Sunday, July 26, 2009

What They Felt

On the eve of my 100th post, I got an idea of getting opinions from my fellow bloggers friends about what they feel exactly about Hits and Misses, which has been in their part of journey in this blogging world. So I sent messages to some of my very close blogger buddies, asking them to write the positives and negatives of my blog. And I got a prompt reply from all of them! Here this page is completely dedicated to all of my friends.. This page will be etched in my mind forever! Thank you guys for your tremendous and extraordinary moral boost you have given me till date. Here we go...

Rohitha a.k.a Lost World of Stuff and Nonsense told,

Congrats on 100 posts!!
Celebration time!!
In my eyes, this translates to more hits than misses.
What else would one expect with such a smart miss!
My version of a 55-er for Shruti , who I always call the undisputed Queen of 55-er :-))
Warm regards,

Tavish from Sensible Bakwas said,

What made me first fall in love with Hits and misses was its lay out. Shruti was also one of the people responsible for making me fall in love with fiction 55 and I get some really good regular doses of these F55. I found one of her posts titled “A Letter” using different colour combinations for every Para and I found that really innovative. I think you should use it more regularly. Very good going Shruti, I will continue being a dedicated visitor of H&M and hope you keep us hooked for a long long time to come.

Bharathi from Naked Opinions said,

I know this girl Shruti from the comment she made on my Jagruti post 'Lessons from a dead body'. The first thing that struck me after reading that comment was the innocence spread allover which interested me to visit her blog. It was pretty new with couple of posts on her experience I guess. Again the posts were all filled with nice innocence and interesting narration that made me to read her entire post. I felt she would become more popular in blogosphere and to my surprise my judgement came true once. When I read her comments on my more complicated babbling about introspection, i was very happy that she understood those things at this very young age.
The best I read in her post is the 'Tardy realization' and first couple of her life experience posts. I like many of her 55 fictions too.
Later on when I read her blog continuously, I had a feeling that she compels herself for more posts against her natural selection of topics. I came to this conclusion after reading few forwarded mail posts. I would like to read more of her thoughts than these forwarded email points.
She was very prompt in replying her comments until that 'farm villain' came into act. Hope she would balance time with that.
If she could take away these negatives from her blog, then I guess the blog would be natural and innocent that could attract many more people.
All the best for her.

Venky of Enter the Freaks think tank told,

The best thing about Hits and Misses is its Author. She is a very nice person. To me personally she like my elder sister i always wanted to have. Another thing i like about Hits and misses is the feedback from the author for every comment. The thing i hate about it is it gets overtly emotional many a time.I consider myself part of hits and misses. I would like the author to try different genres other than the same old love stories she churns out often. I would like to see whether she has a funny bone.

Sammy of Aura of Sleepless dreams told,

With this Shruti's blog turns a 100 posts old. And yet it feels only yesterday when she handed out so many awards on her 50th one. There is just no stopping this zealous blogger. I was introduced to Hits and Misses September last year and needless to say I've been a regular reader ever since. Not only Shruti dish out excellent short stories with a strong social message, but at the same time keeps the readers enthralled with her charming 55 word fictions.

Already at her 33rd specimen, this 'Queen of 55Fictions' clearly rules. Here's looking forward to reading your posts in the future too... Hopefully with an even better writing style.

Vipul Grover from Reflections of an Empathic Libertarian said,

Hits and Misses is definitely a hit which cannot be missed, thanks to its author, Ms. Shruti Damodar. I got introduced to this blog when this cute blogger kept commenting on my blog asking me to review her posts. And I must say, she did a favor to me.

One can find a unique blend of innocence with maturity in her writings. She writes with full conviction on varied issues and can handle some sensitive issues with utmost balance.

However, I wish that she moves beyond 55 Fictions and write some lengthier stories more often. She can definitely do justice to it.

Congratulations on reaching your century post and keep us hooked always.

Sid 'Ravan' Kabe of Sidoscope said,

To describe her in 100 words is really ironic as she has entertained the world by writing super stories in just less than 55 words. For those who do not know (and seriously who doesn't know? Like little green men from mars?) Shruti is called the 'queen of fiction 55' a term alsoacknowledged by Google, whose any search for 'fiction 55' does not leave her out. Try searching for 'funny 55 fiction' and she is on number 2 all over the world.

Congratulation for the hit hundred which has come after many misses. All the best.

Lakshmi Rajan of told,

Dig the archives to understand a blogger better. So that is what I did to find about the Miss. Blogger behind the Hits and Misses. What did I found is what am talking about.

Her blog world journey began on August, 2009 with the first post Entrance test for Class V – going back to the childhood memories. What did I find from the post? An innocent, small town girl, whose family shifted to Chennai, but still carrying fragrance while writing that post. She was hoping to receive atleast one comment for her maiden post. Of course, she got much more than that in her first post. The second and third post again takes you back to her childhood memories. And in one of the post she mentions that her teacher said her you are good at convincing people. The fourth post was her first attempt at 55F, which later would make almost 1/3rd of her total posts. So thus a blogging journey began tentatively and hitting a century confidently but still retaining the innocence. When she hits the century, I can tell you her teacher was right Shruti has the knack to convince people and make them leave comments. From a wish for 1 comment to 6000 comments clocked and touching 100th post is quiet a wonderful journey to cheer about!

Did I forget something ? Ya she asked me mention her blogging drawbacks. One main drawback, which I think is a real concern that she should take up as a priority and fix it is that she does not leave tips err comments after sipping GingerChai. Miss ? Take note of this serious concern ok?

Jokes apart, I would not say it as drawback but then I would suggest her to try more short stories apart from 55F on the lines of the A new life fiction she had written.

Shilpa Sharma from My wandering thoughts said,

"For me, writing is an exploration; and most of the time I am surprised where the journey takes me.." says the tag line of her blog, but its not only Shruti who's surprised by where the journey takes her, even we are surprised where SHE takes us along with her. Seven months into blogging and she has come a long way, though still have longer way to go. In these seven months, if you are reading her blog since some time;you must have seen her getting better day by day.Short-stories, Philosophy, Tags, Paranormal stories, Poems; she has done them all. And so she has also earned a title for herself "The Queen of 55-fiction". Yes, she hasn't got it, but she has earned it and I guess she will earn a new title which will be "The UNDISPUTED Queen of 55-fiction" if she earns the mastery of this art of writing 55ers. I believe she could have earned this title long back if she wasn't busy in earning the mastery of growing Eggplants,Rice and Cranberries.

Well, jokes apart!! She is a wonderful blogger and a very nice human being. Though she often complains that I don't read her blog as my comments have become few and far between here, but I do read
it and as a matter of fact I never miss any post, that's why I can say that her blog has been a roller coaster ride with many many HITS and a few MISSES, and today when she is completing her 100th post, I wish her all the very best and hope that there will be many more 100ths on her blog. Congrats Girl, and as I always say to you "Thumbs up to you from my side!!!"

Shankar from Ballat felt,

Shruthi is one of my best friends in both my life and blogosphere... We actually became friends through orkut... I once told her that i started a blog and asked her to visit mine... The very next day she gave me a link and asked me to check the site...That was the first time I visited hits and misses... and she said my blog is one her inspirations...

I still remember the time when we both spent 2 or 3 weeks for selecting a template for this blog... for the past 2 months i didnt visit this blog.. and when i visited yesterday i was very happy to see the same template on her blog... the template which we both chose after testing thousands of templates. She never liked some templates which i felt was good and vice versa..

About this blog.. it started with shruthi's childhood.... You can feel her innocence in her first few posts.... From a innocent writer to queen of 55 fiction.... If someone keeps a 55 fiction contest i am sure that this girl will be one of the toughest competitor. She wrote several 55's for my blog a guest blogger..

We had some difference of opinion regarding god and spiritualism.. Nevertheless we had some healthy debates. But she concentrated so much on 55 fiction that some of her normal posts lacked quality(when comparing to the qualities of her 55 fictions) Of-course there are some exceptions... I felt some of her posts were from emails and some other lacked depth....... But still i enjoyed reading her posts....

For Shruthi there is always room for improvement..
Hits-55 fiction

Misses- traditional fictions with depth in story...

I wish her all the best... I stopped blogging temporarily... Hope she will continue till i return..... Keep writing and all the best....

Avada Kedavra from Stung by the splendor of Crazy thoughts said,

Positives: Fiction 55 and short stories. I really like the way you narrate stories and with every story you have written, I have seen improvement. You indeed are the queen of fiction 55. Initially, you became stereotypical by writing romantic stories but later on, you wrote all kinds of them.

Need improvement: I dont think there is any area. I just want more stories from your side (blaming the Farmville for that. hehe) :) Maybe you can write about other stuff like initially you had written about Mahabharat et al. These days I see only stories from your side.

Waiting for the 100th post :)

have fun and keep blogging!!!!!

Neha Thakkar Silam of Neha's Blog said,

Shruti is one of the most enthusiastic bloggers I have come across. Her posts reflect her dedication; her stories teach you something always. I love her blog signature as much as I love her posts. Though she prefers to call others multifaceted; but the truth is that she truly deserves this title.

Apart from being a fellow blogger; she is a very good friend and an integral part of our Butter Troupe. Lucky to have you around buddy.
Congratulations for you 100th post; and thank you for making me a part of it.

Shilpa Garg of A Rose is a Rose is a Rose said,

Ooh La La! The 100th Post!! That’s a milestone achievement for Hits and Misses.
And Shruti, through her blog shares with us the Hits and Misses of the Experiences in Life.

55 Fiction is her forte and she churns them out at amazing speed. She captures a wide array of emotions and thoughts in them, which are a treat.She writes short stories too, which are a bit filmi! :D

Here’s wishing Miss Shruti, the very best and look forward to see many Hit milestone achievements for Hits and Misses.

Hearty Congratulations!

Gils from Variety is the spice of life said,

100th posta!! wow..thts one hit which you can't miss :) in such a short time..u've achieved a dedicated bunch of so many avid readers is a reflection of your writing. me a big fan of ur 55 fiction. Many of them are my favs. you've that Saki h.h. munroe ish touch to them. One rekost. neyar viruppam. Try ur hand in kaamedi posts also. wud luv to see a out n out comedy post and that lady would be a sure hit which no one would want to miss. :) Keep clocking more such milestones :)

Karthikeyan from Technoalley said,

About H&M?? What to say? Your Content is very Good.. :) Your Word Make Readers To Feel What you Felt in Your Mind!!

I Started Following H&M after Reading a 55 in Ballat, And I Almost Read All Posts in 2 days. . Bcoz I don’t want to Miss any Hits !!