Tuesday, December 8, 2009

55 Fiction - #25

Hiya buddies! Well, as the post name indicates, here comes my 25th 55 Fiction! Its quite an achievement for me. All through this journey, all of you have supported me, criticized me which in turn motivated me to write quality posts (atleast according to me). So now off to read the 25th fiction!


The postman cringed as his drunken breath drifted through the half-open door. “Took us 6 months to find you.” He scratched his beard and muttered thanks. Ripping it open, a familiar handwriting said, “The wedding is on the 8th. Come, get me PLEASE.” With trembling hands, he noticed now, the street name smudged by a teardrop.

So guys, enjoyed? I really don't know how many 55 Fictions/posts/stories I can write anymore! After 10 days, I cant write posts damn frequently. I may get busy with my works which demand much of my concentration. You all can be relieved from my constant posts and fictions. So, have a great time and three cheers for everyone who supported me till date!

With Love,


Image Courtesy : Google Images


  1. @ Shruti
    Three cheers to you too, for your 25th fiction and your effort to post despicte being busy these days!

    This above fiction is a nice one..it felt as a story. A letter sealed with the teardrop!

    BWT: Thankyou for leaving a comment and the best wishes for my friend! Your words are very valuable:)

    Keep the spark Alive..

  2. kalakita po... seri seri freee ah vidu... work start pana..nangelum intha bit potukitu irundhom...:D

  3. Wow!!! 25th 55-Fiction really a big achievement :D... now what to say for this one your are an expert without doubt ...keep them coming ....

  4. hey wat a post shrutu.. this is one of the best 55 fiction i'v read till date on any blog.. these 55 wrds xplain the whole background of the story so nicely.. hey u gtting busy? though i myslf kinda miss out on sum of ur posts, bt um sure those who read each n evry post of urs will miss u a lot.. bt yeah if u dont participate in blogaton, i'll kill u :p is ur job joining cuming up or wat? anyway, jus luvd the title of the story.. rmindd me of jackie chan movie of same name, his one off romantic flick.. jus luvd the actress in tht movie :p

  5. Good one!
    But the first line should be "The postman fumbled..."

    And congrats on ur 25th 55er, it's tough indeed!

  6. wow Shruti, this is very nice...:)

  7. congrats on your achievement and your have once again proved that ur the 'Queen of 55 fiction' ..

    its sad that you have tons of work and we ll be awaiting to read your next post...

    i hope the next post ll be all about what and how ur days went with tedious work and how you missed ur blog...even if its not about that..i would suggest u to write abt tat !...


  8. hEY sHRUTHI chancea ilae ,rombo touching pa :):):):)

    Best ever fiction from you ,u have made ur 25th fiction post an awesome one :)

    Gr8 going...

  9. This one is totally awesome. Blowed me away. U r turning into 55 fiction specialist. This should be one of ur finest story. Brilliantly penned.

  10. i second the suggestion that u r becomin 55 fic expert! :)

    post gets delayed so much that love letter also gets lost huh? sad one!!

    happy 25th 55fic though..keep writing..!! :)

  11. Good one girlie. very different :) blogsville, will return next month probably. when is your joining date?

  12. >>Rachana
    Girl, I haven't become busy! Still 10 days are there :-)
    Thank u so much! Yeah this hides the underlying feeling of love, lost love..everything!

    Arey, I was facing some damn problems with my blogger and that's why couldn't drop earlier!

  13. >>Hary
    Yevlo asinga pattalum gun madhri irukka paru! Anga nikkara da ne :)

  14. >>Dhiman
    Hey thanks a bunch for all those good words about me :P
    Expert aur me? :) I dont know what to reply!

  15. >>Vipsy
    Ooooo such a longgg comment! U liked t?! Then it must be a good one really! :P
    I don't know, but surely there are 30 fellas who read my posts daily! Why not give them a break! And yeah work is gonna catch me up soon, real soon I gues!
    BAT? OMG, c'mon how will I miss that! U need to have someone who publishes post at 23.59 or after that and ask special permissions right??! Infact, pawan joined me :P

    Bharathi Rightly tells about u! U are always drooling man! One chick or the other!

  16. >>Pawan
    Thanks Buddy! Actually It should be THE POSTMAN CRINGED, I wrote THE POSTMAN FLUNKED, Both gives same meaning, anyways, I dint make the postman fumble!

  17. >>Priyan
    Thank u so much!! Still I have not become busy!! 10 long days are there! So surely You can expect many posts from me! Posts about my work? Ahem!

  18. >>Sathish
    Hey let me type ur name as satz, that look cool na :P
    Btw, I wanted to make a difference in my 25th 55F, hence added some josh to t! :)

    Thanks buddy!

  19. >>Rajlakshmi
    May be! This is the only story which has so many underlying moments which i have left for the readers to enjoy!

  20. >>Leo
    Naah! Not so! This girl sent a SOS to her lover and the address got smudged by her tear drop! Hence the SOS was received later :)

    Thanks Vinay!

  21. >>AK
    Hey thanks girlie :)
    Next month! Ohhh!! Surely gonna miss things! Replied u in FB :P

  22. Shruti!
    Good one as you caught the moment beautifully. Break from blogs (remember my humble advice??) take care :)

  23. Nice one Shruti... Different one... Really enjoyed it :) And all the best in your job... Hope you find sometime for blogging between the work...

  24. >>Mohammed
    Anna, I understood and said Ok to your request! I hope I can publish one post a week or once in a fortnight!
    Thank u!

  25. >>Kanagu
    Am happy :)
    Hey hoping so! Hope my office gives access for blogger and FB (atleast FV :P)

  26. 55 fictionla 25 fiction poturkia :D :D u r a qualified 55 fictionist now :D vita ithula PhD paniduva pola...i felt this is the easiest of all those 25 u've written so far..ur usual twist in end was less obvious in this..antha sting missing

  27. Wow! What a story... very poignant. The letter sealed with a teardrop... someone can try and make a short film out of it :)

  28. Hey! Blogstrolled from Gils'.

    That was some creative writing, I tell u. I felt like I read an entire story. Well written.

  29. >>Gils
    Annatha, I dint keep any stings in this! But This story if you read again convey u a lot of underlying meaning! This s just another style of 55Fiction.. No suspense, nothing! Plain real logic!

  30. >>Roshmi
    Thanks a ton girl!! Movie out of this?! Hahhaha :D

  31. >>Anu
    Welcome to H&M, hope u enjoy your stay!!
    Thanks a bunch girl!

  32. hey first off...congrats on ur 25th f55

    however interesting ur story seems, i would like 2 know which was the mahan post man who was hunting him for 6 months.

    My postman never eve delivers letters on time...:P

  33. well, another superb one............everything in just 55 words.....superb.......

    cheers :)

  34. >>Ram
    Hey thank u so much da!! Aal address ye kaanum? Got busy with works eh?!

  35. >>Ravan
    First, thanks..
    Secondly, He happens to be a good postman :D

  36. hey congrats on u r 25th 55F..I liked this one too! short n cute!:)

  37. That was a story in itself !! :-)
    Nice Shruti. You're getting better & better.

  38. good one. I understood (though in my second attempt). And this should be a nice complement.
    After seeing this I plan to post a 55 fiction in my post. My second one :-).

  39. hi Shruti, another nice 55 word fiction frm u..nice to read..:)..

    and have u joined the job or what? so u will be busy.. any ways..do come here whenever u have time, and make us happy..:)

    Take care gal.:) keep in touch...

  40. Nice story... Making full use of the 55 words!

    Hey did you notice? Ravan commented after Ram!

    Thanks a lot for taking time to go through my blog. In one way or other you have encouraged me to keep on blogging.
    Thanks a lot!

  41. Congo! for ur 25th 55. Plz don't take long a long break. Will miss the frequency of ur posts.

  42. Simply wonderful.

    Sealed with a teardrop soaked in love.

    Though written in 55 words, it unfolded itself like a full story.

    Good luck with work and keep writing.


  43. >>LOstworld
    Thanks a million girl! Actually Its a pleasure to see you on my blog! Always encouraging!

  44. >>Bharathi
    Sorry for the delayed comment :D You very well know the reason too!! U understood? Yay, this is surely a complement!!

  45. >>Prams
    Girlie, I have not yet joined job..But its round the corner.. But I am busy playing Farmville... Thats keeping me away from blogging!!

  46. >>Saurabh
    Welcome to H&M.. Using 55-words completely is the beauty of 55F. Ram and Ravan, my best buddies :)
    Anyways, you have nice observation! Thanks for dropping by and keep visiting!

  47. >>Shas
    Hey girlie, aftr a long long long time am seeing you in my blog!! Thanks a ton for your words!!

  48. >>CB
    whoa, thanks girl!! Thanks for all your wishes :)

  49. This was so good!!!! I mean, bloody good.... well, superbly good... hmm, am running out of words :-)
    Inspired me to try my hand at 55Fiction ... let's see whether I can come up with even half a decent one...

  50. >>Debosmita
    Hey thank u thank u!! Whoa, u got inspired?! Please write and let me know.. I wanna read ur take :)

  51. sheesh ..... thats an interesting ending :P

  52. Good one with a touching theme!!


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