Wednesday, September 16, 2009

55 Fiction - #11 & A Surprise!

Hey guys thanks a ton for your over-whelming response for my writings, especially 55Fiction! Here is my next 55 Fiction.

Those who are new to this concept, understand what is 55Fiction!? 55 Fiction is a form of micro fiction that refers to the works of fiction limited to a maximum of fifty-five words.Most 55 Fiction works are dramatized so as to get the effect in limited time.


Neha's mobile vibrated.

"Hi Arun! See this world with beautiful, colorful flowers,chirping birds, cool breeze.. Am crazy na?"

"Naah... I Love you Neha!"

"Am excited about tomorrow's engagement."


"Where are you?"




The line went dead.

Her Blurred vision read, "AVOID MOBILE WHILE DRIVING", before the tanker ran over her.

According to figures by the Road Safety Cell of the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, there were 4.4 lakh accidents in 2009, till 31st of august. Human life is precious, once it is gone, it can't be regained.

I wrote this 55Fiction on the 5th anniversary of my cousin who lost her precious life in a road accident.Crying

Yavanika, you are the one I will always miss
And now that you are not there to hear this
I will tell you I love you and you were more than a sis
And praying that God will re
st your soul in eternal peace.

Feeling too much? Come on, life has two sides : A happy, cheery part and Sad, monotonous part. I have made you feel so much and now, i don't want my reader's to go with a heavy heart. Guessing what am upto eh?!

Its the Award giving ceremony. Cheer up and get ready to check whether you are one of those Award Winners. Some of my friends writes fantastically. Compared to them am nowhere. Lets see whether something creative ever pops up in my mind in the near future.

Some of them would have got it already! Mind getting them again?Hot


And the winners are,

  1. Indian Pundit - The greatest Pundit of India and winner of blog-a-ton 2.
  2. RSV - The Observer
  3. Amit - Guy, who has variety as his motto.
  4. Pawan - Specialized Writer who was at his best in the Psycho series
  5. Pramoda - Conceptual Writer
  6. Vipul - The Reflector
  7. Prashansa - The Flower Girl
  8. Kasabian Girl - The smart girl
  9. Shilpa Garg - The Rose
  10. Musings of a lonely traveler - Writes warm stuffs!
  11. Sreya - The teacher aspirant
  12. Hary - The Cartoonist

Hold on, I have one more award to be distributed which I received from the Punditji.


IP defines HUMANE as a person Characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion. Marked by an emphasis on humanistic values and concerns.

  1. Benny - The 'LOST LOVE' Specialist
  2. Sreya - The Maverick (Girl, you wanted me to call like this, instead of 'MISFIT GIRL')
  3. Bharathi - The Intellectual
  4. Satish - The movie reviewer
  5. Shankar - Ballat Man
  6. Avada Kedavra - The 'Direction Impaired' girl Tongue out
  7. Anu - My Sissie
  8. Aditya - The Wonder Man (Who planned to get a 10KW motorTongue out)
  9. SiD - The Crazy who writes everything from Einstein to Chicken Bucket!
  10. Venky - The freak who runs kilometers for VADA PAV

My Hearty Congratulations to all the winners!

So now tell me how is the 55fiction? Should I improve?

With Love,

Image Courtesy : GOOGLE IMAGES


  1. defines HUMANE as a person Characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion. Marked by an emphasis on humanistic values and concerns.

    haila...I am a human????

    heh heh heh..thanks for the award...

    Oh my sad f55...i hate when bad things happen to lovers!!!

  2. @SiD
    At some point you have to be considered as a human na?! So this is a proof that u r human! :P

    Sad F55??
    It happens! We can't expect happy endings always!

  3. Well sorry for earlier comment,I commented by mistake from my friend's account (Not hacking,mind it!)

    Well regarding your 55fiction...I would say that perfections cannot be improved! (Semma dialouge la?) :D

    Very nice post akka! :)

    And thank you for the award! :)

  4. @Anu
    I was about to ask whether its hacking!!
    ""perfections cannot be improved""
    But still am not a perfectionist and it can be improved!

    You are welcome

  5. Hey thankssss a lotttttt girlie :) :) that was so sweet of you!!! I need to hold an award ceremony soon.. will do it for my 100th post :D Nice fiction55.. Yeah I lost a friend of mine for the same reason.. he was talking on his cell phone and :( It was really shocking for all of us since he was such a nice person! Nobody can beat you in Fiction55!!

  6. Nice story.. Hurting.. God bless your cousin's soul..I too lost my best friend in a road accident in 2006.. I hope people realize it soon..

    Congrats to all the winners of awards:)

  7. @Avada
    am waiting for your 100th post!!
    ""Nice fiction55""
    My cousin lost her life and my aunt is still suffering from that trauma!

    ""Nobody can beat you in Fiction55""
    Am really honored!!


  8. @Ekam
    Yes it does hurts when we lose our dear one's to these accidents!!

    Thanks :)

  9. I am happy that I found the right teacher for my 55's. One more beautiful creation by the undisputed queen of 55.......

    and Danke....for the award thingy....

  10. @RSV
    teacher eh?!!
    hehehehe :P
    ""One more beautiful creation by the undisputed queen of 55""
    Ahh!! you have flattered me!! :P

    Tou are welcome for the award thingy

  11. Um sorry 2 hear bout ur cousin shruti.. bt thn as they say destiny is destiny..

    Thnx 4 d lovely award girl.. 'The Reflector'.. finding a title for me is d easiest for u guys, right(Shankar gave the same) :p
    This badge award was one which was missing frm my collection.. So thnx once again:)

  12. lemme tell you this one was one your best works. I dont mind it has sad ending. You know i dont praise that easily i mean it.

    And thanks for the award. I think i am on a hat trick on this humane and super scribbler award and shankar is on a hat trick on humane award. Lets see if i get a hat trick

  13. Hey Shruti

    Both the 55 word fictions are really great.Its really nice of you to write a story on road accidents.

    Thats what i liked about this .

    Also,thanks for the award.

    I am honoured because The Queen of 55 word fiction awarded me!!..


  14. Also IP did not define Humane.

    "" defined it that way.

  15. HI Shruti,

    A very nice 55 fiction work..AM awaiting ur more such posts..:)

    ANd its s sad that ur cousin had lost her life..A good dedication from u to her..Love endures..

    And the lovely blogger award... Thanks alot shruti, i was sooo surprised after seeing my name thr..:) ..

    Have a happy time..:)

  16. Hey good one again! Seems u r trying to be the queen of "lost love" in 55 fiction stories :P I guess even the last story was abt lost love! Kalakraa...But again I wanna tel u this..I want to see u write a 555 fictional story :D I mean a looooong story with a bit of romance,emotions and again lost love..hehe!


  17. A beautiful way of telling a stark sad truth! I am loving ur 55 fictions :)

  18. So, now you are touching society welfare in 55 fiction. good good.

    Thanks a lot for your kind award and a mention about money fetish in your previous post (I always forgot :-(. Though I already have that award from Shankar, I will write your name too, besides the award.

    Thanks again.

  19. And as far as your cousin is concerned may her soul rest in peace.

    Mansula A.R.Rahman nu nenaippa, all your post are posted after midnight.

  20. Girl, you make my day, everyday! :)
    Thank you, thank you thankooo! :D

    And that 55F and (is it a 55) poem are wonderful. Accidents are probably the worst way to lose someone.

  21. Very well written 55 Fiction. But sad love stories make me sadder :(

    Thank you for yet another beautiful award. I am overwhelmed. :)

  22. nice 55....

    what is that ballat man?? it makes no sense... game freak was better..

  23. nice way to end up dear:)..but ur f55 was soo touching tat its still pondering:)...sorry about he accident:(...excellent write:)..loved tat Aaaaah!!! very creative:)... hope ur msg be heard by all loud and clear)...

  24. Hmmmmm a sad hue to 55F ..

    Lakshmi Rajan

  25. that really bollywoodian story of neha and arun got me in to commenting here, u might not be aware but i had been to ur blog earlier and u commented on mine, ur blog is always a delicacy for the eyes.

  26. Nice one! A dedication to ur cousin .. RIP!

    Congrats to all the award winners!

  27. @Vipul
    "Destiny is destiny"
    Very true!!

    ""Shankar gave the same""
    Aaahh! I never know that! If i had known this earlier i would have given a separate name :)
    Btw, you are welcome :)

  28. @Venky
    ""lemme tell you this one was one your best works""
    Wow!! Really?!
    I know you won praise easily!! Wow!! This is really something! :)
    Thanks Venks (Rhyming ah irukkula)

  29. @IP
    ""Both the 55 word fictions are really great""
    Thanks pundit!

    ""I am honoured because The Queen of 55 word fiction awarded me""
    Am Flattered!! Thanks for the recognition you are giving me and btw, thanks for reading my post! :)

  30. @Ip
    freedictionary gave you tat meaning and you gave me that! So eventually i will add your name and not freedictionary's!!

  31. @Pramoda
    ""A very nice 55 fiction work..AM awaiting ur more such posts""
    Thanks and surely you wont get disappointed with my posts!

    ""i was sooo surprised after seeing my name thr""
    You deserve many more :)

  32. @Benny
    ""Seems u r trying to be the queen of "lost love" in 55 fiction stories""
    Arey, only i 55fictions i can do that! But can't really beat the LOST LOVE SPECIALIST!! :P

    Kalakrena?!Unga alavukku lam illa :)

    ""I want to see u write a 555 fictional story""
    Will surely try my hands on them!
    Waiting for that ah!!??? Oh Migh!

  33. @Vineeta
    ""I am loving ur 55 fictions""
    Thank you so much girl!

  34. @Bharathi
    ""now you are touching society welfare in 55 fiction""
    Yes, am trying it! Hope this clicks..but its a wholehearted dedication for my cousin

    Thanks :)

  35. @Venky
    ""Mansula A.R.Rahman nu nenaippa, all your post are posted after midnight""
    Too much ah pesadha!!
    Nan appo dan yezhudhi mudikaren!! Yenna panrathu sollu! :P

  36. @Guria
    ""Girl, you make my day, everyday""
    Ahem pleasure!

    ""is it a 55 poem""
    Naah! Its a 44 word poem!
    Glad that you liked it!

  37. hmmm creative person oh! seringa oppicer sorringa aappicer

  38. @Aditya
    ""sad love stories make me sadder""
    Yes! Even i felt very bad while penning this one! But to capture the mood, the story must have a sad ending!

    Thanks :)

  39. @shankar
    Vera yedhum thonala! So only kept tat! Ballat man is, the one who own the blog name ballat!

  40. @yellowtulip
    Thanks re :)
    ""hope ur msg be heard by all loud and clear""
    Yes am hoping for that too!

  41. @Mr.R
    Yes it is! And your 55Fiction is great!

  42. @Prit
    Hi :)
    Welcome to my blog!
    Am aware that i commented on your blog sometime back!!
    Thanks for commenting!

    ""ur blog is always a delicacy for the eyes""
    Thanks a ton!

  43. @Swaram
    Thanks yaar!!
    Yes May her soul RIP!

  44. @venky
    ""creative person oh""
    May be!! I can't tell about myself!
    Abou turn! (Oppicer command :P)

  45. Very nice 55 fiction even if it is sad. The true story! Yes we should drive really very carefully!
    Thanks a million for the award! So many awards I have given and I am stuck with HTML coades!! :-(

  46. @Pra
    Thanks Pra!!
    Don't worry! I will give you the HTML codes for this ! I ll post it as a comment!

  47. Congratulations on the award, well deserved I'm sure.


  48. @yvonne
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words!

  49. 55 Fiction with a message, now that's something. I really like this concept.
    cool! and congrats to all the winners!:)


  50. @Shilpa
    Glad that you liked this concept!

  51. kalakare Shruti.... pramadham...! :) well short stories can seriously create better awareness rather than all the advice! Now yu shud try to show this to our government to telecast it somewhere...! lovely fiction pa! kalakal nejamave! and hey so sweet and thanks for yur award! mean so much to me! :)!


  52. @Hary
    yennakku pullarikudhu pa un comment ah padichutu!!
    Government ku yaaru pottu kaamikarthu???
    Award meaning so much to hary??! Yippee!!

  53. Shruti,you are almost like a pro now on 55 fiction.Good.

  54. Shruti,
    Thanks for the award yet again!
    I am honoured!
    I shall also give awards soon :)
    Moreover nice 55 fiction!
    And sorry for the late comment!
    I am a bit busy these days u see!
    Well, waiting 4 ur next post!

  55. @Chowla Ji
    ""you are almost like a pro now on 55 fiction""
    Am really happy to hear this from you!
    Thank you ji!

  56. @Pawan
    Wow everybody is on awarding spree it seems!!
    You deserve these awards and many more for your powerful writings pawan!

    ""nice 55 fiction!""
    Thanks a ton :)

  57. Wow, atlast a powerful message from your 55 fiction. I dint expect this kind of a post from you. Your each and every post getting better and better day by day. Keep writing :)

  58. indiblogger rank is 82....beaten

    Online kya?

  59. 72 is the score of my first month! Also you write great things!
    So,obviously you will have a greater rank than mine!

  60. Hey! I liked you story. I am not sure if I like the concept that much. Does it limit creativity? But I guess the challenge lies in being creative in those many words. I am one heck of a verbose soul.. cant even manage a para in 55 words. But no worries; you can take this job.

    A question - do you count words before/after reading 55 fiction written by someone else?

  61. @Kshitij
    Glad that you liked this story!
    Creativity can be brought in long passages!But the challenge of 55Fiction is to bring them in 55words!

    ""do you count words before/after reading 55 fiction written by someone else?""
    Yes obviously we do!

  62. Hi!
    There's a surprise for you on my blog @

    Check it out! :)


  63. Thanks a ton Shilpa!!
    Am truly honoured!

  64. hey shruti, that was some story...first of all, I love sad love stories...not because i am a sadistic person, but well the very first fiction story i tried of my own plot, was well a sad story...and this one has my name cool...and I second benny here, why don't you write a short story, much longer than 55 words please...

    most important thing, kudos gal, I always need so many words to convey my msg, and u do tht in few lines...WOW...that's talent..:)

  65. Eeks! I'm late to read this wonderful 55 fiction; such a morbid outset on which you knit this fiction. Liked it Shruti!

    Hei! I'm honoured again by your award. Due to time constraints, I've not still displayed the previous awards. Will do that when I'm in India :)

  66. @Neha
    Another person wants me to write a short story! Fine, let me give a try!

    ""I always need so many words to convey my msg, and u do tht in few lines""
    Ahhh!! I love your comment neha!!
    Thanks girl!

  67. @Musings
    Yes i can understand your difficulties! But I miss your precious comments!

    Thanks for liking it anna!

  68. Thats so unfortunate !! Tragedyyyy :(

    But well-written..

  69. 55 fiction! .. awsum concept .. and great blog :)

  70. @Vinay
    Hey welcome 2 my blog!
    Thank you so much!!!!

  71. hey this is a good one, and yes different from your earlier 55fs,

  72. A potent way of conveying an important msg. You hav used 55 to its best.
    Congrats for all the awards.

  73. Nice 55 fiction...
    I found it touching with a message....:)

    Thanks a ton for Award... :)
    feeling so grateful
    Keep writing..

  74. @Amit
    Thanks a ton!
    you deserve this award very much!!

  75. Hi Shruti...
    Is this not ur last 55 fiction..?
    I have already read ur both posts and commented too... :)
    Really missed ur post as I was away for 2 days...
    Cheers Dear!!

  76. The moment i see the number 55 on the screen i become eager to read ur work. But i dunno if its 55 fiction or you, i find the stories becoming predictive and following a set format. Most of ur works and other 55f have surprise in it. Try writing once without the surprise element.

    Nevertheless.. its a good one.. keep going and branch out.

  77. @Abdul
    Welcome to my blog!!

    ""The moment i see the number 55 on the screen i become eager to read ur work.""
    Have you already read my works?!
    Do i Know you?

    ""But i dunno if its 55 fiction or you""

    Yes will try to avoid the suspense at the end!

  78. How come you're always online? I subscribed to the comments for this post.. and have observed that you respond within 5 minutes of getting a 'comment'. I keep getting the mail you see.

    Like for example, I know you're gonna respond in next 3 minutes (unless of course you want to prove me wrong).. which you won't am sure. But... how cm always online?

  79. @Kshitij
    U subscribed to the comments of this post eh?!
    Wow that's something.. Mind reading my latest post?
    Am always OL and preparing for some management tests! So i keep checking the dashboard often!
    Or you can call it "HEIGHT OF BOREDOM!"

    Either way you can place it and you won be disappointed and you are right!!

  80. Nice 55fiction shruts.

    Queen of 55 fiction

    keep rocking,,,,


  81. nope shruti.. you don't know me.. neither do i.. but i read ur blog regularly.. but i like 55f and ur blog..
    i guess spendin time on nice blogs are better than sittin in front of the tv and wondering y Angelina jolie is so hot :)

  82. @Abdul
    You read my blog regularly?! Wow!! That's really some news for me?! You came by blog hopping eh?!

    Thank you so much for liking my blog!! You have remained an unknown friend for me!

    Wow!! I liked your last point about AJ!

    Keep visiting Abdul!

  83. do u intend to make me write a post with a happy ending just to make up 4 all ur unhappy ones. neha. :(

    shruti!!!! pls i repeat pls end the net one smoothly. lol

  84. @Scarlet diaries
    heheheeh, i too wish you write a post like that!

    RIP neha!!

    Will try my level best!

  85. If I'm not wrong,are you devaki mam's daughter?? While going through comments of redefining oblivion "my connection" post,you had mentioned that.And violin+backpain+srirangam,etc.Were you from gkshv??

  86. @Srivatsan!
    Yes am devaki ma'am's daughter! You hit the bull's eye!!
    Am from GKSHV! your classmate and fellow bio student!

  87. Gud fiction with a super good message!!!


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