Tuesday, February 2, 2010

3. Virtual Games

Well, Hits and Misses is proud to have a multi-faceted personality on board. To tell about this blogger, she is creative in her posts and argues well with everyone to make her point clear. May be its the nature of her profession! As her blog's About Me says, she is an A Lawyer(Oh yes, she is!), an avid reader and a learning blogger (Already she is a well renowned writer who is adored by everyone.. If you don't believe me ask Guria of MM.). A wonderful friend of mine. The Lawyer and The blogger is none other than Neha Thakkar Silam of Neha's Blog. Infact, she wrote this article a month back. But I misplaced the article and found it minutes back on my writer. Sorry Girl! Oh yeah, I forgot about her name. Neha was re-christened as Nehatrix and some call her Neha-full-of-trix. Now off to the article..

Well, all you hopeful souls, I am not going to give you the name of sites from where you can download various games for free; nor I am going to talk about only Farmville here! But I am going to write about my experiences with these games and gamers.

Virtual game plays a role of “other woman” in my life guys! Yeah I am not exaggerating here at all; for my husband is hooked to it more than anything or anyone else (read ‘me’) around him. He has a huge collection of different racing games and cricket. And I wonder; what’s there in it that people forget everything when the joystick or the mouse is there in their hands. And those few dedicated gamers – their bodies take left and right turn with the car they are controlling. And shit follows way too often; that too orally!

And there goes Cricket – Cricket 2004, 2005, 2008, Ashes, Brian Lara and such; with various tournaments, T20, test matches, customized player option, cheering crowd, commentary by Tony Graig, and again those oral shits! Those who are reading me for the first time; here is a news for you – strange but true; I am a jinx for our Indian Cricket team. Whenever I have seen any match played by India, India has lost! It is true people. I have tried a lot to watch it thinking it is just a coincidence and India has lost each time! Hey don’t get up from your seat and leave to hunt for me; for I have long back stopped watching our matches live! Why I mentioned it here – well my power works in case of virtual games too. Whenever my dear husband is playing cricket on PC and I enter the room or I look at the monitor, his team loses the wicket or the opposite team hits a four or six; or his team drops the catch! Now a days he seldom plays cricket in front of me; but NFS is still going strong.

Then there is Farmville these days! There are other games too, but none as popular as Farmville. People beg friends to send them trees, pigs, goats, decorations and such other things. The status messages beg too; so does the phone calls. Even blogs are full of Farmville posts. Don’t believe me? Well Contact Kaddu and Shilpa. They have forbidden me from commenting on their posts on Farmville as I don’t play that game anymore! Sigh, these games are taking away my right of freedom of speech!

I simply dislike these games as you tend to run behind them; they make you an addict; you even ignore your better half on holidays! Don’t you all girls think that the cricket and racing games should be banned? And don’t you all guys think that Farmville should be banned? Rest of you who play both; well do I need to say what is to be banned?

Oh one thing I forgot to mention. It’s me who has gifted all those game CDs and DVDs as gifts to my husband!


  1. thanks Shruti for the wonderful intro..argue - errrrr, I write regular posts and people make them controversial..:D

    one request - PLEASE DON'T ASK GURIA ABOUT ME :p

    thanks girl :)

  2. Facebook should start an online REHAB to help people deal with 'The Addiction'. Farmville is the new home breaker of sorts! People till now feared the Downs Syndrome but now, there is an addition...The Farmville Syndrome!

    Ah ha! So you are the one behind the induction of addiction :P Gifting CDs and all! Hammering self!

  3. >>Neha
    Am one of them who makes ur normal post as a controversial one :P

    Well, wish Guria reads this post and the intro :P

  4. @ Raksha, if you ain't aware, there are REHABS for treating facebook addiction in the US..there, people buy coins and cash by making payments in USDs..crazy na :D
    and I am only that stupid source who gifts t=him those CDs :)

    @ Shruti, no dear, the controversies were created even before you commented..new ones followed too, after your comment..so you didn't contribute in creating a controversy..thank god..love you for that girl :)

  5. Well...good post.

    but i guess comments are being nicer..:)

    what is the controversy?


  6. I am never gonna give ma hubby anything of that sort. I am sure he will be so into them that he will completely forget about me... but before that i need to get married :P.

  7. Very interesting topic.
    well written.


  8. Married Woman(Neha),
    You should gift Wii ; has something for both (Yoga,Fitness, Dance (yawn) for you) and some Tennis, Bowling, Racing for him ..)

    Caveat : It has something for the manufacturer Nintendo as well -- loads of cash :-)

  9. @ Makk, thanks..comments have just started..let's see how nice they are..no controversy on this blog btw :)

    @ Harini, oh please don't gift him such stuff..I am a mad fool :(

    @ Yvonne, thanks :)

    @ Madhu, a common reader reading a guest post and mentioning all these things here...hmmm, sir, badla and all haan :D
    Dance - yawn indeed..but the yawn is for yoga and fitness too..I am yet to write a post on how lazy I am :) no comments about ur caveat..humph


  10. Nehatrix.... i need a neighbour in my farmville... pls accept :D ..
    ha ha.. i dare didnt try to play that game!!.. nice cya


  11. well neha
    dis is really true, dat games alwaz make ppl addictive.......
    But who is not addictive to one or other things in lyf........sum ppl r addicted to chatting, some to orkut or to facebook or twitter.......even some r addicted to blogger too (inclding me).I dunt think any netizen is not addicted to one or other things on net......
    But wenever "adiction" wrd is said, games r targeted first......
    i nvr understand dis concept :-?

    Though, i too feel dat addiction is bad but we get dem wen we dun't have a real person for spending tym....in begining dey acts as fillers in our lyf bt den becomes more imp den evn persons......

    So whole adiction is jst coz of person's loneliness nd less connections in real world, once dey get dat deir virtual wrld itself gets shrink.....as hitting a six wid a real bat is alwaz much more fascinating den by clicking on a mouse fr doin so.......


  12. well, i forget to say its a nice post after all......nd waiting fr a reply


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