Monday, November 23, 2009


I wrote this yesterday night, and since my Internet connection played hide and seek with me, I couldn't post it duly on night.

I was lying back and looked up at the night sky with a crescent and millions of stars along with many celestial bodies out of our vision.
Have you ever noticed them?

Its really a pleasure to watch the starlit clear night sky.
Have you witnessed such a thing and wondered about the beauteous nature?

I thought if only I could extend my hands a little more, I could probably grab one of those tiny stars and place it so close to my heart. This really seems to be a miracle. Many a times we see the clear-star lit skies. But only a few times, we enjoy those and smile ourselves.
Have you enjoyed those Miracles?

Then the fact that these stars and other celestial bodies are millions of light years away from us and that they generate more than Million Joules of energy seems so unreal and always fascinates me. The underlying fact that these stars are just piece of the debris from a big bang seems untrue, yet that is the real fact.

Have you ever looked at one such star and felt as if it was moving away from you?
Have you ever seen any object in the sky during one such gazes?
If you have seen one such, then, Have you ever followed the motion of that across the night sky and wondered if you have sighted a UFO?
Have you wondered about aliens from other planet in those UFO? (Similar to the Jaadhu in Koi Mil Gaya)
Have you ever seen a shooting star?

Today, I have seen a shooting star or something like that I believe. I saw a streak of light, which actually brought me back to senses. I thought about it further and concluded that my eyes and heart together played a trick on my mind. An incident of nature playing with my imagery. BUT I believe it was a falling star and I had a insane gut instinct that my wishes will come true (It is believed that if u wish for something when we witness a shooting star it will come true and now I’m not going to let out what I wished for)

I love this night. Chill breeze caressing our face, the hustling of leaves, an eerie silence that sometimes send a chill down the spine. I love the dark night sky. In fact my favorite color is black and gray. Black colored sky with gray clouds with the crescent. I love the way the night sky looks. It looks like a dark granite floor scattered with thousands of sparkling diamonds. And it feels so good that you actually forget all your worries and enjoy the moment. It makes you feel a chill like the sensation you get on touching a steel plate in nights (It will be cold). Apart from that you can really feel the warmth spreading across our soul. You will feel directly connected with the heavenly bodies.

I am a nocturnal person (Most of you would have known this fact, from the time I write and publish my posts). I love nights for the way its quiet and when you look out of the window you can realize yours is the only lamp lit apart from the street lights. I love the music they play late at nights on the music channels with lyrics that make sense. I am going through this phase where I consider moon as my best friend. I spend moments on my terrace talking to moon, speaking of my dreams, my thoughts, my aspirations (They may appear crazy/weird, but they aren't). All those moments I feel as if am speaking with my mom.

Today is one such night when I was speaking with my friend and suddenly I saw my mom's face among the clouds. I rubbed my eyes, thinking my eyes started playing a trick and still I figured out her face among the diamonds in the granite, as clear as always, smiling at me. Tears kissed my cheek and I realized them only after my taste bud detected the seeping salty water - My tears. I felt my lips were trembling and my mind pleaded my hands to reach out and hug her. I still saw my mom's face, those caring eyes asking me not to cry, in a distance where I couldn't reach. Her face suddenly vanished among the reappearing clouds. I searched her again, again and again after those clouds moved away.. But ended in a dismay.

God, I wish for many clear starry moonlit nights ~~ So that I can see my mom among the stars.


P.S-1 : SO NEAR, YET SO FAR - Stars or my mom??
P.S-2 : If you feel this as my rambling, do not comment.

With Love,


Image Courtesy : Google Images.


  1. That was a nice read. Ya it is lovely to stare at the night sky. It's like you're getting 'high' or something. You can feel ur heart lift. I wonder why that is.

  2. !!! unakkulla oru milton olinjitrukaru :) nice post..seri senti

  3. Shruti,
    Touching words straight from the heart of a girl who misses her dear mother; I could feel the immense pain in your words.... :(

  4. Hi buddy....

    I may not empathize completely with how much you miss your mom, but i can definitely connect myself to the task of searching our dear ones in the invariable clouds which takes us to the hidden layers of memory strata of brain.

  5. @Ajai
    Welcome to H&M!
    We will feel so close to those highs!!
    Thank u! Keep visiting!

  6. @Gils
    Milton lam illa pa... Yedo thonartha yezhudinen!

  7. @Mohammed
    I never wanted to write such a post in my blog...But it happened and i couldn't control myself. wanted to express my feeling, so wrote it!

  8. Want to say so much but don't have words to convey my thoughts. I have never been good at comforting people. Take care and enjoy your life.

  9. @Mahi
    True, we feel really connected and it appears so real..

  10. @Paritosh
    Thank u paritosh! Have to...

  11. Heart rending. Very, very touching post indeed.

    Looking up at the sky... during night time... and counting the stars. I guess we all do that... at some point or the other in our lives. Nature is so beautiful and immense. So very overwhelming...

  12. very touching. You created interest in me to sleep in terrace today :-)

  13. shruti dear, hugs...i got tears while reading your post...please remove that PS 2...nobody in one's right mind will say that you are rambling

  14. Good work author! :)

    Walking in night,
    till the morning light,
    chaffering life,
    The world, the moon and I...

  15. A lovely read,it so so relaxoing looking at the sky by night, you captured this very well.


  16. beatifully expressed..and indeed very touching,..

  17. For once I don't want to comment anything.... this post is so heartfelt... let it be like that and Silence should be the answer ...Look @ me so many words for silence :( ...

  18. it is so wonderful too look @ the night sky and see the stars and the souls who look down at us from heavens!

    very nice read!

  19. Nice one shruthi. Getting a very poetic feel after reading this one. More to come :)

  20. It's a pity many of us are not privileged to see a night full of stars..courtesy pollution !

    good post.

  21. I don't see mine up there... not even once in 13 years! Guess I live in highly polluted dwellings...

  22. i saw one such object which sparkled bright.i was with my friends and that was a new,rare experience !!!

    i could exclaim that...
    'The Nights is still young'

  23. @Neha
    Am sorry! I never wanted my readers to pity me! But this time, it happened :-(

  24. @Shashank
    The world, moon and I

  25. @Bharathi
    U slept in terrace today?!

  26. @Roshmi
    Counting the stars in the night time is another passion of mine!

  27. @Leo
    the souls who look down at us from heavens
    YES :-(

  28. @Dhiman
    Silence does answer the most unanswerable questions!

  29. @Rahil
    Welcome to H&M
    Thank u!

    Keep visiting!

  30. @Kaddu
    That's true too!! Pollution is horrible!

  31. @Priyan
    U saw that streak of light! Wish something and that may happen!

  32. @ Shruti

    Well written Shruti!

    As i was reading the whole and nearly to complete the post...I realised there was an immence strong emotional pressure on my heart...errree..rrr...actually I cannot express the way you do...but definitely your words sets straight the sentiments you wanted us to feel...

    A feeling of urge and something wanting so desparately...yet what is yours and you what i felt!!

    I wish you all the strenght & peace in thoughts:)

    Luv yeah!

  33. @Rachana
    I am sorry for making u guys to feel...But this post is really sooooo close to my heart!
    You are correct! I get what i deserve!

    Thanks for ur wishes!

  34. :( :( girlie, felt sad after reading the post *hugs* Can totally understand and it's not at all rambling. Remove the second PS2

  35. Hey why so many sorry's in the comment section?

    Please don't be sorry for anything. IT was a lovely post.. and an honest one at that. What more can your readers ask? In fact, I think you should feel happy that your post echoes your sentiments and made us appreciate you all the more.

    You never cease to amaze me with the ease you portray your feelings in words. Wonderful.

    I am so sorry to know about your mother. I wish I could say something more, but for now, please know that we all care about you.

    I miss being a night owl - long story short, I need to get up early for my brother who has an hour and half commute to his work place. pft. I am actually jealous on reading your post - when I was a student, I simply loved to spend summer nights on the terrace, enjoying the star studded, moon lit sky, gentle breeze.. and of course tracing patterns on the clouds that fleeted by.. wonderful memories.. thanks for bringing them back :)

  36. Dear Shruti, I promise you that you will get what you had wished for :-) just look deeper within yourself.

  37. a moment of solitude lying down on the terrace watching the night sky is absolutely maravellous. I have replicated that in my home by using those night sky stickers.

  38. Lovely post Shruti dearest ! :)

    I'm sure your mommy looks down at her 'shining & rising star' (YOU) from her nice place every waking moment :-))

    Chin up rockstar !! :-)

  39. Great template.....

    Nice work.

    Nothing is far or near.......its all in the mind.


  40. It is good that you have expressed yourself.
    It will make you feel good.

  41. Hugs to u Shru! U r nt rambling @ all. I second what lostworld said!

  42. @Venks
    Yeah! Its always a wonderful pleasure to see those starry nights!

  43. Hugs to you shruti... Well written with the pain in it...

  44. A very touchy writing...I have also done all those you have mentioned: Gazing at stars, seeing moving stars,name-unknown objects on the sky, talking with them, sharing dreams....I know how it feels-it gives enormous energy and courage to live through dreams. And you know what, your mom is forsure, among the stars, beaming in pride..shining brighter each day, encouraging you to live your dreams!!

    And no, you did not ramble at all!!

  45. @Ro
    I don't know whether they are sentimental, but till now i don't want to evoke that piteousness from my fellow bloggers!

    Thank u ro, but still, enjoy the starry nights once u getta chance!

  46. @Silcador
    THank u so much and welcome to H&M!!

    Keep visiting!

  47. @Rohitha
    Thank u sweety!! Hope she knows what am doin here and how much i miss her!

  48. @IP
    My God! Who is back?! Pundit ji! welcome back to blog-o-sphere!!

    Thank u!

  49. @Chowla ji!
    Yes, am feeling better now :-)
    Thank u!

  50. @Athivas
    Hey u done that too?! awesome :-)
    Hope she does that..she is a shining star seeing me daily :-(

  51. lost for words..sema touchin! gud work shruthi

  52. @Benny
    Thanks da :)

  53. I once wrote a poem " black night sky" after being 'inspired' by the night .... havent been able to do that again for a while !!

  54. @Naveen
    Goto terrace and look at the sky and feel happy!!

  55. well, nice reading dat coz many tyms sumthings r so near to us but yet so far......hv to say sumthing more but left it fr other tym...


  56. >>TA
    Very true!! Waiting for the OTHER TIME to read your comments!

  57. Shruti,

    It's always a nice feeling to know that there are people who think like I do :) Thank You so much for bringing me here..

    I too am a nocturnal person and a believer in miracles:)..One side is the Science and the other side is this mesmerizing nature that makes your heart leap with joy!

    And dear..people who leave us behind are not gone..they tread on the path that we all have to walk on one day..perhaps a little earlier than us..No words are convincing enough I has a weird sense of humor..She is away from all possible worldly sufferings...perhaps,blessing you every step :)Smile and she too shall smile.. up there :)


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