guide a person academically, but also inculcate moral and ethical values in the student.

Whether or not you’re attending school, the need will arise for you to find a teacher or mentor to help you on your educational journey. You may need someone to guide you in your understanding of great literature, show you how to lay brick, or help you excel in your career. They are the creators of responsible citizens, who contribute to the society in one way or the other.


Coming to the topic, I want to deal this by comparing both the sets by taking some common points like: Challenges faced, Method of teaching, Mentality and many more!

First let me start with YESTERYEAR TEACHERS . I am writing this post after collecting some information's from my dad, regarding the teachers during his school-college days. Teachers then has been very dedicated to this profession. They wanted every single student to excel. There was no partiality shown. Partiality between caste, creed, rich/poor was left outside the classroom. Real talents was encouraged. The dedication they had for teaching is awesome.

"The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book."

When they came to class, they come with an empty hand. They are extemporaneous. When they take up a topic they won stop with the contents given in the book. They will give practical examples for each and everything irrespective of the subject they take. Practical examples when associated with a concept makes the younger brain grasp easily and it increases the interest shown towards the subject. My dad told he never had the habit of studying after coming from the school. The reason was the topic they taught and the concept would have been easily grasped which never require further read. Tuition has never been encouraged. I want to tell this with a real example. One of my dad's friend was a low scoring student . When he approached the teacher for taking class, the teacher told, "Listen why do you waste your time by coming to tuition's. If you come here for tuition that means am not teaching properly in the class. You do one thing. listen all the things which I teach in class. Even if you understand go home, take your book and study. You will surely get doubts. Come to me the next day and I will surely clarify your doubts". Have any of our parents told us that they studied through tuition?

That teacher who was against taking tuition's earned a mere amount for his living. If he thought of earning money, he could have taken tuition for that boy. But money was not on his charts. He wanted his students to surpass everyone. He lived according to a proverb, "A gifted teacher is as rare as a gifted doctor, and makes far less money". He still gives his pension as a scholarship for poor students. That's just a mere amount but it matters alot! Can we find teachers like him at present?


They face the worst challenges. How many students respect their lecturers? They are in a position to demand respect. Students listen songs, send SMS to their friends. They are cornered because they can't question those people. Some teachers give seminars to students. Seminars in the sense,each unit will be divided into several topics and allotted to several students. By means of this the student takes up the class by just reproducing the contents present in the book. Only some of them takes it seriously and put in effort. If students are taking classes, what for lecturers are there? Will the fellow students understand the topic taken?

How many of them are dedicated to this profession?! These days, there are a lot of people who claim to be teachers. Some have certification from the state, some are followed as gurus, and some offer their services with a “money back guarantee”. But, not one of these qualifications means that a person is actually able to teach. But these day because of the advancement of technology, teachers are able to accumulate lot of details for imparting their knowledge to students. But how many of them are doing it? In one of my friends college, the lecturer came in and started teaching DIGITAL ELECTRONICS, the most important subject for an Electronics Engineer. My friend stood and asked her to explain a particular concept. In reply, she asked my friend to come after the class hours. When my friend approached, the lecturer told, "Listen if you ever ask me any doubts in the class, You will fail in your your internals! Those precious 20 marks, your internals are in my hand. So don't try to ask anything!". This is the current position. Are they passionate about teaching? Are they dedicated?

The number of tuition centers are increasing daily. The teachers fail to teach the concepts properly and hence students go in search of tuition centers. My cousin's Sanskrit teacher working in a popular school in chennai, getting a salary in 5 digits per month, asked all the students in his class to come to tuition. He also mentioned that he will teach only a small portion in class and remaining in the tuition. To get marks, my cousin go to that tuition by paying 500 bucks monthly! Are they teacher's or robbers? Money changes this Noble Profession as a Business.

"Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more."

Having LCD projector and teaching through PPT can be the trend,but those are the miniatures of the contents in book! Again the teachers reproduce the book! Is this a Real learning. What we learn and what we work upon are two different poles which will never go hand in hand. Theoretical knowledge and Practical working atmosphere are dissimilar. If the teachers combine both of them, we can understand the requirement of the industry and equip ourselves accordingly.

A 55 fiction before going to the conclusion.

"Kevin, you scored 5/100. You are unfit to be in Tenth Standard!"

He really felt ashamed and wanted to take revenge on his teacher.


"Ma'am? You recognize me? Kevin, your unfit student! I proved you are wrong. Am an engineer"

"I know you will do it. So I Kindled your senses."

His mouth went dry!

I am dedicating this post to all the best teachers. Teachers in the sense not only those who taught me in school or college. Am learning new lessons, lesson for life each day, from friends, relatives, and all other living being am encountering.

Teachers should teach the students not only for scoring marks but also in a way to develop their intellectual and analytical skills. Teach the students about the latest trends along with Charles Babbage's invention. Technology has improved and it facilitates them and be the best tool for educating students.

"No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection toward his pupils and a genuine desire to impart to them what he believes to be of value."

Happy Teachers Day!

Thank you teachers. We are writing, criticizing, appreciating about you and your proffession. Thank you for teaching us how to write! Without you we would have been illiterate! Thank you for showing us the light. Thus you are rightly called as GURU's, the one who removes the darkness and shows the light.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton are Vipul, Rajalakshmi, Dhiman, Ranee[1], [2], [3] , Avada, Indian Pundit, Sojo, Aneet, Pramathesh, Aativas, Sid, Pra, Ajinkya, Lakshmi, Govind, Shilpa, Bharathi, Shankar, Mytuppence, Azad, Pawan, Pankaja, Saimanohar, Guria, Vishnu,Nasrajan and Richa. Click on their respective names to read their posts on Teachers : Aaj Kal. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

With Love,

Image courtesy : GOOGLE Images


  1. True to your word you finished it last at 11:55! Great going! You are really a 55 fiction queen yaar! A 55 fiction in the post of a blog-a-ton too!You have compared teachers nicely! I liked the coat-"No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection toward his pupils and a genuine desire to impart to them what he believes to be of value."

  2. (Phew....this is my 9th post of the day on the same topic for the same blog a ton...)
    An excellent read as is expected when visiting this page....nice layout and careful use of sayings of great people...
    good going...sis...(if u don't mind)..

  3. @pra
    ""True to your word you finished it last at 11:55""
    lolzz..from yesterday i was thinking about what to write,but ended up with nothing! I started at 8pm and finished at 11!! Huh!!

    ""You have compared teachers nicely""
    thanks prahansa!

    ""You are really a 55 fiction queen yaar!""
    am honoured! Thanks!

    Glad that you liked this attempt! :)

  4. @RSV
    ""same topic for the same blog a ton...""
    that's the speciality of Blog-a-ton!!

    ""An excellent read as is expected when visiting this page""
    Great to hear that you have confidence in my writing!! Accept my bow!

    Thanks bro!

  5. Bored as hell I was. Hell, I was bored. Darn!
    ...and God smiled and made my hand move the mouse and click Shruti on Blog-a-ton.
    The comparison made me think and the 55 story made me smile as God was at the moment. We both joined forces, guess what he was reading - the same thing! Oops!

    Guess what! I ended up commenting a 55 story ;)

  6. @Ajinkya!
    welcome to my blog!!
    Glad to hear that God smiled at you made the mouse to click my post!! :P

    God ended up reading my post?!! :P

    Ahh! All other point dint appeal except for the 55Fiction i guess!

    Should improve my writing standards the next time.

  7. A very nice post shruthi...Lengthy..But i liked it a lot...

    All the quotes used were really good.... They added the spice to ur post... all the best for blog-a-ton..

  8. Nice one akka!
    Its amazing how you put into words many of the thoughts that run across our heads all the times yet we don't notice them...:)

    Anyways..regarding your post..well you are right of course.But we never realise the importance of teachers...nor we realise the efforts and troubles they need to undergo.Still we blame them!

  9. And as you said... SOme students are there... Like the black sheeps in teachers..there are also some balck sheeps among the students..who irritates even good teachers..dont give them..any respect... Such kind of students should be punished too...

    Teachers face a tough time with those students.... They cant punish now a days students have the right to complain if teachers punish them hard.. So teachers face a tough time as you said...

  10. @Shankz
    Lengthy ah?! :(
    am really happy that you liked this!!

    All the best for you too!

  11. Great post.

    "Students listen songs, send SMS to their friends."

    These things normally happen because the teacher is UNABLE TO MAKE THE CLASS INTERESTING.......

    Beautifully written post Shruti.

    You finished at the last moment.

    Well researched post.

  12. @anu
    hey when you sit and start writing the words will fall in its place! You have heard about the proverb? "Pen is the tongue of mind"
    In my case the pen is replaced by keys in my keyboard!
    yes! A coin has two sides and its the same with teachers!


  13. @shankz
    you are right!
    The teachers even if they don't punish are blamed by the students!! They don't even bother about giving the basic respect to teachers!!
    I have seen with my own eyes! I pity those teachers!

  14. @IP
    ""because the teacher is UNABLE TO MAKE THE CLASS INTERESTING""
    Hmm...Only in some cases it happens! I have seen students who turns deaf to the class irrespective of how interesting the class was taken!

    ""You finished at the last moment""
    :P :D
    It happened just like what i told Vipul!!
    It happens sometimes you see!!

  15. Thank you for a most enlightening blog, it was a pleasure to read.


  16. Nice post. you did justice to the topic. It seems you are very much obsessed with 55 fiction as you even used it here in competition. nice move though. All the best.

  17. Very logical post..I liked it a lot

  18. @ shruthi

    teaching can be well defined as this over the years

    "Kazhuda thenji Katterumbu"

    I would attribute it to the previous generation who looked at teaching as the last resort and the generation which exist even now.

    Very few actually like teaching and want to teach.

    Let me tell there are really bad teachers enjoying vacation in my college. One such is my Auditing professor. He doesn't know who is insolvent and thinks auditor's job is to prepare day to day accounts and find petty cash thefts. OMG what can you do with him.

    There are equally bad students who have extremely low levels of attention levels lower than the dead sea. Even if they explain it right they would be only interested in pestering me to ask doubt and elongate the class.

    That 55 fiction of yours , i must say nice escapism on the part of the teacher.

    Btw dont it take it to your heat if i am being too critical of your posts.

  19. "We have learnt to fly in the skies, we have learnt to race in the waters, but alas we have not yet learnt to walk on the earth."

    So true....

    A very free flowing post...!
    Kudos...!!! Your dad's example shows how sick and monetarily inclined society has become today...! I have had the pleasure of being in the class of numerous teachers who have 'personally wanted to groom' me..!!
    What do i say...!!!

  20. ahaan ... so one of the last to submit but not last in the quality ;) Simple words and observing thoughts from someone who just out of teacher-student relation ! All the best !

    Lakshmi Rajan.

  21. A new ingredient....A 55 Fiction !!
    That's nice!!
    Great going, Shruti!! :)

  22. you are late...but hit the told me you have nothing to write about this...
    and what i see here is you have put more valid points on the topic than ever...

    awesome...keep it up.

  23. @yuvonne
    thank you so much! Glad that you found this as an enlightened post!

  24. @Bharathi
    ""you did justice to the topic""
    I was keeping my fingers crossed till you told this! Ahhh!! Am happy!

    Am i obsessed with 55Fiction? :P
    i don't know! Jus thought of writing it for dedicating it to my teachers!!

  25. @sai manohar
    ""Very logical post""
    thank you so much!

  26. @venky
    ""Kazhuda thenji Katterumbu""
    Only in certain cases it has become like that!
    See, even then teachers were there. All teachers can't be stamped good! There were bad teachers too!
    i read in one post, "There are no bad teachers, only we have bad experiences with them"

    ""Btw dont it take it to your heat if i am being too critical of your posts""
    arey venky! I never told am taking it to heart! Loosu madhri pesadha :P
    Relating to your auditing professor, nothing can be done with him!
    In my case i have seen so far good teachers! Only some of my friends had an awful college life!!

  27. @Azad
    welcome to my blog!
    ""A very free flowing post...!""
    yes it was a free flowing post! I sat before system and wrote whatever that came to my mind! Great to hear that everything has felled in the right place.

    ""how sick and monetarily inclined society has become today""
    yes it has become! It has become a business and if u wanna learn something you have to pay accordingly! Running to few thousands!

  28. @Mr.R
    ""so one of the last to submit but not last in the quality""
    ahhh!! Great to hear that it was not last in the quality :P

    Great that you found it interesting!

  29. @shilpa
    welcome to my blog after a long time!!
    ""A new ingredient....A 55 Fiction !!""
    thanks shilpa!!

  30. @SiD
    ""you are late...but hit the mark""
    hehehe :D It happened!!

    ""you told me you have nothing to write about this""
    yes i never had the exact stuffs in my mind. As i told you, i sat before the system, imbibed the topic and started writing whatever i felt like!
    And i published it finally!!

    ""you have put more valid points on the topic than ever""
    thanks sid

    Thanks for your encouraging comments!

  31. Hey girl.. that was really nice.. sorry for reading it late but I was out somewhere due to some work.. "There was no partiality shown." - this one is so true.. and I liked the real life examples you gave.. I cant believe that teacher asked your friend to not ask question?!! that's sad!

  32. it's very nice one... :)

    "Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions" ...really it signifies the importance of teachers....

    Very interesting post... :)

    Made it more interesting by ur as usual gr8 55 fiction... :)


  33. @ash-win-i
    ""sorry for reading it late""
    Don't be sorry please!!

    ""I liked the real life examples you gave""
    Glad that you liked it!!

  34. @amit
    ""Made it more interesting by ur as usual gr8 55 fiction""
    thanks yaar!!
    I feel really happy :)

  35. Hey!
    Interlacing the post with an excellent 55 fiction was a brilliant idea.!
    The post was good and the 55 fiction even better!

    You delivered the right pieces of information at the right time!
    The example of your father's friend worked out too!

    True, from this we can understand that the teacher's of this age have become more money minded!

    Good post!

  36. @pawan
    ""The post was good and the 55 fiction even better!""
    haaa!!! am happy that pawan liked this post!! Hope this 55fiction is better than the previous one!!

    ""Good post!""
    thank you pawan!

  37. Hey once again a wonderful writeup and esp that 55 fiction is superb. You have very neatly described the qualities of a teacher. And I could sense that you have got the inspiration from your mother.Like doctor,teaching profession should have that social sense to groom the children and they are actually the building blocks of a nation :) A great dedication to all the teachers and I dedicate this blog to my mom who is also a teacher through you :)

  38. @Ram
    ""Hey once again a wonderful writeup and esp that 55 fiction is superb""
    Thanks Ram! I expected that you will like that one!!

    Yaa, definitely my mom is the inspiration we took up a topic!!

    ""I dedicate this blog to my mom""
    Thanks Ram! Wish she could see our dedication...But...

    Thanks for the visit!

  39. I read your post first you know! :)
    As soon as you posted but was very tired so didn't comment! :)

    "The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book."

    I believe this with all my heart. To teach for the sake of it and nothing else!

    And the 55-fiction, it's simple and eye-opening! I wish I could write these like you do! :P

    All the best for Blog-a-Ton2!! :)

  40. hey sreya!
    Read my post first!! Ahh thanks girl!!

    ""I believe this with all my heart""]
    Hoping that you too will be a teacher who teach from heart!!
    and accept my teachers day wish!

    ""I wish I could write these like you do!""
    Ahhh!! Try it out na!!

    Keep Smiling!

  41. A 55-Fiction in the blog-a-ton post that was really very unique...and you brought out the point pretty nicely...

  42. @Dmanji
    ""A 55-Fiction in the blog-a-ton post that was really very unique""
    Thanks yaar!

    ""you brought out the point pretty nicely""
    I feel hapy that i did justice to some extent!

  43. This is really a tribute to the teachers! great one and very good finish. I liked your dissection of present and yesteryear teachers.

    All my life, teachers hated me for disrupting all classes. No wonder thyey remember me even after 10 yrs ;)

  44. Hey shruti! Thumbs up for your post from my side...


  45. @aditya
    ""great one and very good finish""
    Thankz aditya!!

    ""All my life, teachers hated me for disrupting all classes""
    heheheheh :P
    you have been a big troble for all of them!

  46. @shilpa
    welcome to my blog!!
    ""Thumbs up for your post from my side""
    hey thanks girl

  47. very true. after all, teachers taught us to write and to calculate. They deserve to be thanked.

    Great effort!

  48. @Sojo
    welcome to my blog!
    Great that you liked this and adjudged this as a ""Great effort""

  49. I have troubled my teachers always :D

    Check out my post :D

  50. @Aditya
    pranks should have been in your list all times i gues!!:D :P

    Yes will check now!

  51. HI Shruti,

    Wow..its a nice template u hold and the narration is interesting. Actually, i could nt have gone through the whole post. I need to rush to the office now. I will defintly come back and will read and let u know my views..

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a encouraging comments..and thanks for introducing me to another awesome blogger, its you..:) I will come back here for many more posts..

    Thank You very much;)


  52. @pramoda
    Welcome to my space!!
    Thank you for dropping by and for those cute comments!

    ""thanks for introducing me to another awesome blogger, its you..:)""
    Am flattered!

    ""I will come back here for many more posts..""
    You are welcome!!

    Keep Visiting

  53. Nice msg dedicating to our spl Guru's ..

    without them, we are nothing ..
    At this time i salute some teachers who made me feel who am I,to this world

    1. Mrs.Sasikala
    2. Mrs.Josephine Britto
    3. Mr. Nicholas
    4. Mrs.Usha
    5. Mr. Sankraaman
    6. Mr. Vethathri

    and some more to go....

    good 55fiction shruts...
    nice sensible quotes in between...
    and super comparison..


    if u hav contacted me earlier abt this blog , i hav given some more infy abt some real time examples of good gurus and unfit ones...

  54. Nice and thoughtful..the comparison between yesteryear teachers and the present ones has been done nicely.

    I was really busy and that's y commenting so late..but I surely wouldn't have missed ur post :)

  55. @prasee
    i wanted this to be completely my work!
    Thanks for your comments!

  56. @kasabiangirl
    ""the comparison between yesteryear teachers and the present ones has been done nicely.""
    Thank you girlie :)

    ""I surely wouldn't have missed ur post :)""
    Thanks girl!

  57. You never have to tell me to read what you write. You know why? Go on get to my blog!

    Nice way of getting more readers, isn't it?!! :D

    P.S. You are seasoned blogger but still i hope you like it! :)


  58. @sreya!
    Thanks girlie!!
    will visit your blog @ once!!
    And you wrote my 1000th comment!!

    Thanks re!

  59. Hey nicely puts you in shoes of both the sides...teachers how they feel and students why they react in such a way. good one :)

  60. @pankaja
    Hi :)
    Welcome to my space!
    Thanks for your cute comments!

  61. hey check out my latest post..

  62. @Sri
    Namma college pathi yezhudhala! Decent ah vituten

  63. eludhirunda blog eh narirkum,,:D

  64. @Sri
    adan yezhudhama vittuten! :P

  65. Aptly said. If you don't like your subject and your students, how can you be a good teacher?

    I quite agree with most of the points you make.


  66. @ranee
    welcome to my blog!
    Great to see you here!
    ""I quite agree with most of the points you make""
    Thank you so much!

  67. teachers day eve la itha vida nala post yarum elutha mudiyathu...neenga ena blog factory aitingala ? super post!! brought me back memories of my chemistry teacher , if it was'nt for him...i'd never be here!..cya

  68. @hary
    ""neenga ena blog factory aitingala ?""
    Ada paavi!! Idhu too much irukkey!

  69. THe layout was nice. And why are you so anti-today?

  70. @pramathesh
    Am not anti-today!
    I didn't see the dedication my school teachers had in my college lecturers! May be that reflected in my post!

  71. Teachers are perhaps friendlier these days. In my school days, we were scared to approach a teacher and never made any attempt to get personal with them.
    These days I see a lot of students have their favourite students on their orkut or facebook.It was an enjoyable post and liked the comparisons.

  72. @aparna
    Welcome to my blog!
    Only certain part of teachers are like that! To be very frank my school teachers were friendly to me rather than my lecturers!
    So everything is based on one's own experience and perspective!

    ""It was an enjoyable post and liked the comparisons""
    Glad that you liked it!

  73. @pramathesh
    ""I am sorry about that!""
    Arey chodo yaar!
    Even i didn't feel about that! Its just another learning experience and i learnt about how teachers should be and shouldn't be! That's all!!

    Keep smiling!

  74. @pramathesh
    You smiled after seeing the comment 'Keep smiling'

  75. HI Shruti,

    I'm back with my full coverage on ur post..:)

    well, fristly i appriciate ur efforts in making such an informative and analytical post.

    **At kindergarten, teacher becomes a substitute for mother. ..... in return of which he/she expects nothing but


    I was completely impressed by these lines of urs..:) very well said..:)

    **"Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions"

    Again, an amazing line by its nature.

    i agree with u regarding the present teachers and yester year teachers. its a good composition on the whole.

    here in this context, i want speak few lines about the present day students and yesteryear students.

    Yester year student:

    --> no Tvs, no movies, no live sports, no clubs, no pubs, no parks...etc..

    --> school and some street games were their life part.

    --> Parents were not job holders, so they could have taken good care of them

    --> Parents used to encourage children to become a good teacher, by showing examples of their teachers.

    --> students were well mannered and they believe that their teacher knows the best.

    Present students:

    --> Mind is full of many other activities, including every thing that i have mentioned above

    --> parents are job holders and can not spend enough time, if not they keep children in hostels for better


    --> Parents encourage students to become engineer, doctor...and u name it..:)

    --> Students know that the best people are choosing other professions and those who are remaining at the end are

    entering the teaching profession, so they cant believe their teachers that they know the best and it ends up in

    vulgar comments and lack of interest.

    hmmm...more to say, but have to stop now... :)

    If u agree, i will take it as a topic and write a post..:)

    Plz do reply me..:)

  76. @pramoda
    Ahhhh... the longest comment i have got so far!!

    ""Plz do reply me""
    I will reply to every single comment i get!

    ""i appreciate your efforts in making such an informative and analytical post""
    Thank you so much! I feel really great to hear those comments!

    I love all those comments and your appreciations! Migh Migh...comparisons of those students were awesome!

    ""If u agree, i will take it as a topic and write a post..:)""
    Arey yaar!
    C'mon, if you like writing up a topic,go ahead and do! You will do complete justice to the topic than me!

    Take up and write!

  77. IEDig is a social content website where your readers or you can
    submit content to. If you have a good story, members will 'Vote
    the post and write comments. As a blog owner,you may want
    to make it easy for and encourage your readers to submit and Vote your articles.


  78. An award awaits u.. Chk out my blog post

  79. Hey girl.. your page takes a longer time to load.. try to fix that problem..

  80. @ashwini
    Am really sorry for the inconvenience!!

    Nobody has told actually it does!
    Will try to clear!

  81. @vineeta
    Checked out and thanks a ton for the award!

  82. Hey, finally reached ur post in order of submissions:)
    Vry nicely written as always, highly comprehensive, touching relevant facts through so many mediums within a single post.
    Agree with nearly every thing, rather every thing :)

  83. @vipul
    Thanks for the visit!
    Glad that you liked it!

    ""Agree with nearly every thing, rather every thing :)""
    Man,you are very good at playing with words! :O


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